Welcome to Muso Dojo. Here you can access a suite of tools to help teachers and students to study chords, scales, and arpeggios on various instruments including Guitar, Bass, Violin and Ukulele.
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Change Root Note
[S] [D] [G] [H] [J]
[Z] [X] [C] [V] [B] [N] [M] [,<]
corresponds to
[C#] [Eb] [Gb] [Ab] [Bb]
[C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [A] [B] [C]
Change Note Sequence
[1] = Ionian / Major
[2] = Dorian
[3] = Phrygian
[4] = Lydian
[5] = Mixolydian
[6] = Aeolian / Minor
[7] = Locrian
[8] = Root
[9] = Chromatic
[0] = Blank
Change Mode
[I] = Edit One
[O] = Edit All
[P] = Play
Change Note Sizes
[L] = Large
[K] = Small