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Armada Quickstart

The main purpose of this guide is to install a minimal local Armada deployment for testing and evaluation purposes.


  • Git
  • Docker (Docker Desktop recommended for local development on Windows/OSX)
  • Helm v3.5+
  • Kind v0.11.1+
  • Kubectl


This guide will install Armada on 3 local Kubernetes clusters; one server and two executor clusters.

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd armada

All commands are intended to be run from the root of the repository.

Armada is a resource intensive application due to the need to run multiple Kubernetes clusters - for a local installation you will need at least 4 CPU cores and 16GB of RAM available.

One-click Setup

To install Armada and all its dependencies you can use this script:


Once completed, wait for all pods to be running via kubectl get pod

Likewise you can remove the Armada components from your system:



Create queues, submit some jobs and monitor progress:

Queue Creation

./armadactl create queue queue-a --priorityFactor 1
./armadactl create queue queue-b --priorityFactor 2

For queues created in this way, user and group owners of the queue have permissions to:

  • submit jobs
  • cancel jobs
  • reprioritize jobs
  • watch queue

For more control, queues can be created via armadactl create, which allows for setting specific permission; see the following example.

./armadactl create -f ./docs/quickstart/queue-a.yaml
./armadactl create -f ./docs/quickstart/queue-b.yaml

Job Submission

./armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
./armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml

Watch individual queues:

./armadactl watch queue-a job-set-1
./armadactl watch queue-b job-set-1

Log in to the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:30001 using the default credentials of admin / prom-operator. Navigate to the Armada Overview dashboard to get a view of jobs progressing through the system.

Try submitting lots of jobs and see queues get built and processed:

for i in {1..50}
  ./armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
  ./armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml

Example output:


$ ./armadactl watch queue-a job-set-1
Watching job set job-set-1
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   2, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   1, Leased:   1, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   2, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   1, Pending:   1, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   2, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   1, Running:   1, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   2, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:44:17 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   1, Succeeded:   1, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:44:26 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   2, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m

Grafana Configuration

Run the following commands to setup Grafana in your environment:

curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/datasources -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"cluster-0","type":"prometheus","url":"http://'$EXECUTOR_0_IP':30001","access":"proxy","basicAuth":false}'
curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/datasources -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"cluster-1","type":"prometheus","url":"http://'$EXECUTOR_1_IP':30001","access":"proxy","basicAuth":false}'
curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/dashboards/import --data-binary @./docs/quickstart/grafana-armada-dashboard.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"


Armada Grafana dashboard

Note that the jobs in this demo simply run the sleep command so do not consume many resources.

Lookout Configuration

Armada Lookout UI can be configured by doing the following:

kubectl port-forward svc/armada-lookout 8080:8080 

Then access it by opening http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Lookout UI