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Red Hat Serverless Operator

Provides a collection of API's to support deploying and serving of serverless applications and functions.

Development and private cluster testing


If you want to quickly run the most relevant tests locally (those that are required by the CI environment), use these commands:

$ crc start --cpus=6 --memory 16384
$ make images test-operator


  • podman aliased to docker or docker (17.05 or newer)
  • podman or docker is logged into a repository you can push to
  • DOCKER_REPO_OVERRIDE points to that repository
  • bash (4.0.0 or newer)
  • make
  • yq (3.4.0)

CRC-based cluster

If you want to use CRC to run tests locally, the following configuration has been tested to work with the operator E2E tests.

crc start --cpus=6 --memory 16384

Creating the images

To test the Serverless Operator against your private Openshift cluster you first need to push the necessary images to a publicly available location. To do that, make sure the DOCKER_REPO_OVERRIDE environment variable is set to a docker repository you can push to, for example You might need to run docker login to be able to push images. Now run make images and all images in this repository will now be built and pushed to your docker repository.

Installing the system

Use the appropriate make targets or scripts in hack:

  • make dev: Deploys the serverless-operator without deploying Knative Serving and Eventing.
  • make install: Scales the cluster appropriately, deploys serverless-operator, Knative Serving and Eventing.
  • make install-serving: Scales the cluster appropriately, deploys serverless-operator and Knative Serving.
  • make install-eventing: Scales the cluster appropriately, deploys serverless-operator and Knative Eventing.
  • make install-previous: same as make install but deploy previous serverless-operator version.
  • make install-mesh: Install service mesh operator and enable sidecar injections.
  • make uninstall-mesh : Uninstall service mesh operator and disable sidecar injection.

Note: Don't forget you can chain make targets. make images dev is handy for example.

Updating the release files

To update release files with variables stored in project.yaml we use generate scripts and a templates. Update those based on your needs, and generate the files with:

make release-files

Running tests

serverless-operator tests

  • make test-unit: Runs unit tests.
  • make test-e2e: Scales, installs and runs E2E tests.
  • make install-mesh test-e2e: Scales, installs and runs E2E tests, including ServiceMesh integration tests
  • make test-operator: Runs unit and E2E tests.

knative-serving and knative-eventing E2E tests

  • make test-upstream-upgrade: Installs a previous version of Serverless and runs Knative Serving upgrade tests. Requirements:
    1. Running OCP cluster.
    2. Knative Serving images that the current Serverless operator depends on are published in CI registry. This requirement is automatically met when the respective branch in Knative Serving is created and its pre-submit CI checks run at least once.
    3. The path ${GOPATH}/src/ containing Knative Serving sources from the desired branch. This should be checked out before running tests.
  • make test-upstream-e2e-no-upgrade: Installs the latest version of Serverless and runs Knative Serving and Knative Eventing E2E tests (without upgrades). Requirements:
    1. Running OCP cluster.
    2. Knative Serving and Knative Eventing images that the current Serverless operator depends on are published in CI registry. This requirement is automatically met when the respective branches in Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are created, and their pre-submit CI checks run at least once.
    3. The path ${GOPATH}/src/ containing Knative Serving sources from the desired branch. The path ${GOPATH}/src/ containing Knative Eventing sources from the desired branch. This should be checked out before running tests.

Individual tests from knative-serving and knative-eventing

There are targets for running individual tests in both Knative Serving Makefile and Knative Eventing Makefile.

Example targets that can be run from the respective repositories (these targets all requires a running OCP cluster and pre-installed Serverless):

  • make TEST=<name_of_test> BRANCH=<ci_promotion_name> test-e2e-local: Runs the given test using the latest test images that were published under the given promotion name. This doesn't require building any images manually. Example: make BRANCH=knative-v0.15.2 TEST=TestDestroyPodInflight test-e2e-local.
  • make IMAGE=<name_of_image> DOCKER_REPO_OVERRIDE=<dockerhub_registry> test-image-single: Builds an image from test/test_images/$(IMAGE) and pushes it into the Dockerhub registry. This requires ko 0.2.0 or newer.
  • make TEST=<name_of_test> DOCKER_REPO_OVERRIDE=<dockerhub_registry> test-e2e-local: Runs the given test using the previously built image.

Operator Framework

This repository contains the metadata required by the Operator Lifecycle Manager

Create a Subscription

To install the operator, create a subscription:

cat <<-EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: Subscription
  name: serverless-operator
  generateName: serverless-operator-
  namespace: openshift-operators
  source: serverless-operator
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  name: serverless-operator
  channel: techpreview

Test upgrade from previous version

To test upgrade from previous version, deploy serverless operator by make install-previous

make install-previous

Then, you can see the installplans that the latest version has APPROVED false.

$ oc get installplan -n openshift-operators
NAME            CSV                          APPROVAL    APPROVED
install-ck6jl   serverless-operator.v1.4.1   Manual      true
install-hrzzn   serverless-operator.v1.5.0   Manual      false

For example, v1.5.0 is the latest version in this case. To upgrade v1.5.0, you can edit spec.approved to true manually.

  approval: Manual
  approved: true

After a few minutes, operators will be upgraded automatically.

Test serverless-operator with Istio sidecar injection

To install service mesh operator, run make install-mesh

make install-mesh

Then, create Knative Service with "true" annotation in default namespace, which is one of the namespaces in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll.

cat <<EOF | oc apply -n default -f -
kind: Service
  name: hello-example
      name: hello-example-1
      annotations: "true"
      - image:
        name: user-container
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 100

make install-mesh creates ServiceMeshMemberRoll with default namespaces. If you want to add more namespaces, please modify it.

kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
  name: default
  namespace: istio-system
    - default
    # Add namespace you want to include mesh.

And add NetworkPolicy in your namespace.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-from-serving-system-namespace
  - from:
    - namespaceSelector:
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress

To uninstall service mesh operator, run make uninstall-mesh.

make uninstall-mesh



To run the linters that CI is running, you can use make lint. The required linters for that are:

  • woke to detect non-inclusive language


Main source repository for Openshift Serverless







No packages published


  • Go 81.8%
  • Shell 16.4%
  • Dockerfile 1.2%
  • Makefile 0.6%