Usage note: please add new changelog information here at the beginning
- now it's possible to use the dongle only via the WebUI, by configure NO MQTT broker
- a heartbeat function lets blink the NodeMCU/ESP's LED every 4sec
- rework use of web_log_message[] array, now a circular buffer
- fix logging of "incoming MQTT command unknown"
- merge madmartin#5 (partially)
- adds SNTP time fetch and timestamps in log
- make debug output on serial console configurable
- fix Firefox issue in edit channel names (thanks to sidddy)
- add mqtt "sendconfig" command: "cmd/jarolift/sendconfig". the dongle replies with json encoded config data
- check and confirm running with ESP8266 core 2.4.1
- WebUI: enhance layout of system menu, display version
- system menu: serial number prefix is displayed and configurable in hexadecimal now
- system menu: new field: device counter now configurable
- add logging of WiFi connect and disconnect events. WiFi reconnect works well when compiled with ESP8266 core 2.3.0
- send device counter to MQTT server after each command
- add subdirectory /doc for misc documentation, beginning with file describing EEPROM memory layout
- implement new connect logic for MQTT, which makes an effective reconnect
- add "uptime in seconds" timestamp to log
- versionize config data in EEPROM
- introduce configurable mqtt devicetopic
- fix LWT message handling when devicetopic is reconfigured
- Web-UI:
- explain MQTT better
- add example for Home Assistant
- on shutter page: add channelnumber to each channel
- v0.6-rc1
- program version is logged on startup
- add LWT to mqtt connect
- mqtt client-id must be unique in the network, so add code to append ESP-ID to default client-id to make it unique
- Admin-Mode changed to Access-Point only
- add double reset detector to re-enter Admin-Mode after initial setUpClass
- fixed lots of typos
- fixed inconsistent commenting style
- fixes wording in config webserver
- changed length of SSID to 32 and WPA passwort to 64. needs reconfiguration of MQTT port number
- insert GPLv3 licensing information into all source files
- improved senden-routine to prevent wdt to reset the device and get more compatibility (controlling and learing).
- added a switch (bool regular_learn = true; )to choose which learn method to use.
- Regular method is Up+Down at the same time followed by a stop.
- fixed an error which prevented to learn a motor to the dongle
- reconfigured wifi as STA.
- Added ESP-Reset via fhem. Added shade command to set the shutter to a predefined position.
- Position is set via the "ssp(channel)" cmd.
- Added Group Reception.
- Added WiFi reconnect routine. (THX to Markus)
- Modified rx/tx switch for not getting stuck (line 1182/1192)
- added reception of jarolift remotes and fhem status update