- Points on path and path length.
- Check if all path function exists as browser API and use it when possible.
- If 2 shapes/paths intersect
- If shape inside viewport
- Union, intersection, etc.
- Check if point inside path.
- Convert simple shape to path
- SVG in canvas
- Check if start and flower are minified correctly
- Add skew, skewX, skewY, scaleX, scaleY
- In node.js example, set the correct import path.
- Add more interactive examples.
- combine numbers that start with dots .7.8.9
- marker
- linearGradient
- stop
- radialGradient
- a
- foreignObject
- style
- script
- view
- image
- desc
- title — the SVG accessible name element
- metadata
- filter
- feBlend
- feColorMatrix
- feComponentTransfer
- feComposite
- feConvolveMatrix
- feDiffuseLighting
- feDisplacementMap
- feDistantLight
- feDropShadow
- feFlood
- feFuncA
- feFuncB
- feFuncG
- feFuncR
- feGaussianBlur
- feImage
- feMerge
- feMergeNode
- feMorphology
- feOffset
- fePointLight
- feSpecularLighting
- feSpotLight
- feTile
- feTurbulence
- text
- textPath
- tspan
- switch
- set
- discard SVG element - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/discard
- Save file as PNG / JPG in Node.js
- Other image formats?
- Primitives as paths (triangle, rect, etc.)
- Heart shapes
- Flag shape
- Simple helper for polygons like triangle, rhombus, hexagon
- Rect around dot
- Arrow shapes
- Functions like parabola or wave