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Spread Collections

Allow the same ... spread syntax from Parameter Freedom to be used in list and map literals to insert multiple elements.


List and map literals are excellent when you want to create a new collection out of individual items. But, often some of those existing items are already stored in another collection.

Code like this is pretty common:

var args = testArgs.toList()

The cascade operator does help somewhat, but it's still pretty cumbersome. It feels imperative when it should be declarative. The user wants to say what the list is, but they are forced to write how it should be built, one step at a time.

With this proposal, it becomes:

var args = [

The ... syntax evaluates the following expression and unpacks the resulting values and inserts them into the new list at that position.

Use cases for this also occur in Flutter UI code, like:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return CupertinoPageScaffold(
    child: ListView(
      children: [

That becomes:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return CupertinoPageScaffold(
    child: ListView(
      children: [

Note now how the ] hangs cleanly at the end instead of being buried by the trailing ..addAll().

The problem is less common when working with maps, but you do sometimes see code like:

var params = {
  "userId": 123,
  "timeout": 300,

With this proposal, it becomes:

var params = {
  "userId": 123,
  "timeout": 300,

In this case, the ... takes an expression that yields a map and inserts all of that map's entries into the new map.

Type inference

A non-obvious extra advantage to this syntax is that it makes type inference more powerful. By moving elements out of trailing calls to addAll() and into the collection literal itself, we have more context available for bottom-up inference.

Code like this is fairly common:

var containingParts = <String>[]..addAll(info.outputUnit.imports)..add('main');

The <String> is necessary because otherwise we can't infer a type for the list. With spread, the elements let us infer it:

var containingParts = [,

Null-aware spread

In the above example, what happens if uri.queryParameters returns null? We could treat that as a runtime error, or silently treat null like an empty collection.

The latter has some convenience appeal, but clashes with the rest of the language where null is never silently ignored. A null if statemt condition expression causes an exception instead of being implicitly treated as false as in most other languages.

Most of the time, if you have a null in a place you don't expect, the sooner you can find out, the better. Even JavaScript does not silently ignore null in spreads. So I don't think we either. But, when looking through a corpus for places where a spread argument would be useful, I found a number of examples like:

var command = [
if (extraFrontEndOptions != null) {

To handle these gracefully, we support a ...? "null-aware spread" operator. In cases where the spread expression evaluates to null, that expands to an empty collection instead of throwing a runtime expression.

That turns the example to:

var command = [

More complex conditional expressions than simple null checks come up often too, but those are out of scope for this proposal.


We extend the list grammar to allow spread elements in addition to regular elements:

  const? typeArguments? '[' listElementList? ']'

  listElement ( ',' listElement )* ','?

  expression |
  ( '...' | '...?' ) expression

Instead of expressionList, this uses a new listElementList rule since expressionList is used elsewhere in the grammar where spreads aren't allowed. Each element in a list is either a normal expression or a spread element. If the spread element starts with ...?, it's a null-aware spread element.

The changes for map literals are similar:

  const? typeArguments? '{' mapLiteralEntryList? '}' ;

  mapLiteralEntry ( ',' mapLiteralEntry )* ','?

  expression ':' expression |
  ( '...' | '...?' ) expression

Note that a spread entry for a map is an expression, not a key/value pair. Similar to lists, a spread entry that starts with ...? is a null-aware spread entry.

Static Semantics

Since the spread is unpacked and its individual elements added to the containing collection, we don't require the spread expression itself to be assignable to the collection's type. For example, this is allowed:

var numbers = <num>[1, 2, 3];
var ints = <int>[...numbers];

This works because the individual elements in numbers do happen to have the right type even though the list that contains them does not. However, the spread object does need to be "spreadable"—it must be some kind of Iterable for a list literal or a Map for a map literal.

It is a static error if:

  • A spread element in a list literal has a static type that is not assignable to Iterable<Object>.

  • If a list spread element's static type implements Iterable<T> for some T and T is not assignable to the element type of the list.

  • A spread element in a map literal has a static type that is not assignable to Map<Object, Object>.

  • If a map spread element's static type implements Map<K, V> for some K and V and K is not assignable to the key type of the map or V is not assignable to the value type of the map.

If implicit downcasts are disabled, then the "is assignable to" parts here become strict subtype checks instead.

Const spreads

Spread elements are not allowed in const lists or maps. Because the spread must be imperatively unpacked, this could require arbitrary code to be executed at compile time:

class InfiniteSequence implements Iterable<int> {
  const InfiniteSequence();

  Iterator<int> get iterator {
    return () sync* {
      var i = 0;
      while (true) yield i ++;

const forever = [InfiniteSequence()];

Type inference

Inference propagates upwards and downwards like you would expect:

  • If a list literal has a downwards inference type of List<T> for some T, then the downwards inference context type of a spread element in that list is Iterable<T>.

  • If a spread element in a list literal has type Iterable<T> for some T, then the upwards inference element type is T.

  • If a map literal has a downwards inference type of Map<K, V> for some K and V, then the downwards inference context type of a spread element in that map is Map<K, V>.

  • If a spread element in a map literal has type Map<K, V> for some K and V, then the upwards inference key type is K and the value type is V.

Dynamic Semantics

The new dynamic semantics are a superset of the original behavior:


A list literal <E>[elem_1 ... elem_n] is evaluated as follows:

  1. Create a fresh instance of list of a class that implements List<E>.

    An implementation is, of course, free to optimize pre-allocate a list of the correct capacity when its size is statically known. Note that when spread arguments come into play, it's no longer always possible to statically tell the final size of the resulting flattened list.

  2. For each element in the list literal:

    1. Evaluate the element's expression to a value value.

    2. If element is a spread element:

      1. If element is null-aware and value is null, continue to the next element in the literal.

      2. Evaluate value.iterator to a value iterator.

      3. Loop:

        1. If iterator.moveNext() returns false, exit the loop.

        2. Evaluate iterator.current and append the result to list.

    3. Else:

      1. Append value to list.
  3. The result of the literal expression is list.


A map literal of the form <K, V>{entry_1 ... entry_n} is evaluated as follows:

  1. Allocate a fresh instance map of a class that implements LinkedHashMap<K, V>.

  2. For each entry in the map literal:

    1. If entry is a spread element:

      1. Evaluate the entry's expression to a value value.

      2. If entry is null-aware and value is null, continue to the next entry in the literal.

      3. Evaluate value.entries.iterator to a value iterator.

      4. Loop:

        1. If iterator.moveNext() returns false, exit the loop.

        2. Evaluate iterator.current to a value newEntry.

        3. Call map[newEntry.key] = value.

    2. Else, entry has form e1: e2:

      1. Evaluate e1 to a value key.

      2. Evaluate e2 to a value value.

      3. Call map[key] = value.

  3. The result of the map literal expression is map.


This is a non-breaking change that purely makes existing semantics more easily expressible.

It would be excellent to build a quick fix for IDEs that recognizes patterns like [stuff]..addAll(more) and transforms it to use ... instead.

Next Steps

This proposal is technically not dependent on "Parameter Freedom", but it would be strange to support spread arguments in collection literals but nowhere else. We probably want both. However, because they don't depend on each other, it's possible to implement them in parallel.

Before committing to do that, we should talk to the implementation teams about feasibility. I would be surprised if there were major concerns.

Questions and Alternatives

Why the ... syntax?

Java, JavaScript use ... for declaring rest parameters in functions. JavaScript uses ... for spread arguments and collection elements, so I think it is the most familiar syntax to users likely to come to Dart.

In Dart, sync*, async*, and yield*, all imply that * means "many". We could use that instead of .... This is the syntax Python, Scala, Ruby, and Kotlin use. However, I think it's harder to read in contexts where an expression is expected:

var args = [

* is already a common infix operator, so having it mean something entirely different in prefix position feels confusing. If this is contentious, it's an easy question to get data on with a usability study.

Why ... in prefix position?

Assuming we want to use ..., we still have the choice of putting it before or after the expression:

var before = [1, ...more, 3];
var after = [1, more..., 3];

Putting it before has these advantages (some of which are marginal or dubious):

  • It's what JavaScript does. If we assume most people coming to Dart and familiar with a spread operator learned it from JS, that makes it the most familiar syntax.

  • When skimming a long multi-line collection literal, the ... are on the left side of the page, so it's easy to see which elements are single and which are spread:

    var arguments = [

    With a postfix ..., you have to find the ends of each element expression, which likely don't all line up. It's possible to overlook the trailing ... if the preceding expression is particularly long.

    In practice, this is rare. I scraped a large corpus looking for calls to addAll() on collection literals (which are obvious candidates for this new syntax). 80% of the arguments to those are 36 characters or shorter. The median expression length was 15 characters.

  • It tells the reader what the expression is for before they read it. If we put the ... at the end, the reader has to read the entire expression and then realize that it's being spread. With ... in prefix position, that context is established up front.

    This may be more important for code writers. By putting the ... first, they are less likely to forget to add the spread at the end by the time they are done writing the expression.

  • It makes it look less like a cascade. Dart allows .. in infix position to mean something different. The similarity with ... is already worrisome, but putting the ... after an expression exacerbates that. It looks kind of like a cascade with a missing name:

  • In an IDE, auto-complete is likely to trigger after typing each ., which they you then have to cancel out.

  • It makes the precedence less visually confusing. The ... syntax doesn't really have "operator precedence" because it isn't an operator expression. The syntax is part of the collection literal itself. The latter effectively means it has the lowest "precedence"—any kind of expression is valid as the spread target, such as:

    [...a + b]

    Here, the ... applies to the result of the entire a + b expression. This isn't likely to occur in practice, but some custom iterable type could also use operator overloading. It doesn't look great either way, but I think the above is marginally less weird looking than:

    [a + b...]

    Dart does have some history of low-precedence prefix expressions with await and throw. The only postfix expressions, ++ and -- have high precedence.

  • It separates the ... from the comma. Since commas have a space after, but not before, this ensures the ... and , don't run together as in [1, more..., 3]. Not a huge deal, but it's nice to not jam a bunch of punctuation together when possible.

Postfix has some advantages:

  • It's what CoffeeScript does. This isn't a large bonus, obviously, but it does mean some users might be familiar with the syntax.

  • It reads in execution order. If you read ... to mean "iterate over the spread object", then putting it at the end mirrors the order that it is run. First the spread expression is evaluated, then it is iterated over.

    In particular, this makes null-aware spread operators much less confusing. Consider:

    //  | ^ |  ^
    //  | '-'  |
    //  '------'

    The first ? in ...? applies to whether or not evaluating bar returns null. The second ? in ?. looks at whether foo is null. In other words, the existing null-aware syntax is postfix, so it's confusing to add a second null-aware-like syntax that's prefix.

    A postfix form reads nicely from left to right where each ? applies to the thing before it:

    //^ |  ^    |
    //'-'  '----'

The last bullet point is significant, which makes this one of those hard choices to make. We have a lot of diffuse pros on one side and an acute but uncommon pro on the other.

To help gauge how this looks in real code, I found a number of places in a corpus where this syntax could be used by looking for calls to .addAll() on collection literals. I converted them to use the prefix and postfix syntax here.

Only a few cases use ...?. Some examples do have pretty complex expressions where it's easy to overlook a trailing ..., like:

// More...
                children: [
                  const SizedBox(),
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 24.0, bottom: 4.0),
                    child: Text('Ingredients', style: headingStyle)
                (RecipeIngredient ingredient) {
                  return _buildItemRow(ingredient.amount, ingredient.description);
                children: [
                  const SizedBox(),
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 24.0, bottom: 4.0),
                    child: Text('Steps', style: headingStyle)
// More...

Here, the ... almost looks like it's part of the next element, the TableRow, than the preceding one. Given this, I think ... is the better choice.