new-ESXserver provisions an ESX server using an Image Streamer deployment plan for ESXi. Several parameters can be used to customize the ESXi host like: Management IP address, SSH enabled, hostname, datastore, etc.
Once the server is provisioned, the script can turn the server ON and also add the ESXi host to a vcenter folder, datacenter or cluster.
Supports common parameters -verbose
, -whatif
, and -confirm
OneView administrator account is required
Image Streamer artifacts for ESXi 5.x and ESXi 6.x must be installed
A deployment plan name must be provided using the 'OSDeploymentplanname' parameter. If not present, the script is looking for "ESXi - deploy with multiple management NIC HA config+FCoE"
Latest OneView POSH Library must be used.
OneView administrator account is required.
Global Variables at the begining of the script needs to be configured according to your environment:
sets the type of server model name to use for the deployment e.g. '480' will select a server model 'Synergy 480 Gen9' or 'Synergy 480 Gen10'.$myproxy
set proxy settings (if required) to install the VMware PowerCLI library (if needed)$vcenterlicensename
sets the VMware license name to use on the ESXi host
This script makes use of:
- The PowerShell language bindings library for HPE OneView.
PS C:\> New-ESXserver -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -hostname ESX6-1 -hostpassword HPEinvent -poweron
Deploy an ESXi server named ESX6-1 using the Image Streamer default OS Deployment plan, and assign the password HPEinvent to the ESXi root user account
Select the first available healthy compute module compatible with the serverhardwaretypename defined in the global variables
Generate a OneView server profile named "ESX6-1"
Assign an IPv4 address to the first Management NIC using the OneView IPv4 address pool
Turn on the server once the server profile is created in OneView
PS C:\> New-ESXserver -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -hostname ESX6-2 -ManagementNIC
Deploy an ESXi server named ESX6-2 using the Image Streamer default OS Deployment plan
Select the first available healthy compute module compatible with the serverhardwaretypename defined in the global variables
Assign the default password defined in the OS Deployment plan to the ESXi root user account
The server profile is named using the name of the hostname "ESX6-2"
Assign a static IPv4 address "" to the first Management NIC
Leave the server off once the profile is created in OneView
PS C:\> New-ESXserver -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -hostname ESX6-3 -hostpassword HPEinvent -vcenterserver "" -vcenterusername "Administrator@vsphere.local" -vcenterpassword "HPEinvent" -vcenterlocation Synergy
Deploy an ESXi server using the Image Streamer default OS Deployment plan
Select the first available healthy compute module compatible with the serverhardwaretypename defined in the global variables
Assign the default password defined in the OS Deployment plan to the ESXi root user account
Generate a OneView server profile named "ESX6-3"
Turn on automatically the ESXi Host once the server profile is created in OneView because the vCenterserver parameter is used
Add the server to be managed by a vCenter server "" and import the server in the "Synergy" location, if not present, the location ressource is created
PS C:\> "Frame1-CN7516060D, bay 3", "Frame1-CN7516060D, bay 4" | New-ESXserver -HostnamePattern "ESX" -SSHEnabled -datastore "vsphere-datastore" -vCenterServer "" -vcenterusername "Administrator@vsphere.local" -vcenterpassword "P@ssw0rd1" -vcentercluster Synergy-Cluster
Deploy two ESXi Hosts using the Image Streamer default OS Deployment plan in "Frame1-CN7516060D, bay 3" and "Frame1-CN7516060D, bay 4"
Generate Server Profile names according to the provided pattern name "ESX", i.e. "ESX-1" for the first server, "ESX-2" for the second server.
Enable SSH and ESXi shell on the ESXi Hosts
Present the SAN Volume datastore "vsphere-datastore" to the servers
Assign the default password defined in the OS Deployment plan to the ESXi root user account
Assign an IPv4 address to the Management NIC1 using the OneView IPv4 address pool
Turn on automatically the two ESXi Hosts once their server profiles are created in OneView because the vCenterserver parameter is used
Add the ESXi Hosts to be managed by a vCenter server ""
Add the ESXi Hosts to the "Synergy-Cluster" vSphere cluster, if not present, the cluster ressource is created
PS C:\> Get-HPOVServer -noprofile | ? {$ -match "Bay 5" -and $_.status -eq "ok"} | New-ESXserver -HostnamePattern "ESX" -SSHEnabled -PowerON
Deploy ESXi server using the Image Streamer default OS Deployment plan on every compute module located in a "bay 5" with no server profile assigned and with an "ok" status
Generate Server Profile names according to the provided pattern name "ESX", i.e. "ESX-1" for the first server, "ESX-2" for the second server, etc.
Enable SSH and ESXi shell on the ESXi Hosts
Turn on the ESXi Hosts once their server profiles are created in OneView
This PowerShell function efuses a component managed by HPE OneView, i.e. reset virtually (without physically reseting the server). An e-fuse reset causes the component to loose power momentarily as the e-fuse is tripped and reset. Supported components are : compute, interconnect, appliance and Frame Link Modules. A prompt requesting efuse confirmation is always provided.
Supports common parameters -verbose
, -whatif
, and -confirm
OneView administrator account is required.
IP address of the Composer. Default:
OneView administrator account of the Composer. Default: Administrator
password of the OneView administrator account. Default: password
The server hardware resource to efuse. This is normally retrieved with a Get-HPOVServer
Can also be the Server Hardware name, e.g. Frame2-CN7515049L, bay 4.
Accepts pipeline input ByValue
and ByPropertyName
The interconnect hardware resource to efuse. This is normally retrieved with a Get-HPOVInterconnect
Can also be the Interconnect Hardware name, e.g. Frame1-CN7516060D, interconnect 3.
The serial number of the composable infrastructure appliance resource to efuse; e.g. UH53CP0509.
This is normally retrieved with a (Get-HPOVEnclosure).applianceBays.serialnumber
The serial number of the frame link module resource to efuse; e.g. CN7514V012.
This is normally retrieved with a (Get-HPOVEnclosure).managerbays.serialnumber
PS C:\> Invoke-HPOVefuse -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -compute "CN7515049C, bay 5"
Efuses the compute module in frame CN7515049C in bay 5.
PS C:\> Invoke-HPOVefuse -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -interconnect "CN7516060D, interconnect 3"
Efuses the interconnect module in frame CN7516060D in interconnect bay 3.
PS C:\> Invoke-HPOVefuse -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -appliance "UH53CP0509"
Efuses the composable infrastructure appliance with the serial number UH53CP0509.
PS C:\> Invoke-HPOVefuse -composer -composerusername Administrator -composerpassword password -FLM "CN7514V012"
Efuses the frame link module with the serial number CN7514V012.
PS C:\> Get-HPOVServer | ? {$ -match "Frame2"} | Invoke-HPOVefuse
Efuses all servers in the frame whose name matches with "Frame2" and provides a prompt requesting efuse confirmation for each server.
PS C:\> (Get-HPOVServer).portmap.deviceslots | ? {$_.slotnumber -eq 1 -and $_.devicename -eq "" } | Invoke-HPOVefuse
Efuses all servers managed by OneView that have mezzanine slot 1 empty and provides a prompt requesting efuse confirmation for each server found.
This script makes use of the PowerShell language bindings library for HPE OneView.
This PowerShell Script is an example of how to create a Server Profile Template using the HPE Image Streamer with OS Deployment Plan Attributes and required iSCSI Network connections.
This script makes use of the PowerShell language bindings library for HPE OneView.
This PowerShell Script is an example of how to create a Server Profile using the HPE Image Streamer with OS Deployment Plan Attributes. A Server Profile Template is required. The server profile template can be created using New-ESXiserverprofiletemplate.ps1
This script makes use of the PowerShell language bindings library for HPE OneView.
This PowerShell Script creates a full Synergy environment configuration using the HPE Image Streamer from scratch.
Hardware Setup and Network settings are the only two manual configuration steps that must be done on the unconfigured Composer before running this script
OneView administrator account is required.
This script makes use of:
- The PowerShell language bindings library for HPE OneView. - The HPE 3PAR PowerShell Toolkit for HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage.