#Data Structures
Includes implementation of some of the most common data structures with specific algorithmic operations.
List Currently includes implementation of
##Linked List (C++)
- Mth Node from end without explicitly knowing the size of list.
- To find if the given linked list is cyclic/circular.
##Stack (C++) [WIP]
##Queue (C++ Ciruclar Array) [WIP]
##Linked List (C)
##Doubly Linked List (C)
##Circular Linked List (C)
##Stack (Array) (C)
##Stack (Linked List) (C)
##Stack (Dynamic Array) (C)
##Queue (Circular Array) (C)
##Generic Tree (Java)
##Binary Search Tree (Java)
- Recursive calculation of Tree Height
- Non Recursive Traversals (Pre Order)
- Find Lowest Common Ancestor (Non-Recursive)
- Reorder Tree Into Heap(Min) (Via Array)
- Find Successor of given node (Non-Recursive)
- Find Predecessor of a given node (Non-Recursive)
- Remove Node and rearrange the tree
- Find node with given value (Non-Recursive)
- Find node with minimum value (Recursive)
- Recursive Traversals (Pre Order)
##Priority Queue - Max (C++) #To Do
Implement Recursive versions of Non-Recurisve methods