This Application helps user find product and services near their locality. Vendor can post their products, and users can post skill or services they want to provide to the community. Vendor can add the listing of the product and prices and services. 2 types of Accounts 1. Vendor 2. Costumer Time Efficiency and Getting Community Closer.
#GOALS: The main motivation of this app is to solve the problem people have in searching for their needs online. Not everyone(as Vendors) can afford to make websites to reach users. Nearby Products and their vendors availability to the user. Users can find any local stores where a product is available within certain radius. Users can find individual people providing any kind of service. Eg. Cook, Cleaner, Plumber, Tutor, Guard, etc. Socialization among the people is developed. Vendors will be provided with analytics tools to analyze their business status.(Not completed yet.)