A browser-based JavaScript and jQuery trivia game where the player has to answer 10 questions that could be virtually on any topic. The questions, their corresponding answers and multiple other answer choices are fetched from the Open Trivia Database (https://opentdb.com/).
This game was developed as part of a JavaScript and jQuery homework assignment at the University of Toronto Full Stack Web Development bootcamp. This project is a testament to the mastery of advanced JavaScript and jQuery concepts that included using timers and AJAX calls to third party APIs which ultimately resulted in a game that is simple yet powerful and fun to play. It also goes to show how the jQuery library can be leveraged over vanilla JavaScript in some areas to create a reasonably complicated game with only a few lines of code.
Either download the zipped project from GitHub or clone the repo into your local machine and open index.html using a browser. When the page loads up, press "Start Game" and enjoy!
If help is needed to understand something in the game or just to provide feedback/suggestion, please send an email to muntasir2165@hotmail.com
Muntasir Biojid - GitHub Profile