- Author: munnadroid
- License: The MIT License
- Tested on PhoneGap/Cordova 3.1.0
Copy \plugins\org.apache.cordova.plugin\www\toast.js to *\assets\www* folder
Copy ToastPlugin.java to your src folder in package org.apache.cordova.plugin or add all \org\apache\cordova\plugin\ToastPlugin.java if you don't already have the folders created.
Edit res\xml\config.xml (or wherever your config.xml is), add
<feature name="ToastPlugin">
<param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.plugin.ToastPlugin" />
at the end of the file, before </widget>
- Edit assets\www\cordova_plugins.js, add
"file": "plugins/org.apache.cordova.plugin/www/toast.js",
"id": "org.apache.cordova.plugin.ToastPlugin",
"runs": true
as an element of the array module.exports
- Use Toast.longshow
Toast.longshow(Message [,SuccessCallback, FailureCallback]);
- Use Toast.shortshow
Toast.shortshow(Message [,SuccessCallback, FailureCallback]);
Toast.longshow("Hello, I am long Toast. ");
Toast.shortshow("Hello, I am short Toast. ");