It currently utilise omf_web session store, and the API is the following:
OMF::Web::SessionStore[<secondary_id>, <primary_id>]
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:urn, :user] #String
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:name, :user] #String
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:id, :user] #String
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:exps, :gimi]
For each column in LW main interface.
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:plan, :repos] # Array of OMF::Web::Repository, for :plan column(first one).
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:prepare, :repos]
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:execute, :repos]
OMF::Web::SessionStore[:projects, :geni_portal] # Array of Hash
# Sample project hash
uuid: <uuid>,
name: project_bob,
slices: [{ uuid: <uuid>, name: slice_bob }, { uuid: <uuid>, name: slice_alice }]