- Git
- Python
- Pip (a.k.a python-pip)
- Check Prerequisites:
If you are on a Window's machine, please perform the following:
- Install MINGW if not already installed.
- Install Git if not already installed.
- Install Python if not already installed.
- Add the corresponding bin directories to your PATH variable if not already added.
- Open MINGW.
- Run git, python, and pip commands to verify installation.
If you are on a Mac or Ubuntu, install the prerequisites through your favorite package manager.
- In your computer's terminal, clone this repository. This may require a github login.
git clone https://github.com/namratab94/course_management_system.git
- Install Virtual Environments on your local instance.
For Ubuntu:
sudo pip install virtualenv
For Windows/Mac:
pip install virtualenv
- Load the Flask virtual environment.
# Navigate to the course_management_system directory
virtualenv flask
- Activate the flask environment.
For Ubuntu/Mac:
# Navigate to your course_management_system directory
For Windows:
# Navigate to your course_management_system directory
- Then install the packages required for the flask application to run:
For Mac/Windows:
# Navigate to the requirements file (cd ~course_management_system/dbms_project)
pip install -r requirements.txt
For Ubuntu:
# Navigate to the requirements file (cd ~course_management_system/dbms_project)
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- To start the server at port 8888:
# Navigate to your course_management_system/dbms_flask/ folder.
python main.py
- Open your web browser and go to localhost:8888.
This will load the login page. The login credentials of an admin are:
- Username: Rado
- Password: ddd