The SearchFlight app allows users to search for flights between airports, save favorite flight routes locally, and manage stored data with smooth UI interactions. The app is built with Kotlin and leverages Android's modern libraries such as Jetpack Compose, Room Database, and Preferences DataStore.
- Room Database: Efficiently store and manage offline data, enabling users to access their favorite flight routes even without an internet connection.
- Preferences Data Store: Enables us to store lightweight key-value storag.
- Repository Pattern: Implement a clean architecture using the repository pattern to abstract data access and improve code maintainability.
- Unit Testing: Conduct thorough unit testing on the repository to ensure robust data handling and logic implementation.
- CRUD Operations: Implement Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations with automated testing for our Room entities, ensuring data integrity and reliability.
- Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): Fully integrated CI/CD pipeline for automated builds and testing.
- Kotlin Flows: Use Kotlin Flows to handle data streams effectively, allowing real-time updates in the UI.
It's recommended to have these prerequisites for completing this project:
- Basic knowledge of SQL for reading and manipulating a relational database.
- Ability to use Room in an Android app to read from and write to a database.
- Ability to use DataStore to store simple data.
- Ability to build moderately complex user interfaces with Compose.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the project on an emulator or physical device.
Get Started? The main resources of this project:
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