These instructions should help you get started setting up a dev environment. You should be able to do most of your developmnet on your laptop by running a local database (mysqld) and storing files locally instead of in S3.
The majority of our dev team uses Macs, so the Mac instructions are genereally the most up to date. But we do have some developers who have had windows or Ubuntu Linux as their day-to-day dev machines, so we know it works.
If you have suggestions how to improve these notes, please improve them and send us a pull request!
It is a big step to go from a dev instance to a full-on deployed cloud instance. Instructions for that are forthcoming.
General Instructions:
- Set-up Python
- Set-up Python's virtual env
- Set-up Django
- Set-up Mysql
For MAC OS-X Lion: Instructions mainly taken from
Some people don't have their normal user set up with write permissions for all these commands that modify the environment (brew, easy_install, pip). For all of those you should plan on running your own sudo prefix for these.
Install XCode from the Apple App Store
Within XCode, add the command line tools: Preferences -> Download Item -> "Command Line Tools" Install button
Install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(/usr/bin/curl -fksSL"
Install Python (we are expecting 2.7.x):
brew install readline sqlite gdbm brew install python --universal --framework
Install mysql
brew install mysql (Optional but useful for looking at the database) Install phpmyadmin (?!) following the directions here:
Install pip, a python package manager
easy_install pip
Install python's virtual env
pip install virtualenv
Create the sophi virtual env (if you want)
virtualenv sophi-venv --no-site-packages
This should create the sophi-venv directory under the directory where this README is found. All our django stuff will happen in there now.
Start using the virtual environment that we just created.
. ./sophi-venv/bin/activate
WARNING: you need to do this from whatever shell you're using. You can tell this because is puts an environment indicator at the beginning of your prompt
Install django itself (this will be inside the virtualenv)
pip install django
Install MySQL-python (this will be inside the virtualenv)
pip install MySQL-python (8/31 note - needed apt-get install python-mysqldb on ubuntu)
Install python image library (this will be inside the virtualenv)
pip install PIL
Install South, the database schema migration tool: (this will be inside the virtualenv)
pip install South
Install modules for Amazon S3
pip install django_storages pip install boto
Install GData (2.0.17)
pip install gdata
Patch GData and storages
(instructions coming)
Install Celery ecosystem
pip install django-celery django-celery-email pytz
Setup initial db.
./ syncdb ./ migrate ./ syncdb --database=celery ./ migrate --database=celery
At this point you should be able to look at the django database in your local mysql and see a bunch of c2g_* tables. Yay.
Eclipse Users and/or WAMP users:
The following versions seem to be compatible:
- Python: 2.7.3
- Eclipse for PHP: Helios (
- PyDev plugin for Eclipse: 2.5.0 (
- Egit plugin for Eclipse: (
- WAMPServer: 2.1
Install Eclipse
Install Egit and configure it to the github repos ( For this you would need Jason to set you up with access to this repos. Note, when configuring the Remote Push Url you'll need to add ".git" on the end: (git clone
Prereqs: If you do not have the following, install them: python 2.7 django easy_install pip python image library (pip install PIL) django_storages boto
Install South, the database schema migration tool: (this will be inside the virtualenv) easy_install South
Create a database called c2g (for example).
Copy to
In, append ‘mysql’ to ENGINE, and enter the name of the database you created in step 1, and the credentials of an authorized user of the database (user ‘root’ and empty password may work on MySQL unless you specified otherwise during the MySQL setup)
Make sure you’re in the src/class2go/django-project directory (wherever that is for you)
‘python syncdb’ followed by ‘python migrate’ to create the required database tables and make sure the schema is up to date. You will be asked to create your admin account on the way. Skip it. You will later be able to create a user and promote it to admin manually using your DBMS client.
XX -- ‘python collectstatic ’ to copy all static files to the directory specified in
‘python runserver xxxx’ to run a dev server on port number xxxx. Example: xxxx = 8000
Visit localhost:xxxx in your web browser and confirm that you get a C2G page.
This assumes you have mysql and python installed, and you've logged into mysql and created the c2g database ('create database c2g;'). These instructions also include info for virtualenvwrapper, which contains useful tools for virtualenv. virtualenvwrapper can also be installed for Mac (and probably Windows too)
Install pip:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
Install virtualenv:
sudo pip install virtualenv
Install virtualenvwrapper:
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
Verify installation location of virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
ls /usr/local/bin/
Edit login script:
vim .bashrc
...and add the following (without the backslashes at the start):
# virtualenv setup -- use Distribute by default export VIRTUALENV_DISTRIBUTE=true
# virtualenvwrapper setup export WORKON_HOME=
/DevEnvs export PROJECT_HOME=/DevProjects export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS='--no-site-packages' export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=/usr/local/bin/virtualenv source /usr/local/bin/ -
Source login script so env vars take effect:
source ~/.bashrc (Sourcing should auto-create your virtual environment base dir)
Check out new virtual base directory:
ls -l DevEnvs/
Check out your PATH to see if /usr/local/bin comes before /usr/bin:
echo $PATH (If not, add "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" to your .bashrc)
Make sure PROJECT_HOME is defined
Make new project directory:
mkdir -p $PROJECT_HOME
Issue command to set up new project subdirectory and link it to virtual env:
mkproject class2go
Once inside virtual env/project directory, install django:
pip install django
Clone class2go repo from github:
git clone .
Check out where your mysql is installed, make sure mysql_config exists in the dir:
which mysql ls /usr/local/mysql (or whichever directory "which mysql" gives you)
Need to install mysql_config if it's not there:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev (For Macs, brew install mysql should give you the equivalent of this)
Might need some extra python developer stuff:
sudo apt-get install python-dev
Install python hooks for MySQL:
pip install MySQL-python
Install Python Imaging Lib:
pip install PIL
Install South db stuff:
pip install South
Install modules for Amazon S3
pip install django_storages pip install boto
Go to django-project dir and copy over database settings file:
cd django-project/ cp
Edit file and add db name, username and password:
Run syncdb to create database tables
./ syncdb Might need to issue "syncdb" command a couple times if there are errors. The first time, it will ask you for username and password for the database
Migrate user stuff over:
./ migrate
Update settings file and add "static/" for STATIC_ROOT_DIR:
Make sure directory exists, or create it:
mkdir static
Run collectstatic to copy stuff into your dir:
./ collectstatic
Run server on whatever port you want:
python runserver 8100
When you want to start working on your project, just do the following: workon class2go cd project (shouldn't be necessary, as workon command will automatically cd to project dir, but use it if you need to) python runserver 8100
The "main" dir is where the django project lives. You will spend most of your time in there. All the runtime application source is under main, and the script is the interface to runtime command line tools.
We partition our django project settings into two settings files:
- - Most of the project settings are in here. This shoudl be familiar to any django dev.
- - Anything that should not be checked in, i.e. secret keys or local configuration, should be in the file. Upon setting up your project one of the first things you have to do is create your own There is an example file to get you started,
Some schema mods were made so run: migrate
Take a look in c2g/ as there are some parameters that affect which data gets created. Note, if you choose the delete_current_data option it will delete your current django users so you'll have to recreate those users if you want.
To run the script that populates the data do " help db_populate" first. This will tell you where to setup the params for the test data.
A helper script for this exists at main/ It drops/recreates your dev database and then does the syncdb / migrate / db_populate steps so you end up with a clean database. It requires a ~/.my.cnf file to know what database to talk to.