Times have changed since I started this work. I no longer have the resources to adequately maintain this project and there also exist several options including SAM with lively communities. With v3, all CloudFormation API changes have been migrated to go-formation and all AWS API SDK calls moved to AWS v2. This likely marks the end of my active development on Sparta.
If this project has been helpful to you and you're interested in becoming a shepherd, please open an issue. Thanks all for your feedback, support, and recommendations over the years.
Keep on serverlessing!
- Matt December 5th, 2021
This is v3 of Sparta which is not backward compatible with v1 or v2 versions.
Visit gosparta.io for complete documentation.
This is the breaking v2
version of Sparta. The previous version is available at at the /v1
Sparta takes a set of golang functions and automatically provisions them in AWS Lambda as a logical unit.
AWS Lambda functions are defined using the standard AWS Lambda signatures:
func() error
func(TIn) error
func() (TOut, error)
func(context.Context) error
func(context.Context, TIn) error
func(context.Context) (TOut, error)
func(context.Context, TIn) (TOut, error)
The TIn and TOut parameters represent encoding/json un/marshallable types.
For instance:
// Standard AWS λ function
func helloWorld(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
: The request context that includes both the AWS Context as well as Sparta specific values
Consumers define a set of lambda functions and provide them to Sparta to create a self-documenting, self-deploying AWS Lambda binary:
lambdaFn, _ := sparta.NewAWSLambda("Hello World",
var lambdaFunctions []*sparta.LambdaAWSInfo
lambdaFunctions = append(lambdaFunctions, lambdaFn)
err := sparta.Main("HelloWorldStack",
"My Hello World stack",
Visit gosparta.io for complete documentation.
Sparta contributions are most welcome. Please consult the latest issues for open issues.
Locally building or testing Sparta itself is typically only needed to make package changes. Sparta is more often used as a required import of another application. Building is done via mage.
To get started building and verifying local changes:
go get -u -d github.com/magefile/mage
- In the .../mweagle/Sparta directory, run
mage -l
to list the current targets:
\$ mage -l
build the application
ciBuild is the task to build in the context of CI pipeline
clean the working directory
compareAgainstMasterBranch is a convenience function to show the comparisons of the current pushed branch against the master branch
describe runs the `TestDescribe` test to generate a describe HTML output file at graph.html
docsBuild builds the public documentation site in the /docs folder
docsCommit builds and commits the current documentation with an autogenerated comment
docsEdit starts a Hugo server and hot reloads the documentation at http://localhost:1313
docsInstallRequirements installs the required Hugo version
ensureAllPreconditions ensures that the source passes *ALL* static `ensure*` precondition steps
ensureCIBuildEnvironment is the command that sets up the CI environment to run the build.
ensureCleanTree ensures that the git tree is clean
ensureFormatted ensures that the source code is formatted with goimports
ensureGoFmt ensures that the source is `gofmt -s` is empty
ensureLint ensures that the source is `golint`ed
ensureMarkdownSpelling ensures that all *.MD files are checked for common spelling mistakes
ensurePrealloc ensures that slices that could be preallocated are enforced
ensureSpelling ensures that there are no misspellings in the source
ensureStaticChecks ensures that the source code passes static code checks
ensureVet ensures that the source has been `go vet`ted
fetchCloudFormationSchema we have the latest CloudFormation schema as part of generating constants.
generateAutomaticCode is the handler that runs the codegen part of things
generateBuildInfo creates the automatic buildinfo.go file so that we can stamp the SHA into the binaries we build...
generateConstants runs the set of commands that update the embedded CONSTANTS for both local and AWS Lambda execution
logCodeMetrics ensures that the source code is formatted with goimports
publish the latest source
test runs the Sparta tests
testCover runs the test and opens up the resulting report
unitTest only runs the unit tests
Confirm tests are passing on HEAD
by first running mage -v test
As you periodically make local changes, run mage -v test
to confirm backward compatibility.
When possible, please include a test case that verifies the local change and ensures compatibility.
Thanks to all Sparta contributors (alphabetical):
- Kyle Anderson
- James Brook
- Ryan Brown
- sdbeard
- Scott Raine
- Paul Seiffert
- Thom Shutt