This project will make use of SDR hardware to receive and decode Lora.
- LoRa*.cpp - Pothos processing blocks and unit tests
- - python utility for controlling the RN2483
- examples/ - saved Pothos topologies with LoRa blocks
This example demonstrates the LoRa PHY blocks using a looback path in the presence of noise.
- examples/lora_simulation.pth - modem simulation
This example receives and demodulates raw symbols with logic analyzer plot to view the symbols and triggered waveform plots to view the input. Once the example is activated, simply run the script to generate a single waveform to trigger the plots.
- --freq=863.1e6 --bw=0.5e6 --sf=11 --tx="hello"
- examples/rx_RN2483.pth
This example includes a simple client and relay app. The relay receives and decodes messages and relays them into another frequency and sync word. The client can post messages to the relay and view the response in a chat box widget.
- examples/lora_sdr_relay.pth - LimeSDR LoRa relay
- examples/lora_sdr_client.pth - LimeSDR LoRa client
- First install Pothos:
- Install Poco development files
- E.g. on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libpoco-doc libpoco-dev
- E.g. on Ubuntu:
- Install JSON for Modern C++ development files
- E.g. on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y nlohmann-json-dev
- E.g. on Ubuntu:
- Finally, build the blocks in this repository:
git clone
cd LoRa-SDR
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j4
sudo make install