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Replicator security configuration demos


Confluent Replicator replicates topics from one Apache Kafka® cluster to another. In addition to copying the messages, this connector will create topics as needed preserving the topic configuration in the source cluster. This includes preserving the number of partitions, the replication factor, and any configuration overrides specified for individual topics.

Replicator supports all security configurations available to a Kafka clients and supports scenarios where the source cluster has different security to the destination cluster. Replicator runs as a source connector in the destination cluster taking advantage of Kafka Connects configuration and resiliency features. Because of this Replicator requires that security configurations for the destination cluster are supplied to both Kafka Connect and Replicator configurations. Please see the documentation here for more in-depth understanding of how Replicator works in multi data center environments.

This demo provides several docker-compose environments for Replicator configured with various security configurations.

The scripts directory provides example JSON Replicator configurations for each security mechanism discussed. You can diff these to determine the correct properties to add for your chosen security mechanism. e.g:

diff scripts/ scripts/


These demos require the following tools:

  • docker-compose
  • keytool (usually included in a jdk)
  • openssl

These demos are memory intensive and Docker must be tuned accordingly. In Docker's advanced settings, increase the memory dedicated to Docker to at least 8GB (default is 2GB).


In addition to Confluent Replicator, all environments contain:

  • A single node source cluster containing srcKafka1, in production at least 3 nodes are recommended.
  • A single node destination cluster containing destKafka1, in production at least 3 nodes are recommended.
  • A single Connect worker that will run replicator
  • A source client container (srcKafkaClient) that creates a source topic and provides test data
  • A destination client container (destKafkaClient) that installs Replicator

In all containers, minimal non-replicator configuration is supplied.

Test Data

The test data is loaded into the source topic, and it can be modified to suit testing requirements.

Setup and verifying the environments

Before running the demos appropriate security resources must be created to create these run:

cd scripts/security

We can verify the environment by consuming from the topic testTopic that Confluent Replicator copied to the destination cluster.


Source Cluster: Unsecure

Destination Cluster: Unsecure


docker-compose -f unsecure/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f unsecure/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --from-beginning

Note: the kafka-client container must complete and exit 0 before verification

Source Cluster with SSL encryption

Source Cluster: SSL Encryption

Destination Cluster: Unsecure


docker-compose -f source_ssl_encryption/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f source_ssl_encryption/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification

Destination Cluster with SSL encryption

Source Cluster: Unsecure

Destination Cluster: SSL Encryption


docker-compose -f dest_ssl_encryption/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f dest_ssl_encryption/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --consumer.config /etc/kafka/secrets/ --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification

Source Cluster with SSL authentication

Source Cluster: SSL Authentication

Destination Cluster: Unsecure


docker-compose -f source_ssl_auth/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f source_ssl_auth/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification

Destination Cluster with SSL authentication

Source Cluster: Unsecure

Destination Cluster: SSL Authentication


docker-compose -f dest_ssl_auth/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f dest_ssl_auth/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --consumer.config /etc/kafka/secrets/ --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification

Source Cluster with SASL Plain authentication

Source Cluster: SASL Authentication

Destination Cluster: Unsecure


docker-compose -f source_sasl_plain_auth/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f source_sasl_plain_auth/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --topic testTopic --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification

Destination Cluster with SASL Plain authentication

Source Cluster: Unsecure

Destination Cluster: SASL Authentication


docker-compose -f dest_sasl_plain_auth/docker-compose.yml up -d


docker-compose -f dest_sasl_plain_auth/docker-compose.yml exec destKafka1 kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:11091 --consumer.config /etc/kafka/secrets/ --topic testTopic --from-beginning

Note: both the srcKafkaClient and destKafkaClient containers must complete and exit 0 before verification