Wire is a code generation tool that automates connecting components using dependency injection. Dependencies between components are represented in Wire as function parameters, encouraging explicit initialization instead of global variables. Because Wire operates without runtime state or reflection, code written to be used with Wire is useful even for hand-written initialization.
For an overview, see the introductory blog post.
Install Wire by running:
go get github.com/google/wire/cmd/wire
and ensuring that $GOPATH/bin
is added to your $PATH
Wire has two core concepts: providers and injectors.
The primary mechanism in Wire is the provider: a function that can produce a value. These functions are ordinary Go code.
package foobarbaz
type Foo struct {
X int
// ProvideFoo returns a Foo.
func ProvideFoo() Foo {
return Foo{X: 42}
Provider functions must be exported in order to be used from other packages, just like ordinary functions.
Providers can specify dependencies with parameters:
package foobarbaz
// ...
type Bar struct {
X int
// ProvideBar returns a Bar: a negative Foo.
func ProvideBar(foo Foo) Bar {
return Bar{X: -foo.X}
Providers can also return errors:
package foobarbaz
import (
// ...
type Baz struct {
X int
// ProvideBaz returns a value if Bar is not zero.
func ProvideBaz(ctx context.Context, bar Bar) (Baz, error) {
if bar.X == 0 {
return Baz{}, errors.New("cannot provide baz when bar is zero")
return Baz{X: bar.X}, nil
Providers can be grouped into provider sets. This is useful if several
providers will frequently be used together. To add these providers to a new set
called SuperSet
, use the wire.NewSet
package foobarbaz
import (
// ...
// ...
var SuperSet = wire.NewSet(ProvideFoo, ProvideBar, ProvideBaz)
You can also add other provider sets into a provider set.
package foobarbaz
import (
// ...
// ...
var MegaSet = wire.NewSet(SuperSet, pkg.OtherSet)
An application wires up these providers with an injector: a function that calls providers in dependency order. With Wire, you write the injector's signature, then Wire generates the function's body.
An injector is declared by writing a function declaration whose body is a call
to wire.Build
. The return values don't matter as long as they are of the
correct type. The values themselves will be ignored in the generated code. Let's
say that the above providers were defined in a package called
. The following would declare an injector to obtain a
// +build wireinject
// The build tag makes sure the stub is not built in the final build.
package main
import (
func initializeBaz(ctx context.Context) (foobarbaz.Baz, error) {
return foobarbaz.Baz{}, nil
Like providers, injectors can be parameterized on inputs (which then get sent to
providers) and can return errors. Arguments to wire.Build
are the same as
: they form a provider set. This is the provider set that gets used
during code generation for that injector.
Any non-injector declarations found in a file with injectors will be copied into the generated file.
You can generate the injector by invoking Wire in the package directory:
Wire will produce an implementation of the injector in a file called
that looks something like this:
// Code generated by Wire. DO NOT EDIT.
//go:generate wire
//+build !wireinject
package main
import (
func initializeBaz(ctx context.Context) (foobarbaz.Baz, error) {
foo := foobarbaz.ProvideFoo()
bar := foobarbaz.ProvideBar(foo)
baz, err := foobarbaz.ProvideBaz(ctx, bar)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return baz, nil
As you can see, the output is very close to what a developer would write themselves. Further, there is little dependency on Wire at runtime: all of the written code is just normal Go code, and can be used without Wire.
Once wire_gen.go
is created, you can regenerate it by running go generate
The following features all build on top of the concepts of providers and injectors.
Frequently, dependency injection is used to bind a concrete implementation for an interface. Wire matches inputs to outputs via type identity, so the inclination might be to create a provider that returns an interface type. However, this would not be idiomatic, since the Go best practice is to return concrete types. Instead, you can declare an interface binding in a provider set:
type Fooer interface {
Foo() string
type Bar string
func (b *Bar) Foo() string {
return string(*b)
func ProvideBar() *Bar {
b := new(Bar)
*b = "Hello, World!"
return b
var BarFooer = wire.NewSet(
wire.Bind(new(Fooer), new(Bar)))
The first argument to wire.Bind
is a pointer to a value of the desired
interface type and the second argument is a zero value of the concrete type. Any
set that includes an interface binding must also have a provider in the same set
that provides the concrete type.
If necessary, you can also bind one interface to another:
type FooerPlus interface {
Bar() String
func ProvideFooerPlus() FooerPlus {
var FooerPlusAsFooer = wire.NewSet(
wire.Bind(new(Fooer), *new(FooerPlus)))
Structs can also be marked as providers. Instead of calling a function, an
injector will fill in each field using the corresponding provider. For a given
struct type S
, this would provide both S
and *S
. For example, given the
following providers:
type Foo int
type Bar int
func ProvideFoo() Foo {
// ...
func ProvideBar() Bar {
// ...
type FooBar struct {
Foo Foo
Bar Bar
var Set = wire.NewSet(
A generated injector for FooBar
would look like this:
func injectFooBar() FooBar {
foo := ProvideFoo()
bar := ProvideBar()
fooBar := FooBar{
Foo: foo,
Bar: bar,
return fooBar
And similarly if the injector needed a *FooBar
Occasionally, it is useful to bind a basic value (usually nil
) to a type.
Instead of having injectors depend on a throwaway provider function, you can add
a value expression to a provider set.
type Foo struct {
X int
func injectFoo() Foo {
wire.Build(wire.Value(Foo{X: 42}))
return Foo{}
The generated injector would look like this:
func injectFoo() Foo {
foo := _wireFooValue
return foo
var (
_wireFooValue = Foo{X: 42}
It's important to note that the expression will be copied to the injector's package; references to variables will be evaluated during the injector package's initialization. Wire will emit an error if the expression calls any functions or receives from any channels.
For interface values, use InterfaceValue
func injectReader() io.Reader {
wire.Build(wire.InterfaceValue(new(io.Reader), os.Stdin))
return nil
If a provider creates a value that needs to be cleaned up (e.g. closing a file), then it can return a closure to clean up the resource. The injector will use this to either return an aggregated cleanup function to the caller or to clean up the resource if a provider called later in the injector's implementation returns an error.
func provideFile(log Logger, path Path) (*os.File, func(), error) {
f, err := os.Open(string(path))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cleanup := func() {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return f, cleanup, nil
A cleanup function is guaranteed to be called before the cleanup function of any
of the provider's inputs and must have the signature func()
If you grow weary of writing return foobarbaz.Foo{}, nil
at the end of your
injector function declaration, you can instead write it more concisely with a
func injectFoo() Foo {
panic(wire.Build(/* ... */))
The following are practices we recommend for using Wire. This list will grow over time.
If you need to inject a common type like string
, create a new string type to
avoid conflicts with other providers. For example:
type MySQLConnectionString string
A provider function that includes many dependencies can pair the function with an options struct.
type Options struct {
// Messages is the set of recommended greetings.
Messages []Message
// Writer is the location to send greetings. nil goes to stdout.
Writer io.Writer
func NewGreeter(ctx context.Context, opts *Options) (*Greeter, error) {
// ...
var GreeterSet = wire.NewSet(Options{}, NewGreeter)
When creating a provider set for use in a library, the only changes you can make without breaking compatibility are:
- Change which provider a provider set uses to provide a specific output, as long as it does not introduce a new input to the provider set. It may remove inputs. However, note that existing injectors will use the old provider until they are regenerated.
- Introduce a new output type into the provider set, but only if the type itself is newly added. If the type is not new, it is possible that some injector already has the output type included, which would cause a conflict.
All other changes are not safe. This includes:
- Requiring a new input in the provider set.
- Removing an output type from a provider set.
- Adding an existing output type into the provider set.
Instead of making one of these breaking changes, consider adding a new provider set.
As an example, if you have a provider set like this:
var GreeterSet = wire.NewSet(NewStdoutGreeter)
func DefaultGreeter(ctx context.Context) *Greeter {
// ...
func NewStdoutGreeter(ctx context.Context, msgs []Message) *Greeter {
// ...
func NewGreeter(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, msgs []Message) (*Greeter, error) {
// ...
You may:
- Use
instead ofNewStdoutGreeter
. - Create a new type
and add a provider forT
, as long asT
is introduced in the same commit/release as the provider is added.
You may not:
- Use
instead ofNewStdoutGreeter
. This both adds an input type (io.Writer
) and requires injectors to return anerror
where the provider of*Greeter
did not require this before. - Remove
. Injectors depending on*Greeter
will be broken. - Add a provider for
. Injectors might already have a provider forio.Writer
which might conflict with this one.
As such, you should pick the output types in a library provider set carefully.
In general, prefer small provider sets in a library. For example, it is common
for a library provider set to contain a single provider function along with a
to the interface the return type implements. Avoiding larger
provider sets reduces the likelihood that applications will encounter conflicts.
To illustrate, imagine your library provides a client for a web service. While
it may be tempting to bundle a provider for *http.Client
in a provider set for
your library's client, doing so would cause conflicts if every library did the
same. Instead, the library's provider set should only include the provider for
the API client, and let *http.Client
be an input of the provider set.
There are two approaches for creating an injected app with mocked dependencies. Examples of both approaches are shown here.
Create a test-only injector that takes all of the mocks as arguments; the
argument types must be the interface types the mocks are mocking. wire.Build
can't include providers for the mocked dependencies without creating conflicts,
so if you're using provider set(s) you will need to define one that doesn't
include the mocked types.
Create a new struct that includes the app plus all of the dependencies you want
to mock. Create a test-only injector that returns this struct, give it providers
for the concrete mock types, and use wire.Bind
to tell Wire that the
concrete mock types should be used to fulfill the appropriate interface.
Other dependency injection tools for Go like dig or facebookgo/inject are based on reflection. Wire runs as a code generator, which means that the injector works without making calls to a runtime library. This enables easier introspection of initialization and correct cross-references for tooling like guru.
Wire's approach was inspired by Dagger 2. However, it is not the aim of Wire to emulate dependency injection tools from other languages: the design space and requirements are quite different. For example, the Go compiler does not support anything like Java's annotation processing mechanisms. The difference in languages and their idioms necessarily requires different approaches in primitives and API.
Wire was designed to reduce the toil in setting up the multitude of dependencies often found when interacting with common cloud providers. However, Wire is not coupled to Go Cloud or cloud servers: Wire is a standalone tool.
The Go Cloud team is investigating splitting out Wire as its own repository. Follow #513 for updates.
In the early prototypes, Wire directives were specially formatted comments. This
seemed appealing at first glance as this meant no compile-time or runtime
impact. However, this unstructured approach becomes opaque to other tooling not
written for Wire. Tools like gorename
or guru would not be able to
recognize references to the identifiers existing in comments without being
specially modified to understand Wire's comment format. By moving the references
into no-op function calls, Wire interoperates seamlessly with other Go tooling.
This most frequently appears with common types like string
. An example of this
problem would be:
type Foo struct { /* ... */ }
type Bar struct { /* ... */ }
func newFoo1() *Foo { /* ... */ }
func newFoo2() *Foo { /* ... */ }
func newBar(foo1 *Foo, foo2 *Foo) *Bar { /* ... */ }
func inject() *Bar {
// ERROR! Multiple providers for *Foo.
wire.Build(newFoo1, newFoo2, newBar)
return nil
Wire does not allow multiple providers for one type to exist in the transitive
closure of the providers presented to wire.Build
, as this is usually a
mistake. For legitimate cases where you need multiple dependencies of the same
type, you need to invent a new type to call this other dependency. For example,
you can name OAuth credentials after the service they connect to. Once you have
a suitable different type, you can wrap and unwrap the type when plumbing it
through Wire. Continuing our above example:
type OtherFoo Foo
func newOtherFoo() *OtherFoo {
// Call the original provider...
foo := newFoo2()
// ...then convert it to the new type.
return (*OtherFoo)(foo)
func provideBar(foo1 *Foo, otherFoo *OtherFoo) *Bar {
// Convert the new type into the unwrapped type...
foo2 := (*Foo)(otherFoo)
// ...then use it to call the original provider.
return newBar(foo1, foo2)
func inject() *Bar {
wire.Build(newFoo1, newOtherFoo, provideBar)
return nil
Wire forbids this to remain consistent with the principle that specifying multiple providers for the same type is an error. On the surface, Wire could permit duplication, but this would introduce a few unintended consequences:
- Wire would have to specify what kinds of duplicates are permissible: are two
calls ever considered to be the "same"? - If a provider set changes the function it uses to provide a type, then this could break an application, since it may introduce a new conflict between another provider set that was specifying the "same" provider.
As such, we decided that the simpler behavior would be for this case to be an error, knowing we can always relax this restriction later. The user can always create a new provider set that does not have the conflicting type. A proposed subtract command would automate the toil in this process.
Probably not. Wire is designed to automate more intricate setup code found in larger applications. For small applications, hand-wiring dependencies is simpler.
Wire is still fairly new and doesn't have a large user base yet. However, we have heard a lot of interest from Go users wanting to simplify their applications. If your project or company uses Wire, please let us know by either emailing us or sending a pull request amending this section.