Welcome to the Software Patterns and Components project! This is a university project focused on data visualization and parsing. Explore how we combine software design patterns and components to create a seamless, user-friendly experience for analyzing and visualizing data.
- Nataša Džudžar (SV 14-2021)
- Dušan Damjanov (SV 68-2021)
- Uroš Muškinja (SV 77-2021)
- Python 3.8 or higher (check your Python version via terminal with:
python --version
Before getting started, let's set up your environment!
- Clone the repository
git clone <your-repository-link> cd <project-directory>
Activating the Virtual Environment
To activate the virtual environment, use the given scripts. Open a terminal, navigate to the project directory and run the following command: chmod +x venv.sh && ./venv.sh # for macOS and Linux call venv.bat # for Windows
When it comes to the windows, use the cmd and not terminal.
📦 Package installation
To install all the packages, run following commands inside venv:
chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh # for macOS and Linux call install.bat #for Windows
Package installation check
To check if packages are installed, run following command: pip list
⚙️ Run a server
To run a server and boot up the project, run following command: chmod +x run.sh && ./run.sh # for macOS and Linux call run.bat # for Windows
🖥️ How to use the App
- Choose Your Data: Select the file you want to analyze.
- Pick the Parser: Choose the appropriate parser based on your data type.
- Select Visualization: Decide on the visualization style (e.g., bar charts, pie charts, etc.).
- Start Parsing: Hit the "Start Parse" button and you're all set :)