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Feature Engineering for NLP in Python

NLP Feature Engineering

One-hot encoding with pandas using get_dummies

import pandas as pd

df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=['sex'])
  • Not mentioning columns will lead pandas to encode non-numerical features

Text pre-processing

  • Converting to lowercase
  • Converting to base-form


  • After pre-processing the text is converted into a set of numerical training features through a process known as vectorization.

Basic features

  • Number of words
  • Number of characters
  • Average length of words
  • Number of hashtags used in tweets

POS tagging

  • Some NLP algo may require you to extract features for individual words.
  • For instance, we may want to do part of speech tagging to know the different parts of speech present in the text Word , POS I -> Pronoun have -> Verb a -> Article dog -> Noun

Named Entity Recognition

  • Does a noun refer to person, organization or country?
  • e.g Brian works at DataCamp.
  • here there are two nouns, Brian and DataCamp

Noun, NER Brian -> Person DataCamp -> Organization

Readability tests

  • Used to determine the readability of any passage. In other words, at what educational level a person should be inorder to comprehend a particular piece of text.
  • Readability test is done using a mathematical formula utilizing the word, syllable and sentence count.
  • Used in fake news and opinion spam detection.

Readability test examples

  • Flesch reading ease
  • Gunning fog index
  • Simple Measure of Gobbledygook(SMOG)
  • Dale-Chall score

Flesch reading ease

  • It is the oldest and widely used readability test. The score is dependent on two factors:
  • Greater the average sentence length, harder the text is to read.
  • Greater the average number of syllables in a word, harder the text is to read.
  • Higher the Flesch reading ease score, the greater the readability.
  • Therefore, the higher score indicates that the text is easier to understand.

Gunning fog index

  • Score is dependent on the avarage sentence length.
  • It uses the percentage of complex words(in place of average syllables) to compute its score.
  • Greater the percentage of complex words, harder the text is to read
  • Here complex words refer to those words who have 3 or more syllables.
  • Higher the score, lesser the readability (Higher the score the more difficult is the passage is to understand)

The textatistic library

  • We can conduct these readability tests in python using the textatistic library.
from textatistic import Textatistic

# create a Textatistic object
readability_scores = Textatistic(text).scores

# generate scores

Text Preprocessing : Tokenization and Lemmatization

  • Converting words into lowercase
  • Removing leading and trailing whitespaces
  • Removing punctuations
  • Removing stopwords
  • Expanding contractions
  • Removing special characters (numbers, emojis, etc)

Tokenization using spaCy

  • Splitting a string
import spacy

# load the english model en_core_web_sm model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

string = "Hello! I don't know what I'm doing here"

# create a Doc object
doc = nlp(string)

# doc object contains required tokens and many other things
# Generate list of tokens
tokens = [token.text for token in doc]

Lemmatization using spacy

  • Convert into its base form
  • reducing, reduces, reduced, reduction -> reduce
  • am, are, is -> be
  • Lemmatization converts words with apostrophe into full -forms.
  • n't -> not
  • 've -> have
  • Similar to extracting token using spacy
lemmas = [token.lemma_ for token in doc]

Part-of-speech tagging

  • Used in Word-sense disambiguation to identify the sense of the word in a sentence.
  • For instance consider the sentences : "The bear is a majestic animal" and "Please bear with me".
  • Both sentences use the word bear , but means different things.
  • POS tagging helps in identifying this distinction by identifying one bear as a noun and other as a verb.
  • Also used in sentiment analysis, question answering, fake news and opinion spam detection

POS tagging

  • It is a process of assigning every word or piece of text, its corresponding part of speech.
  • e.g "Jane is an amazing guitatist"
  • POS Tagging Jane -> proper noun

is -> verb

an -> determiner

amazing -> adjective

guitatist -> noun

POS tagging using Spacy

  • POS tagging is easy to do using spacy models and performing it is almost identical to generating tokens or lemmas.
import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

string = "Jane is an amazing guitarist"

doc = nlp(string)

# generate the list of tokens and pos tags
pos = [(token.text, token.pos_) for token in doc]
  • Spacy inferes the POS tagging based on the predictions given by its pre-trained model
  • Accuracy of POS tagging depends on the data the model has been trained on.

POS annnotations in spacy


Feature Engineering for NLP in Python






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