All work environments need at least the following requirements:
- Docker: how to install it
- Docker Compose: how to install it
- We use Traefik as proxy
- The project uses as database PostgreSQL 12, SQLAlchemy as toolkit and Object Relational Mapper and Alembic as database migration tool.
- The backend uses the FastAPI framework.
- The frontend uses next.js as framework and Material-UI as components library.
- Mapbox GL JS as library to render interactive maps.
- Tippecanoe to build vector tilesets.
To start with docker-compose we just need to copy .env.example
to .env
. You
can use the following command:
$ cp .env.example .env
contains all the environment variables that we can modify in out project.
Once the variables are set, you can start with the following command:
$ docker-compose up -d
Starting ecoteka_proxy_1 ... done
Starting ecoteka_db_1 ... done
Starting ecoteka_backend_1 ... done
Starting ecoteka_frontend_1 ... done
With our container running, we should be able to see the main page of the project on the following link:
The project's API documentation is found once the local instance of the backend is started on the next path:
First create an .env file and modify the necessary variables:
cp .env.example .env
and you can execute the following command to deploy in production:
These are the environment variables that you can set in docker-compose to configure it and their default values:
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_DOMAIN_NAME | The domain name associated to the stack | localhost |
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_PROXY_API_PORT | The external Traefik API port. | 8080 |
NS_ECOTEKA_PROXY_HTTP_PORT | The external Traefik port. | 8000 |
NS_ECOTEKA_PROXY_IMAGE | The name of the traefik docker image. | traefik:v2.2 |
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_IMAGE | The name of the postgres docker image. | postgis/postgis |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_NAME | The PostgresSQL database name. | ecoteka |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_PASSWORD | The PostgresSQL user password. | password |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_PORT | The PostgreSQL database port. | 5432 |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_SERVER | The PostgreSQL server host. | db |
NS_ECOTEKA_DB_USER | The PostgresSQL user. | postgres |
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_FRONTEND_IMAGE | The path of the frontend docker image. | |
NS_ECOTEKA_FRONTEND_TOKEN_STORAGE | localStorage key to get access to the stored token | ecoteka_access_token |
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_BASE_PATH | To allow FastAPI to run behind a proxy it is possible to set the --root-path parameter to Uvicorn. More information can be found on FastAPI's documentation page: |
/api/v1 |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_EMAILS_ENABLED | Enabled the feature for sending mail after user created | False |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_EMAILS_TEMPLATES_DIR | The relative path from /backend that will be used for storing templates generated. | app/app/email-templates/build |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_EXTERNAL_PATH | External URL for API access | http://localhost:8000/api/v1 |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_FIRST_SUPERUSER_EMAIL | The first time the project is started up, a super admin is created. NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_FIRST_SUPERUSER_EMAIL defines the email with which the user will be created. | |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_FIRST_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD | The password for the super admin user explained above. | password |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_IMAGE | The path of the backend docker image. | |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_PROJECT_NAME | The project name for FastAPI. | ecoTeka |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SMTP_HOST | Host of smtp server | localhost |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SMTP_PASSWORD | Password mail | password |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SMTP_PORT | Port of the smtp server | 438 |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SMTP_TLS | Rncryption connection with smtp server | True |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SMTP_USER | Login mail | user |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_UPLOADED_FILES_FOLDER | Uploaded files folder | /app/app/uploaded_files |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_SECRET_KEY | Secret key to generate token | AQ47ZOIH0nIDn1z013ua8_t_St0kQ9vI |
NS_ECOTEKA_BACKEND_TILES_FOLDER | Tiles folder | /tiles |
Key | Description | Default value |
NS_ECOTEKA_TILE_SERVER_IMAGE | Vector Tile Server Docker Image | |
NS_ECOTEKA_TILE_SERVER_PUBLIC_FOLDER | Public Vector Tiles Files Folder | ./tiles/public |
NS_ECOTEKA_TILE_SERVER_PRIVATE_FOLDER | Private Vector Tiles Files Folder | ./tiles/private |