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How to publish Angular app to Google Play Store using Cordova

click here for video tutorials!


This github repository is a documentation on how to publish an Angular 6.0/react JS or any HTML, JavaScript app to Google play store using Apache Cordova Framework.

Development tasks

Before you start, if you don't already have, please download and Install android studio and configure sdk tools from

make sure android licenses are accepted

make sure android path/environment variables are setup properly

** for iOS development, you will need a mac machine with latest XCODE installed.

** Let's get started

$ cordova -v // check if 8.0.0 or latest cordova version is installed
if cordova is not installed or you have an older version
$ npm install -g cordova
$ cordova create mnjic com.elishconsulting.mnjic Mnjic

create a new cordova app
< cordova create appname com.domain.project appname >

$ cd mnjic // once app is created, browse into new app folder

$ cordova platform add browser // add platform browser

$ cordova platform add android // add platform android

$ cordova platform add ios // add platform ios

$ cordova plaform ls // list all platforms

install jdk and make sure JAVA_HOME is setup properly

Run these commands on your MACOS terminal window

On windows machine, please make sure SYSTEM > Env Variables JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME are set properly

$ which java

$ java -version

$ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home

$ echo $JAVA_HOME


if ANDROID_HOME is not setup correctly,

$ export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk

$ export PATH=${PATH}:/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Library/Android/sdk/tools


$ echo $PATH

cordova requirements // check if cordova app is properly installed

$ cordova requirements

in some case, if may ask you to update Android SDK through Android Studio.

and install gradle.

$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_121"

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

$ install brew

$ brew install gradle

App Setting changes

config.xml changes (make sure < android > setting are changed)

please see this github repo for config.xml sample

apply following changes

favicon.ico www -> replace directory, (back up index.html)

res -> icons// replace icons

test your app

$ cordova run browser

$ cordova build android

cordova build will create an unsigned app-debug.apk, You can copy this apk file to any real android device and test your app.


setup emulator for android

$ cordova run android

if emulator is slow for any reason, please skip this and generate android debug.apk file.

generate keytools file

keytool -genkey -v -keystore mnjic.keystore -alias mnjic -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Sign app

cordova run android --release -- --keystore=mnjic.keystore --storePassword=abcd --alias=mnjic --password=abcd

this command above will generate same entries as below mentioned in build.json

review build.json

{ "android": { "debug": { "keystore": "../android.keystore", "storePassword": "android", "alias": "mykey1", "password" : "password", "keystoreType": "" }, "release": { "keystore": "../android.keystore", "storePassword": "", "alias": "mykey2", "password" : "password", "keystoreType": "" } } }

$ cordova build // this command will build a signed apk file

$ cordova build --release // this command will build final apk

// build with release flag will generate a final app file which can be submitted to Google Play Store.


Prepare Google PlayStore ScreenShot

Publish to Google Play Store

** In case, if you are releasing an updated release on your app.

Do NOT forget to change version code on next time your build your app (--release).


How to publish Angular app to Google Play Store using Cordova






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