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UADE plugin for Audacious and DeaDBeeF


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This is Audacious ( and DeaDBeeF ( input plugin for UADE ( and other retro music replays.

- Make sure "Probe content of files with no recognized file name extension" setting is *enabled* and "Guess missing metadata from filepath" setting is *disabled* in Audacious prefs in order for subsongs and meta data to work properly. The playlist must also have been created *after* the settings are applied.

Main features:
- Precalculated database for song lengths and author/album/publisher/year meta data (see below)
- Player independent songend detection (similar to "deep songend scan" option in DeliPlayer for Windows)
- Preferences UI for configuring UADE playback options etc.
- Custom fork of UADE ( including support for additional formats and platforms not (yet) supported in official UADE releases:
-- Face The Music
-- OctaMED Soundstudio / MMD3
-- Protracker4 / Protracker IFF
-- Support for AmigaOS (and related), Windows (MSYS2/MinGW), ...
- MED4 sng+samples format support via MED4->MMD0 conversion
- DigiBooster 3 and DigiBooster Pro 2 support (
- HivelyTracker support (
- Fasttracker 1 & 2 support (
- Scream Tracker 2 support (
- Scream Tracker 3 support (
- Impulse Tracker 1 & 2 support (
- ProTrekkr 1 & 2 support (
-- note: older ProTrekkr mods may play incorrectly
- NoiseTrekker 2 support based on sources from the final release
- libopenmpt support (optional) (
- libxmp support (optional) (

Modland (, AMP (, UnExotica ( and Demozoo ( are used as sources for precalculated song lengths and author/album/publisher/year meta data (if available).
In addition Mods Anthology (, Wanted Team (, Zakalwe (git:// and Aminet ( are used as sources for precalculated song lengths.

Project is hosted at
Songdb tools are at

* Other notes:
- Case sensitive filesystems may cause issues for formats with external samples
- Tested on 64-bit, 32-bit, big & little endian hosts. Tested on macOS, Linux, DragonFly*/Free*/Net*/OpenBSD, Haiku, Windows (MinGW*/MSYS2, Cygwin), OpenIndiana, GNU Hurd. Libraries/CLI binaries also tested on AmigaOS3, MorphOS, AROS, QNX 6.5.0, AIX, cosmocc, Tizen, Meego/Sailfish, OS/2 (ArcaOS)
- Build support (binaries not tested) for Android, iOS, Fuchsia, OpenHarmony, webOS, RISC OS, FreeMiNT, WarpOS, Redox OS, SerenityOS, Genode, BlackBerry 10, QNX 7, QNX 8, PS4 (OpenOrbis)
- WIP support (runtime failures) for IRIX, AmigaOS4, Wasix, Emscripten, UnixWare.
- Recommended custom Audacious playlist entry/window title template:
${?codec:[${codec}${?channels: (${channels}ch)}]}  -  ${?artist:${artist}  -  }${title}${?album: - (${album})} ${?copyright:-  (${copyright})}${?publisher:- (${publisher}) }${?year:- (${year}) }${?subsong-id:${?subsong-num:- [${subsong-id}/${subsong-num}]}}
- Audacious metadata available: Artist, Album, Publisher, Year, Track, Length, Comment
- DeaDBeeF metadata available: Track Number, Artist, Album, Year, Duration, Codec, %publisher%, %channels%, %player%, %songend%

* Some future plans (in no particular order)
- Automatic A500/A1200/None filter selection depending on format/year/platform (OCS/AGA/DOS) etc. meta data
- Plugin support for GStreamer, Hollywood, ...
- Support more platforms
- Add more replays
- PTK-Prowiz converter support (portable C-version)
- Improve UADE format support and portability
- Improve songdb with more coverage and metadata sources
- Project might need a new name...

* License (source code)
The project as a whole is licensed under GPL-2.0-or-later. See COPYING for license text.
Some parts are also licensed under LGPL-2.1-or-later, specifically sources under src/common/, src/converter/, src/player/ and src/songdb/. See COPYING.LGPL for license text.
See NOTICE for 3rd party source code licenses (sources under src/3rdparty/).
See uade/COPYING for UADE license information (sources under uade/).

* Dependencies (optional/auto detected):
Audacious >= 3.8
DeaDBeeF >= 1.8.0
libopenmpt >= 0.6.0
libxmp >= 4.5.0

* To build and install from source (git or latest release):
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF plugin support may require adjusting CPPFLAGS and --with-deadbeef-plugindir as it does not use pkg-config
- required (git or release): pkg-config, GNU make, GCC/Clang with C++17 support (GCC-6+, Clang-5.0+)
- required (git): autoconf, automake, libtool
- (git): make sure uade submodule has been initialized (git submodule update --init --recursive)
(autoreconf -i)
mkdir -p build
cd build
# NOTE: see ../configure --help for build options
gmake -j
gmake -j check
(sudo) gmake install

* To install via Homebrew (latest release):
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF support not available with Homebrew install (TODO)
brew install mvtiaine/repo/audacious-uade
+ macOS:
ln -s "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/audacious/Input/uade.dylib" "$(pkgconf --variable=plugin_dir audacious)/Input/uade.dylib"
+ Linux:
ln -s "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/audacious/Input/" "$(pkgconf --variable=plugin_dir audacious)/Input/"

* To install from Gentoo overlay (latest release):
# Add via layman or eselect repository
emerge -p media-plugins/audacious-uade
emerge media-plugins/audacious-uade

* To install with PKGBUILD for Arch/Manjaro/etc.:
# (optional) install libxmp from AUR
# (optional) install DeaDBeeF from AUR
# Latest release
makepkg -s
(sudo) pacman -U audacious-uade*.pkg*
# Git
makepkg -c -s -f -D scripts
(sudo) pacman -U scripts/audacious-uade*.pkg*

* To install with FreeBSD/MidnightBSD ports or DragonFlyBSD DPorts (latest release):
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF support not available with ports install (too old version)
git clone
cd freebsd-ports/multimedia/audacious-uade
make install clean

* To install with HaikuPorter (latest release):
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF support not available with HaikuPorter install (not in haikuports)
(pkgman install audacious audacious_plugins)
git clone
cp -rp haikuports/* /boot/home/haikuports/
haikuporter audacious_uade
pkgman install /boot/home/haikuports/packages/audacious_uade-*

* To install with Alpine aports (latest release):
# (optional) install deadbeef and deadbeef-dev packages for DeaDBeeF plugin support
abuild -r
(sudo) apk add "${HOME}/packages/*/*/audacious-uade*.apk"

* To install with MacPorts (latest release):
# (optional) install with +deadbeef variant for DeaDBeeF plugin support
git clone <path>
# Add file://<path> to ${prefix}/etc/macports/sources.conf
# see
(sudo) port sync
(sudo) port install audacious-uade

* To install with pkgsrc (latest release):
git clone
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF support not available with pkgsrc install (TODO)
# change /usr/pkgsrc to correct pkgsrc location below as needed
cp -rp pkgsrc/* /usr/pkgsrc/
cd /usr/pkgsrc/audio/audacious-uade
make install clean clean-depends

* To install with OpenBSD ports (latest release):
git clone
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF support not available with ports install (TODO)
cp -rp openbsd-ports/* /usr/ports/
cd /usr/ports/audio/audacious-uade
make install clean

* To build and install with Debian/Ubuntu/etc. from sources (git or latest release):
# Debian: (optional) install deadbeef and deadbeef-plugins-dev from
# Ubuntu: (optional) install deadbeef and deadbeef-plugins-dev from
(sudo) dpkg -i build-deb/audacious-uade*.deb

* To build and install with Fedora/openSUSE/etc. from sources (git or latest release):
# NOTE: CentOS >= 10 not supported. EPEL repo required on CentOS <= 9.
# NOTE: DeaDBeeF and libxmp support not available on CentOS.
# add --with-deadbeef for DeaDBeeF support (requires RPM Fusion repo on Fedora)
(sudo) dnf/yum/zypper install build-rpm/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm