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Interface Libraries

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Let an import or export resolve to one of several libraries, all of which are compatible with an interface library describing their shared capabilities. A Dart implementation selects which library to use at runtime or compile time. The interface library is used for static analysis.


From its inception, Dart has run on multiple different "platforms": the native VM running on the console, Dartium, compiled to JavaScript, etc. These implementations vary in their capabilities, which is why core libraries like "dart:io" and "dart:html" aren't available on all of them. As we move into ever-more-diverse mobile platforms, this problem magnifies. We have "dart:sky" now and may find ourselves with "dart:android", "dart:ios", etc.

Often, different platforms do have the same capability, just exposed through a different API. You can do HTTP and WebSockets in the browser and in the command-line VM, but you can't do them using the same API.

Users want to write cross-platform libraries that encapsulate these differences, so that higher level code is platform independent. Today, this is impossible. If your library imports "dart:html", it fails at compile time on the standalone VM. You never get to main().

For example, the http package would like to make HTTP requests using the HttpClient class from "dart:io" when used on the command-line while using an HttpRequest on the browser.


We'll walk through a more detailed example that goes through each phase of the proposal below. For now, we'll do the tiniest possible sample so you can get a flavor for the syntax and semantics.

Let's say we want to make a library for showing warnings to the user. On the standalone VM, we want it to print to stderr. On the browser, it should show an alert. The user should be able to write this program:

import 'warn.dart';

main() {
  warn("Configuration-specific code proposals are a tar pit!", severe: true);

They should be able to run (or compile and run) it on any Dart platform and have it to do the right thing. The main library looks like:

// warn.dart
String warn(String message, {bool severe}) {
  if (severe) message = message.toUppercase();

  // <show message in config-specific way...>

This proposal is about filling in that hole. The first thing we have to do is make a separate little library that defines the interface we will use to talk to platform-specific behavior. In this case, it's simple:

// warn_interface.dart
void showMessage(String message) {}

We're leaving the body empty because this is only an interface. All we care about is its signature. We could make the function external too. We could even plug in the implementation for one of the platforms here and treat that platform as the "default". But, to make this example more explicit, we'll split out each platform separately.

Now we "implement" this library for each platform. By that, I just mean we define a separate library for each platform that defines a public function with the exact same name and signature:

// warn_io.dart
import 'dart:io' as io;

void showMessage(String message) {
// warn_html.dart
import 'dart:html' as html;

void showMessage(String message) {

Finally, back in "warn.dart" we wire them in using this proposal:

// warn.dart
import 'warn_interface.dart'
    if ( 'warn_io.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) 'warn_html.dart';

String warn(String message, {bool severe}) {
  if (severe) message = message.toUppercase();


The interesting part is the import and the if (...) clauses on it. We call an import or export with these clauses a configured directive . You can probably guess how it works. The first URI is always the interface or default library. It's the library that things like IDEs and static analyzers see. It's where you go to if you "Go to Definition" on a member declared in the configured library.

Following that are one or more configurations. Each is an if () clause followed by a URI. The condition in the if is a simple test against environment declarations (-D command-line arguments). Some environment declarations are pre-populated by a Dart implementation to let the user know which "dart:" libraries are available.

At runtime (or at compile time in dart2js), these if () clauses are tried one at a time. Each condition is evaluated. If it comes out true then we use the following URI instead of the default one. If none of the clauses match, it just falls back to using the interface URI.

That's basically it. The actual user-visible behavior is very straightforward. When figuring out what URI to use in an import or export, it picks from one of a set of options based on some compile-time constants.

Library compatibility

Imagine if "warn_io.dart" looked like:

// warn_io.dart
import 'dart:io' as io;

void showMassage(String message) {

We misspelled the function name. That means the call to showMessage() in "warn.dart" is going to fail at runtime since this library doesn't define that. If the static checker only looks at "warn_interface.dart", we won't get any static warnings about this.

To avoid problems like this where a configuration-specific library can't correctly replace the interface library, there is an additional set of static warnings to determine library compatibility.

When the analyzer sees a configuration-specific import, it first analyzes all of the referenced libraries as normal (since they are on their own perfectly valid libraries). In addition, it goes through each configuration-specific library and compares it to the interface library.

It looks at both of their public APIs and reports static warnings if they are not compatible with each other. We'll define "compatible" more precisely below, but the intent is to give you reasonable confidence during static analysis that all of your different configuration-specific will plug-in correctly at runtime.


The runtime (or compile time) behavior is simple, so we'll cover that first. The static checking is more complex. In fact, its complexity lies on a continuum. There are simple static rules we can support that aren't as expressive. Or we can allow more constructs and statically check them, but the resulting rules are more complex.

It isn't clear how much static checking is really needed here, so the proposal is broken into phases. The first phases is the simplest but least statically expressive. Later phases give the user more fine-grained, powerful static validation. The idea is to implement the phases incrementally and stop once we reach a point where users are happy with what can be known statically.


We insert an optional list of if (...) clauses in import and export directives after the initial URI. More precisely, we change importSpecification and libraryExport to:

  import uri configuration* (as identifier)? combinator* ; |
  import uri configuration* deferred as identifier combinator* ;

  metadata export uri configuration* combinator* ;

And we add:

  if ( test ) uri

  dottedName (== stringLiteral)?

  identifier (. identifier)*

String literals are not allowed to contain interpolation.

Runtime behavior

When a directive containing configurations is processed, each configuration is tried in order. If its test evaluates to true, then the following uri is used and the rest of the configurations are ignored. If all tests fail (or there are none), the initial default uri is used.

Tests are string comparisons, where a dottedName is used to create a key, and that key is used to look up a string value in the environment (using the equivalent of String.fromEnvironment()). String literals are any normal Dart string literals without interpolation.

To evaluate a test:

  1. If the test does not have a == clause, it implicitly is == "true".
  2. The dottedName is converted to a string, key, by concatenating the characters of all identifier parts, a separated by .. (In other words, ignore any whitespace, the same as we do with library names.)
  3. Let lookup be the result of looking up key in the environment, as by the constant expression const String.fromEnvironment(key).
  4. Convert stringLiteral to a string, stringValue, as if it was a compile-time constant expression.
  5. If lookup is equal to stringValue (contains the same code units), then return true.
  6. Otherwise (the key is not in the environment, or lookup has a different value) return false.

After a URI is chosen, the directive is processed as normally using that URI.

Predefined constants

We often use configuration-specific code to detect which Dart implementation a program is running in, or which "dart:" libraries are available. To expose that, every Dart implementation exposes a set of corresponding constants as part of the environment.

For every dart: library that the embedder exposes, a corresponding constant is implicitly added to the environment with value "true". The constant's name starts with "dart.library." and is suffixed by the import-name of the library. For example, for an embedder that supports dart:io the constant is in the environment, and has the value "true".

All library constants start with "dart." and the Dart platform reserves the use of constants starting with that prefix. In case of conflict with a user-defined environment variable, the user-defined value shadows the value that is provided by the embedder.

Static checking

Phase 0: nothing

Since the runtime behavior does not rely on static checking, we can start with no compatibility checking at all. It is up to users of configuration-specific imports and exports to test carefully and ensure that all of the configurations work.

Phase 1: functions

Given Dart's focus on static analysis, we expect users do want some checking for compatibility. The simplest level is to allow configurable behavior, but not configurable types.

In other words, we statically check top-level functions. As you'll see in later phases, this is dramatically simpler. The process works like so:

To tell if two libraries are compatible:

  1. Produce the visible namespace of each library. This is the export namespace of the library after the show and hide combinators in the directive have been applied.
  2. If the visible namespace of either library contains a type declaration (class, enum, or typedef), fail.
  3. If the maps of names to members of the two visible namespaces are not compatible, fail.

To tell if two maps of names to members A and B are compatible:

  1. If the maps do not have the same sets of names, fail.
  2. For each corresponding pair of members A.m and B.m:
    1. If A.m and B.m are not the same kind, fail. "Kind" is which kind of declaration the member is: method, getter, setter. Note that variables are not a kind because a variable is just a getter (final) or pair of getter and setter (non-final).
    2. Else if A.m is a method:
      1. If their return types are not compatible, fail.
      2. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
    3. Else if A.m is a getter:
      1. If their return types are not compatible, fail.
    4. Else (A.m is a setter):
      1. If their parameter types are not compatible, fail.

To tell if two types A and B are compatible:

  1. If A and B are both void, succeed.
  2. Else if A and B are both named types:
    1. If their type argument lists are not compatible, fail.
    2. If they do not refer to the same declaration, fail.
  3. Else (A and B are function types):
    1. If the return types are not compatible, fail.
    2. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.

To tell if two parameter lists are compatible:

  1. If the mandatory parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
  2. If the optional positional parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
  3. If one declares a named parameter that the other lacks, fail.
  4. For each corresponding pair of named parameters:
    1. If the types are not compatible, fail.
    2. If the default values are not identical, fail.
  5. Otherwise, succeed.

To tell if two lists of types are compatible:

  1. If the lists have different lengths, fail.
  2. If any corresponding pair of types in the lists aren't compatible, fail.
  3. Otherwise, succeed.

Note that this is much tighter than assignment compatibility, or even subtyping.

Phase 2: Types

The first phase gets us pretty far. We can define and statically check configuration-specific functions.

It even lets us define classes that appear to be configuration-specific by using a factory constructor that calls a configuration-specific factory function:

// warn.dart
import 'warn_interface.dart'
    if ( 'warn_io.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) 'warn_html.dart'
    as configured;

abstract class Warning {
  factory Warning(String message) => configured.createWarning(message);

  void show();
// warn_interface.dart
import 'warn.dart';

Warning createWarning(String message) {}
// warn_io.dart
import 'dart:io';
import 'warn.dart';

class IOWarning implements Warning {
  final String _message;


  void show() {

Warning createWarning(String message) => new IOWarning(message);

You can guess what the browser one looks like. In most cases, this works fine. What this doesn't let users do is extend the Warning class. Since it has a factory constructor and no generative constructors, extending it is off the table.

In some cases, we could work around that by having a single configuration-independent class that forwards its methods to configuration-specific function instead of doing the configuration at construction time. But, if we want to have a lot of configuration-specific state, that's annoying.

Implementing "dart:" types

Even more pernicious is if you want to actually construct an instance of a platform-specific "dart:" type. For example, let's say we want to provide a platform-independent way of working with "dart:html"'s GamepadButton class. (I'm using GamepadButton here because it's tiny. In practice, people want to do this with important classes like Node and Element.)

We define an interface that matches the real one:

// gamepad_button_interface.dart
abstract class GamepadButton {
  bool get isPressed;
  double get value;

On the standalone VM where "dart:html" isn't natively supported, we write our simulated one:

// gamepad_button_io.dart
class GamepadButton {
  final bool isPressed;
  final double value;

  GamepadButton(this.isPressed, this.value);

On the browser, we want to provide an unwrapped instance of the real, native GamepadButton class. This is important because we may be passing it to other "dart:html" APIs that only work with the real deal backed-by-C++ class.

We can accomplish that like this:

// gamepad_button.dart
export 'gamepad_button_interface.dart';
    if ( 'gamepad_button_io.dart'
    if (dart.library.html) 'dart:html'
    show GamepadButton;

At runtime, this actually works. There's nothing saying we can't use a "dart:" library as a configuration-specific one. Well, it would work, that is, if we'd spelled pressed correctly. There's a typo in our class. The real GamepadButton uses pressed, but our class calls it isPressed.

This is the kind of stuff we'd like to catch with static checking. Doing that requires being able to check configuration-specific types for compatibility in addition to functions.

We change the above checks to:

To tell if two libraries are compatible:

  1. Produce the visible namespace of each library. This is the export namespace of the library after the show and hide combinators in the directive have been applied.
  2. If the maps of names to members of the two visible namespaces are not compatible, fail.

To tell if two maps of names to members A and B are compatible:

  1. If the maps do not have the same sets of names, fail.
  2. For each corresponding pair of members A.m and B.m:
    1. If A.m and B.m are not the same kind, fail. "Kind" is which kind of declaration the member is: typedef, class, enum, constructor, method, getter, setter. Note that variables are not a kind because a variable is just a getter (final) or pair of getter and setter (non-final).
    2. If A.m is a typedef:
      1. If their type parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
      2. If their return types are not compatible, fail.
      3. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
    3. Else if A.m is a class:
      1. If A.m and B.m are not compatible (see below), fail.
    4. Else if A.m is a enum:
      1. If the list of enum values in A.m and B.m are not identical, fail.
    5. Else if A.m is a constructor:
      1. If A.m is generative and B.m is not, or vice versa, fail.
      2. If A.m is const and B.m is not, or vice versa, fail.
      3. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
    6. Else if A.m is a method:
      1. If A.m is abstract and B.m is not, or vice versa, fail.
      2. If their return types are not compatible, fail.
      3. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
    7. Else if A.m is a getter:
      1. If A.m is abstract and B.m is not, or vice versa, fail.
      2. If their return types are not compatible, fail.
    8. Else (A.m is a setter):
      1. If A.m is abstract and B.m is not, or vice versa, fail.
      2. If their value types are not compatible, fail.

To tell if two types A and B are compatible:

  1. If A and B are both void, succeed.
  2. Else if A and B are both named types:
    1. If their type argument lists are not compatible, fail.
    2. If they refer to the same declaration, succeed.
    3. Else if A refers to a type in the visible namespace of one of the libraries being checked and B refers to a type with the same name in the other library, succeed. (These types will themselves also be checked for compatibility as we walk the members of the library above.)
    4. Else fail.
  3. Else if A and B are function types:
    1. If the return types are not compatible, fail.
    2. If their parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
  4. Else fail (they are different kinds of types).

And we add:

To tell if two lists of type parameters are compatible:

  1. If the lists have different lengths, fail.
  2. For each lockstep pair of type parameters:
    1. If one has an upper bound and the other does not, fail.
    2. If the upper bounds are not compatible, fail.
  3. Otherwise, succeed.

To tell if two classes are compatible:

  1. If one is abstract and the other is not, fail.
  2. If their type parameter lists are not compatible, fail.
  3. If their superclasses are not compatible, fail.
  4. If their list of mixins are not compatible, fail.
  5. If their list of implemented interfaces are not compatible, fail.
  6. If their maps of names to public constructors are not compatible, fail.
  7. If their maps of names to public instance members (including inherited ones) are not compatible, fail.
  8. If their maps of names to public static members are not compatible, fail.

TODO: Can we ignore private classes in superclass, superinterfaces, and mixins?


Since we've been talking about "configuration-specific" code for literally years, there are a large number of other proposals and variations. This proposal is a (hopefully harmonious) synthesis of the smart ideas of others.

"Configured Imports"

Its most direct inspiration is Lasse's Configured Imports proposal. This proposal has almost identical runtime semantics. It differs in a few ways:

  1. The main change, suggested by Florian, is that this proposal requires a default "unconfigured" library, the "interface library". This simplifies static analysis because there is always a single source of truth when looking at the import or export statically.

  2. The syntax for this one is different and, I hope, more easily understood.

  3. This proposal allows both import and export directives to be configured.

Function-only "Configured Imports"

Erik was one of the first to think deeply about the complexity in statically analyzing configured public types to be configured. His variation of Configured Imports solves that problem neatly and is much simpler. This proposal's "Phase 1" is based directly off that, though with different syntax.

"Import When"

Natalie's Import When proposal was one of the first to introduce the idea of a pure interface view of a library. Her proposal has Dart create those implicitly for any library, allowing a library whose implementation uses a platform-specific feature to still have its public types used as interfaces even on other platforms.

Supporting this for all libraries, even "dart:io" and "dart:html" is very powerful and would let, for example, existing code that consumes "dart:html" objects able to be run on the standalone VM provided you give it objects whose implementations don't require "dart:html". In other words, it lets you use "dart:html" type annotations, even on the standalone VM.

However, supporting these interface implicitly, for all "dart:" libraries adds a size burden on Dart implementations that may be resource-constrained. It also isn't clear how this would handle new "dart:" libraries provided by custom embedders like "dart:sky".

"External libraries"

The External Libraries proposal is a riff on the unspecified "patch files" system that our core libraries currently use. It's structurally very similar to this proposal: you have a library whose public signature is an "interface" and one or more configuration-specific libraries that implement that.

The main difference is that with that proposal, the "library signature" is declared in place in the library that references the configuration-specific libraries instead of in a separate file. This is a bit more terse, but makes the runtime semantics more confusing to specify.

Is the configuration-specific library exported from the canonical library or textually included, or something else? All answers lead to confusing corner cases. Realizing this is what led me to abandon external libraries in favor of the proposal here.

Implications and limitations




Language specification changes


Prototype implementation

The prototype directory contains patches for the Dart SDK repository.

Currently, they implement the parsing and runtime behavior for the standalone VM and dartj2. However, instead of allowing full condition expressions, they just support a single vm or js identifier. The former is true in the standalone VM, and the latter is true in dart2js.

In addition, there is a patch to the analyzer that lets it parse and ignore the syntax. Fuller support for static analysis is coming.



Patents rights

TC52, the Ecma technical committee working on evolving the open Dart standard, operates under a royalty-free patent policy, RFPP (PDF). This means if the proposal graduates to being sent to TC52, you will have to sign the Ecma TC52 external contributer form and submit it to Ecma.