Contributions are welcome! If you would like to help out, here are some suggestions for how to get involved.
Watch this repository to get notifications about all conversations. GitHub issues and pull requests are the authoritative source of truth for design reviews, release schedules, and bug fixes.
There are more ways to help that don't involve writing code.
- Respond to new issues. Users often open an issue to ask a question. You are welcome to offer your answer on the thread.
- 👍 Up vote features that you think are important.
- Look through issues labeled closed-stale to see if there are feature requests worth reviving.
- Review pull requests.
- Open issues labeled "help wanted" are issues that I think are worth doing, but no one has volunteered to do the work yet. Make a comment on issues you want assigned to yourself.
- Pull requests are more likely to be accepted if I have first agreed to accept a feature or bug fix. Open an issue first if you aren't sure.
Open a GitHub issue if you'd like to help and don't know where to begin.