picoDL aims to be a useful and minimal package to generate the necessary tools/assets for all analytics purposes. Reduce the time to regenerate analytics from scratch. Use picoDL now.
Quick note This currently works with static pages. If you are working on a SPA you'll need to tweak it yourself or wait for an update (currently working on).
On any component that you need to track add an extra class and some dataset attributes For example if you want to track a link being clicked or hovered you can do with the following:
data-dl-events='click, hover'
On the js file define the handlers for each type of event
const handlers = {
cta: {
click: {
click: function (event, component) {
console.log(`${component} clicked. Do something`);
keypress: function (event, component) {
console.log(`key pressed for ${component}. Do something`);
hover: {
mouseenter: function (event, component) {
console.log(`${component} hovered Do. something`);
mouseover: function (event, component) {
console.log(`${component} hovered. Do something`);
With a structured way to implement the handlers, we could reduce the time to refactor/rework analytics stuff.