The Stoer-Wagner min cut algorithm determines a min-cut and the min-cut weight of a connected, undirected graph.
A cut of a graph G is a partition of the vertices into two, non-empty sets. The weight of such a partition is the number of edges between the two sets if G is unweighted, or the sum of the weights of all edges between the two sets if G is weighted. A min-cut is a cut having the least weight.
In this work you can find demonstrative realization of min-cut algorithm. It generates png image of graph using graphviz tool.
So, you're gonna need to use following commands after cloning the repo:
cd ./terminal-edition
./lab02 | dot -Tpng -o $RANDOM.png
Output is visualizesd through Graphviz tool.
Graphviz is a standard package on many linux distributions. You can check if it is installed with a command like
dpkg -s graphivz
If it is not installed, you should be able to install it with your system's package manager. i.e.
sudo apt-get install graphviz
or search 'graphivz' in the Software Center on Ubuntu.
After that just list all files of the directory
You are supposed to see .png files, they contain picture of random graph with number of nodes that were cut by a program.
To remove test images (.png files), type
rm *.png
You also can view the source code in ./src folder.\
Result of the program work should look similar to that image. That's about all 💕