Author: Muye Jia
Simulate the impact dynamics of a dice rolling around in a box using SymPy.
The simulation length, forcing function applied on the dice and the box can be changed.
The ”Dice” is consisted of two sticks and four spherical shaped mass (treated as point mass). This project aims to simulate how would the jack and the box interact when the box is spinning with the jack inside by numerically solving Euler-Lagrange equation of the system and corresponding impact rules.
Frames used in simulation. "bc" represents box center frame; "dc" represents ”dice center”, "bc" represents "box center".
Euler-Lagrange equation with forcing term on the right-hand side is used:
where q is the configuration variables of the system, and x y
To solve for position and velocity after impact, the following equations are used:
Tranformation matrices are used to calculate kinetic and potential energy of the system for efficiency (equation listed below).
Runge-Kuta integration is used over Euler integration for better accuracy:
def integrate(f, xt, dt):
k1 = dt * f(xt)
k2 = dt * f(xt+k1/2.)
k3 = dt * f(xt+k2/2.)
k4 = dt * f(xt+k3)
new_xt = xt + (1/6.) * (k1+2.0*k2+2.0*k3+k4)
return new_xt
Check the distance between the tips of the dice and each wall of the box, when the distance becomes zero, an impact happens.
When calculating the position of velocity of the system after impact, numerical values of all the terms in the symbolic solution of the governing equations are plugged in first instead of solving the symbolic solution directly, which can greatly reduce the time used to solve the impact equations
To check the implementation details, please refer to impact_update
function to see how the impact equations are solved, and simulate_with_impact
function to see how impact detection is incorporated into the simulation loop.
The solved trajectory of configuration variables q for the box and dice are then the input to the animation function, and the positions of each component of the system at each time step is calculated.
Please refer to animate_boxndice
function to see the detailed implementation of the animation function.