- BUGFIX: the previous fix for a fastboot regression broke normal usage in some versions of ember-cli
- BUGFIX: regression on old node versions
- BUGFIX: regression in fastboot by @trabus
- BUGFIX: pass args when calling super by @dwickern
- BUGFIX: Load velocity.js as an AMD module by @ebryn
- BUGFIX: update version checks due to Ember 2.9 shipping without glimmer2
- HOUSEKEEPING: added yarn.lock for development within liquid-fire. This does not effect consumers of the addon.
- BUGFIX: don't attempt to assert velocity-animate version at build time (ember-cli-version-checker doesn't look into recursiv deps, and this check wasn't really necessary anyway)
- Significant internal refactor that includes full Glimmer2 compatibility.
- BUGFIX: several glimmer2-relatd fixes by @rwjblue.
- BUGFIX: element dimnsion rounding by @lawitschka (#483)
- BUGFIX: Fix prebuilt-example link by @blimmer (#488)
- No known semantic breakage since 0.25.0.
- We now automatically swap out Ember-version-specific implementations at build time, so we maintain wide compatibility with no runtime size overhead.
- This release works with Ember 1.13 through 2.10.0-canary+6dc97146.
- BREAKING: Removed liquid-modal. It used too much private API and ember-elsewhere is a superior alernative that composes nicely with liquid-fire.
- BREAKING: liquid-outlet, liquid-bind, liquid-if, and liquid-unless all formerly accepted an
parameter that would set theid
attribute on their.liquid-container
element. Glimmer2 has become more strict and doesn't allow this potentially-confusing reuse of theid
parameter on a tagless component. So you must change{{liquid-outlet id="something"}}
to{{liquid-outlet containerId="something"}}
. - BUGFIX: compatibility updates for the Ember 2.8 beta series by @wagenet
- BUGFIX: memory leak by @cibernox
- HOUSEKEEPING: switched to ember-sinon and added travis badge by @kellyselden
- HOUSEKEEPING: upgrade ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile to remove warnings by @gavinjoyce
- HOUSEKEEPING: upgrade ember-cli-qunit
- BUGFIX: more useful timing for the liquid-animating class (563adc)
- DOC: outletName by @knownasilya
- DOC: readme update by @coryondemand
- BUGFIX: Updated transition blueprint by @alexspeller
- BUGFIX: Renaming to match new repo location by @tricknotes
- BUGFIX: Renaming to match new repo location by @tricknotes
- BUGFIX: fixed ember-cli deprecation about this._super.init by @rwjblue
- BUGFIX: compatibility update for ember canary by @cryrivers
- ENHANCEMENT: we now use ember-try's
option in CI to test every minor release since 1.13.x - ENHANCEMENT: configurable directions for liquid-spacer by @alisdair
- ENHANCEMENT: locally scoped rules (see af74d3)
- ENHANCEMENT: liquid-sync component lets you declare that something needs to happen before a component is ready to be animated
- EXPERIMENTAL: added watchModels option to liquid-outlet and added illiquid-model component. Together they allow model-to-model transitions to be animated directly from the liquid-outlet.
- HOUSEKEEPING: updated our repo organization to match modern conventions
- HOUSEKEEPING: removed liquid-with, which had been deprecated for a long time
- noop release, because I published a backport release (0.19.6) to the latest "npm tag" (which in git terms is a lot closer to a branch than a tag), which was causing users to get 0.19.6 preferentially over 0.23.0.
- BUGFIX: make liquid-fire build correctly when included by another addon by @knownasilya
- DOC FIXES by @kiwiupover
transition - ENHANCEMENT: new cookbook section in the docs by @frederikbosch
- ENHANCEMENT: expanded demos of predefined transitions in the docs by @IgorKvasn
- NOTICE: we have moved into a new GitHub organization, so update references to ef4/liquid-fire to ember-animation/liquid-fire.
- BUGFIX: safer fastboot build guards by @tomdale.
contraint for matching transitions by media query by @mattgrannary. - ENHANCEMENT: Add lf-modal-closing class while a modal closing by @Cryrivers
- ENHANCEMENT: improved documentation for predefined transitions by @IgorKvasn
- ENHANCEMENT: documentation fixes by @ScottLNorvell and @kalmanh
- ENHANCEMENT: fastboot compatibility guards by @rondale-sc
- ENHANCEMENT: get-owner-polyfill for compatibility with Ember 2.3 by @rwjblue
- ENHANCEMENT: Fix tests for lack of
autoboot: false
support in Ember 2.2 by @rwjblue. - BUGFIX: Fixes loading substates not being called by @erkie
- BUGFIX: several minor bugfixes and compatibility updates
- BUGFIX: compatibility with internal Ember changes on 1.13.7.
constraint by @knownasilya. - BUGFIX: deprecation cleanups by @rwjblue.
- BUGFIX: updated liquid-modal to work with newest canary by @rwjblue.
ENHANCEMENT: liquid-bind in block form
can now accept a block, in which case it will yield it's value to the block, and allow you to animate the whole block when the value changes. This is the best way to animate model-to-model transitions. -
DEPRECATED: liquid-with
was originally named because it matched Ember's normalwith
helper. But the normalwith
helper lost much of its raison d'être when it's scope-shifting forms were deprecated, and I don't expect most new Ember users to ever encounter it.Therefore, I'm deprecating
in favor of usingliquid-bind
in block form, because I thinkliquid-bind
reads better. -
BUGFIX: made liquid-modals fully compatible with Ember 1.13.
BUGFIX: clean up many uses of deprecated Ember APIs
PR #334 from jamesreggio: respect enableGrowth=false
PR #322 from machty: Ember.keys deprecation
PR #321 from EricSchank: Document useAndReverse
- Shouldn't have hit publish on 0.20.3 until waiting for travis to go green. :-p
- Bugfix for liquid-spacer (#302)
- Update to match a changed private API in Ember.
- PR #293 byjimnanney: matchBy data elements whose value needs quotes
- PR #294 from salzhrani: Canary expects services to be a subclass of Ember.Service
- PR #288 from raycohen: documentation fix
- PR #241 from albertodotcom: improved explode
- PR #284 from lolmaus: documentation
- PR #291 from jrjohnson: documentation
- Glimmer compatibility: this is the liquid-fire version you want to be using with Ember 1.13 and beyond.
in containerless mode. (Issue #236) -
NEW: it should now be possible to build non-ember-cli releases of liquid-fire using Ember Giftwrap.
- BUGFIX: the experimental model-to-model liquid-outlet transitions are not compatible with the current way we use liquid-outlet and liquid-with nested together. I'm reverting this capability until we can make it the default and only supported way. (Issue #235).
This is a major refactor with many new features and many API changes, as we move rapidly toward a stable 1.0 release.
NEW: add
to any transition rule to make it verbosely log why it is or isn't matching every possible transition.this.transition( this.fromRoute('foo'), this.toRoute('bar'), this.use('fade'), this.debug() );
NEW: the
transition lets you pull apart the elements you're animating and then target each of the separate pieces with other transitions. By allowing arbitrary pairwise matching, it enables powerful new things like hero transitions and animated list changes. -
NEW: the
transition makes its oldElement fly to the position of newElement, growing or shrinking its dimensions to match by the time it gets there. Used in conjunction withexplode
it enables rich hero transitions. -
NEW: the
transition constraint lets you limit a rule to a particular template helper name. For exampleinHelper('liquid-if')
is a constraint that only matchesliquid-if
helpers. -
NEW: the
transition constraint lets you limit your transition rule to an arbitrary CSS selector. The olderchildOf
becomes just a special case ofmatchSelector
. -
NEW: the
constraint makes a transition rule only match only elements that are rendering for the first time. This replaces the old and ambiguousfromRoute(null)
, and it also handles non-outlet helpers like liquid-if. -
is just likeonInitialRender
except it matches both initial and non-initial renders. -
NEW: it is much easier to override or customize the animations used for showing and hiding modals. Just write a rule like
and give it an animation. You can manipaulate the background overlay and dialog box separately using theexplode
transition. See the default liquid-modal rule ininternal-rules.js
for an example. -
BREAKING: when more than one transition rule matches a transition, we used to just pick whichever one we found first via depth-first search. Now we use the one that is more specific (that has more constraints). Ties are broken in favor of rules that appear later in the transition map.
BREAKING: the API for implementing custom transition animations has been significantly simplified. The old API was to implement a function like:
function myAnimation(oldView, insertNewView) { return insertNewView().then(function(newView) { return Promise.all([ doSomethingWith(oldView.$()), doAnotherThingWith(newView.$()) ]); }); }
That has been simplified to:
function myAnimation() { return Promise.all([ doSomethingWith(this.oldElement), doAnotherThingWith(this.newElement) ]); }
Full docs for the API forthcoming.
BREAKING: to correspond with the above change, the animation helpers
, etc, have been updated to take a jQuery element instead of a View. -
, andwithinRoute
rule constraints used to accept a variable number of route names as arguments, any of which would satisfy the constraint. This is no longer supported. You can get the same effect by passing a single array argument. So change:this.fromRoute('a', 'b');
this.fromRoute(['a', 'b']);
BREAKING: route constraints only apply to liquid-outlets. Other helpers like liquid-if used to try to figure out what route they were in so they could respect
constraints, but this is both complicated and not a good idea. Only outlets are supposed to know about routes -- each helper should only animate based on its own well-encapsulated state. -
now only apply to actual models during route transitions in a liquid-outlet. They don't apply to the values you pass to other liquid helpers.There is are separate
rules for matching the values passed to liquid-if, liquid-with, or liquid-bind. It didn't make sense to always call this "model", and it complicates the architecture to conflate them. -
constraints let you target specific modals by name. This is marked experimental because I'm planning to try to revamp the whole modal API to make it nicer before stabilizing in 1.0, possibly by cooperating with another ember modal addon. -
NEW: a
class is added to the parentliquid-container
while an animation is in progress. This allows any customized CSS rules to be added if needed. -
can now detect and animate model-to-model transitions on the same route. HOWEVER, this is not a complete solution, due to the fact that both your old and new views will usually be bound to the same singleton controller, so the old state will instantly rerender instead of preserving the old values until animation is done. Ember 2.0 will eliminate the singleton controller, solving this problem completely.
COMPAT: fully compatible with the current Ember 1.11 beta series and canary.
BREAKING: master is now only compatible with Ember 1.11 and newer. Older versions of Ember are still supported on the oldstable branch, which is released to npm as 0.17.x.
BREAKING: We require full ES6 transpilation. The future is now.
ember install:addon ember-cli-babel
. -
Dropped large swaths of code for pre-HTMLBars support.
- COMPAT: This release cleans up all deprecation warnings through
Ember 1.10. The 0.17.x series will be in maintenance mode from here
on out on the
branch, while future work onmaster
will be compatible only with Ember 1.11 and newer.
- BREAKING: the API for route and model matcher functions in your
transition rules has changed. Instead of passing the
object-to-be-tested as
, we pass it as the first argument. So if you have a rule like:
this.fromRoute(function(){ return /special_/.test(this); })
You need to change it to:
this.fromRoute(function(routeName){ return /special_/.test(routeName); })
Similarly, a rule like:
this.fromModel(function(){ return this.get('age') > 21; })
this.fromModel(function(model){ return model.get('age') > 21; })
This change is necessary to gracefully handle all the cases where
the object being tested may be undefined, since this
is not
necessarily allowed to be undefined.
ENHANCEMENT: liquid-spacer is ready to go and documented. This is a new helper that provides a standalone growable container that animates whenever its content changes.
ENHANCEMENT: added an ember-cli blueprint for generating transitions. Run
ember generate transition some-name
. Thanks @lukesargeant.
- BUGFIX: previous change introduced a new requirement for apps to use ember-cli-6to5. This was unintentional and if we do start to require it, we will do so with a major version bump.
- ENHANCEMENT: added an unstable and undocumented component called liquid-spacer.
- COMPAT: several fixes to keep up with Ember canary changes. Thanks @rlivsey.
ENHANCEMENT: compatibility updates to for Ember 1.9 through canary. Thanks @rwjblue for spearheading this work.
BUGFIX: fixed nested outlets in non-ember-cli apps.
- BUGFIX: fixed loading of transition map when loaded via globals (#133)
- BUGFIX: fixed dismissing modals with remapped withParams (#128)
ENHANCEMENT: improved liquid-modal API by @rlivsey.
is a new option that lets you bind parameters through to the modal component. UnlikewithParams
, they will not be used to determine if the modal should be rendered. -
now allows parameter names to be arbitrarily remapped, so:this.modal('your-modal', { withParams: ['foo', { bar: 'baz'}] });
Is equivalent to a normal in-template component invoked like this:
BREAKING: we have updated the format of liquid-fire to be compatible with the latest ember-cli. As a result, we were able to simplify the way liquid-fire exports values to your code. You will need to change imports like this:
import animate from "vendor/liquid-fire";
Like this:
import animate from "liquid-fire";
ENHANCEMENT: Now compatible with the newest 1.9 beta series and 1.10 canary.
ENHANCEMENT: Added a new "scrollThen" predefined transition. Thanks @jerel.
BUGFIX: non-cli builds should be es3 safe.
BUGFIX: fixes outlets inside liquid-with. (#112)
FEATURE: modals can now send actions to their containing controller. Thanks @rlivsey.
FEATURE: improved compatibility with new versions of RSVP
BUGFIX: modals will properly bind their aria-label properties.
CHANGE: minor refinements to the modal popup animation.
CHANGE: to more easily distinguish between false-ish contexts and the initial render, transition rules will now only match the initial render if they explicitly say
. -
BUGFIX: fixed container size animations when transitioning to empty states. (#97)
- BUGFIX: containerless component should pass their class onto their liquid-children, but not their id, because multiple children will be in the dom together.
CHANGE: modals are now opt-in. You turn them on in your application by inserting a
tag in your application template. This avoids us doing non-standard things that make the load order fragile and break the Ember inspector. -
BUGFIX: containerless components should pass any class or id arguments onto their liquid-child element.
, andliquid-with
no longer insert a liquid-child element when they are empty. This may subtly change your transition matching rules if you were relying on the fact that an absent oldView could only happen at initial render, because now it can be absent at other times. -
is a shorthand for when you just want to specify a transition to always run. But since we offer the option of animating at initial render, and since we think that's the less-common case,use
has always refused to match transitions with an absentoldView
. But due to the previously mentioned change, absentoldView
can now happen at times other than initial render, souse
has been updated to animate even whenoldView
is absent. Instead it checks explicitly for the initial render case. -
FEATURE: added a
option to the helpers. If set, we don't render a.liquid-container
element and we don't manageposition
, orheight
for the child elements. This can be useful when the user wants to manage their own container differently. For example, see this flexbox-based demo. -
BUGFIX: modal initialization was broken for apps with autogenerated application controller.
BUGFIX: modal initialization was broken for apps using global namespacing.
- Bugfix: restore ES3 compatibility (#67).
- Patch release: 0.9.0 was only compatible with ember-cli 0.0.44. This restores backward compatibility for other recent versions of ember-cli.
Enhancement: modal dialogs.
Updated to the newest ember-addon API. Thanks @jakecraige.
- Oops, released before pushing upstream. Fixing.
- Enhancement: add
view to complementliquid-if
Bugfix: fix a regression that causes some directional transitions to collapse padding (#60).
Bugfix: the liquid-with helper now respects enableGrowth, growDuration, growPixelsPerSecond, and growEasing.
- Bugfix: my first attempt at resolving issue #53 was wrong, so 0.8.0 can suffer jittery outlets.
Possibly BREAKING change: improved management of container sizes thanks to @jamesreggio. This should result in much more friendly behavior for things like inline content or content centered with auto margins.
Enhancement: the predefined directional transitions (toLeft, toUp, etc), have a new implementation that should look nicer when the old & new content vary widely in size.
Bugfix: we no longer depend on a global
and always defer toEmber.$
Bugfix: don't conflict with a user's transition map written in any transpiled language.
Bugfix: pass 'id' property through helpers so you can.
Feature: all helpers accept
to cap the amount of time they'll spend growing/shrinking. -
Feature: the library will warn you if you're using Velocity older than 0.11.8, because we're using an enhancement in that version to better deal with element
- BREAKING bugfix: all helpers render with a
class, rather thanliquid-outlet
class. This was the original intent of the 0.6.0 release and the docs already reflected this, but it was left out until now.
Enhancement: make Ember integration tests automatically wait for our animations to finish.
Test coverage: added acceptance tests for all the demo animations.
- Oops, released the wrong branch. Fixing.
BREAKING CHANGES: this release introduces static layout. No longer do you need to deal with all the liquid-child divs being absolutely positioned.
liquid-box (and liquid-measure) are deprecated. The point of liquid-box was mostly to work around the problem of absolutely positioned children, which is not a problem anymore.
all the other helpers gain the ability to animate their own height and width changes to match their changing content.
all helpers now produce two layers of divs instead of just one. The outer layer (liquid-container) will remain stable in your document flow (and possibly animate its own size changes, as mentioned above). The inner layer is the liquid-child that animations target.
liquid-child has no default styling, and it can be statically positioned. The library will dynamically switch it to absolutely positioned only during animations.
New DSL shorthand: you can say
as an easy way to match a liquid-if going into thetrue
state, etc.
New feature: it's easier to define symmetric transition rules using the "reverse" statement. (http://beren:4200/#/helpers/transition-map/choosing-transitions)
Improvement: the toLeft/toRight/toUp/toDown predefined transitions should look nicer when they get interrupted.
Ember Compat: we now support metal-views!
Bugfix: liquid-box sometimes measured its content as 0
Bugfix: liquid-box sometimes animated at initial render
liquid-box now accepts
options, see docs. -
Bugfix: added a workaround for an RSVP bug that could cause apps using liquid-fire to never see exceptions that happen during transitions. (ember-animation#28)
Bugfix: prevent a potential exception when
measures nothing.
Helpers now take a
option that lets you provide a transition name that they will always use. This covers the simplest cases where you don't care about context at all, and lets you avoid cluttering your transition map. -
Reorganized the documentation routes to avoid potential confusion. Before, we had rules like
which appears to falsely imply you can match directly against helper names. -
Thanks to Alex Matchneer (@machty) and Robert Jackson (@rwjblue) for contributing to this release.
We now resolve all named transitions via the container. You can place them in app/transitions/my-fancy-animation.js. As a result, the use of "define" within the transition map is deprecated.
Added some new animation primitives for testing the state of running animations, and adapted the 'fade' transition to demonstrate how to handle interruptions.
Lots more documentation, which is now essentially complete.
- Added standalone packaging.
- Pull velocity.js from npm (velocity-animate) instead of bower. This lets users override the version of velocity.js that they're using by depending on it directly.
- Moved library code under
so it will no longer fall under your app namespace. Import it likeimport { animate } from "vendor/liquid-fire"