In this workshop you will learn the latest and greatest tools and techniques to improve your ability to test modern web applications.
You will focus on a holistic approach of testing front-end, APIs, and back-end.
You will analyze risks and prevent those risks with functional testing, api testing, visual testing and a lot more 💪
✅API testing w/ Cypress
✅how to test a React web app using different types of tests
✅E2E ui tests w/ Cypress
✅visual cross-browser + cross-platform tests
✅CICD with Github Actions
- ReactJS
- Cypress
- WebdriverIO
- Sauce Labs
- Github Actions
- Setup
- API Testing
- E2E UI testing w/ Cypress
- Break ☕
- Visual e2e testing
- Conclusions
Net proceeds from this workshop are donated to Ecosia's Trees that Empower Women! Let's learn together and make the world better together!
💡 this is a tip
🏋️♀️ this is an exercise for you to do
❓ this is a question for us to think and talk about. Try not to scroll beyond this question before we discuss
- 🏢 I’m a Sr Solutions Architect at Sauce Labs
- 🔭 I’m the founder of Ultimate QA
- 🌱 I’m currently working on Sauce Bindings
- 💬 Ask me about environmentalism, veganism, test automation, and fitness
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a vegan that's super pasionate about saving the planet, saving animals, and helping underpriveleged communities
- 📫 Follow me for testing and dev training
The safest way to ensure that we all have the same environment is for us to use Gitpod for our workshop. However, if you are comfortable doing so, you are free to setup the environment on your machine as well.
- Free Sauce account
- Save your Sauce Labs Username and Access Key by going to the Sauce Labs user settings page
ℹ️ If you have a account then do the step below. Otherwise, just copy one of the demo API Keys.
- Save your Screener API Key by going to the API key page in your Screener settings
- Need to sign up for demo account before
🚨 If you don't get an API key before the workshop, please use one of the keys below 🚨
ℹ️ Gitpod lets you run an entire Dev environment from a browser! You can use this approach if you don't know how to setup a local environment.
- Sign up for a free Github account
- Fork this respository
- Make sure you are logged into Github
- click the Fork in the upper right of the Github.
- Give the repo a ⭐ or you can't participate in the workshop😝
In the browser address bar, prepend the current GitHub url with
The resulting url should look as follows:
Once the URL is loaded, you will need to sign in with the GitHub account you created earlier
ℹ️ Keep the app running, we will need it to run some sanity tests
In a new terminal, run the following commands in that Terminal to set your SAUCE_USERNAME
eval $(gp env -e SAUCE_USERNAME=<sauce_username>)
eval $(gp env -e SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<sauce_access_key>)
eval $(gp env -e SCREENER_API_KEY=<screener_api_key>)
Replace <sauce_username>, <sauce_access_key>, and <screener_api_key> with your credentials
Once you have run those 3 commands, you can run the following commands to test your environment variables:
Run sanity tests
If your tests run in US Datacenter
npm run test:sanity:us
If your tests run in EU Datacenter
npm run test:sanity:eu
- Use NVM for this installation by following instructions
- It should be just a single command to run in our terminal
- !Don't forget to restart your terminal!
- After installation, confirm install with
nvm --version
- It should be just a single command to run in our terminal
- Intall Node 16 with
nvm install --lts
- Confirm node installation with
node --version
and seeingv16.x
or similar - Confirm NVM is set to 16 for default by running the following commands:
nvm list #will show all versions
nvm use 16 #to use 16
nvm alias default 16.14.x #to set it to the default
- Sign up for a free Github account
- Fork this respository
- Make sure you are logged into Github
- click the Fork in the upper right of the Github.
- Clone your fork of the repository to your machine. Must have Git installed
git clone URL_OF_YOUR_FORK
- Navigate to the directory of where you cloned your repo
cd YOUR_FORK_DIR/comprehensive-testing-js
- While inside your 'comprehensive-testing-js' directory, run the following command to install all dependencies
npm install
- After the dependency installation has completed, start the application by running the following:
npm run start
Follow the same steps for running tests.
ℹ️ The main difference is that you will set environmenta variables by following these instructions depending on your OS.
ℹ️ Some individuals aren't allowed to set their environment variables on their machines (Employer policy). In that case, you can hardcode them by modifying
You will need to hardcode these values as we do exercises.
5.Have an IDE installed that can handle NodeJS/JS (We will use VSCode)
Prizes will be given away for participation (tshirts, stickers...)
At the end, one lucky winner will get a backpack!
- I'm here to serve you, your education, and your experience
- Be kind, respectful, no judgment
- Have fun