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External libraries


The Dart language does not exist in a vacuum:

  • An application may run on both the standalone VM where it has access to "dart:io" and a browser where it can use "dart:html".

  • An application may be compiled to JavaScript and use the JS DOM.

  • A core library type like String may be implemented partially or completely in C++ in the native VM. Meanwhile, that same class may be implemented in JavaScript when compiled with dart2js.

  • A custom embedder like Sky may want to expose new behavior written in C++ to end user Dart programs.

In all of these cases, the user's code reaches out towards some functionality that may not be available or even comprehensible by every tool in the Dart platform.

Since we have focused mostly on building a platform-independent Dart world, we haven't built a robust system for code that cares about where it's running. Instead, we've grown a handful of ad-hoc solutions:

  1. Our core libraries are partially platform independent and partially platform (i.e. VM or dart2js) specific. For each core library, there is a "main" platform independent library. That library declares some methods as external to indicate that the implementation is platform-specific.

  2. Then, there is a "patch" Dart file for each platform. This uses a @patch annotation or patch keyword to mark a class or method as providing implementations for some of the external methods in the main library.

  3. In the VM's patch file, some methods are in turn declared native followed by a string literal. This marks the method as being implemented by a native C++ method that can be located by the VM using the given string name.

  4. In the patch file for dart2js, native is used in a similar way but without a string literal. Instead native methods have a few metadata annotations describing how they interact with the underlying JS DOM.

  5. dart2js also defines some methods whose implementation is a chunk of inline JavaScript. This is done by having the method body call a JS() function whose argument is the string of JavaScript code.

Aside from the external keyword, none of these features are specified or officially supported by the Dart platform. Many of them are only enabled inside "dart:" libraries, and the set of those is in turn hardcoded in the SDK.

This means that when external Dart users run into these problems, they don't have the solutions we've given ourselves. This proposal solves that by cleaning up and rationalizing these existing features into a simple system that is both powerful enough for us to replace our old ad-hoc solutions and useful enough to specify and give to end users.


A pure Dart library declares a static API. It omits some of its implementation by declaring functions external. These are then provided by either another Dart library, or through some other mechanism outside of the core Dart platform.

This gives a Dart implementation—VM, compiler, custom embedder, etc.—the power to add capabilities to Dart. Meanwhile, the static analysis story (type checking, IDE navigation, etc.) remains full-featured and usable. Since there is always a static declaration of the library's API written in standard Dart code, tools always have a coherent view of the program.

We then build on top of this core concept by specifying a couple of different concrete ways an implementation of one of these declared libraries may be wired in:

  • The implementation may simply be a separate hard-coded normal Dart library.

  • The implementation may be one of a handful of configuration-specific Dart libraries chosen at runtime or compile time by a Dart implementation.

  • The implementation may be handled entirely outside of the platform by a custom embedder or compiler-specific features.


We'll walk through a progression of use cases to incrementally build all of the features of the proposal.

Example 1: Weaving in generated code

Say you are building a serialization system. Given some hand-authored class, you'd like to be able to automatically serialize it to and from JSON. You, of course, want to do this efficiently with small dart2js output. That means avoiding mirrors.

One easy way to do this is using offline code generation. You can use the source_gen package to create a little code generator. It parses your hand-authored class to find its fields and outputs a blob of Dart code to convert objects to and from JSON.

The question is, where do we put this blob of code? Ideally, it would go in a separate file. Mixing hand-maintained and generated code in the same file causes user pain and usually breaks the code generator. However, we'd really like the serialization API to hang off the hand-authored class. Given:

class Person {
  final String name;
  final int age;

  Person(, this.age);

We want other code to be able to do:

Person roundtrip(Person person) {
  var json = person.toJson();
  return new Person.fromJson(json);

How can we have toJson() and Person.fromJson() be declared in the hand-authored library but implemented in another file? Like so:

external library 'person.g.dart';

class Person {
  final String name;
  final int age;

  Person(, this.age);

  external Person.fromJson(Map json);

  external Map toJson();

There are a few pieces here:

1. Canonical library

We'll call the hand-authored library here the canonical library. A canonical library is the starting point for this whole proposal.

2. External members

A member or function can be declared external to delegate its implementation elsewhere. This is exactly how the language already specifies external, so we're just using that existing feature. It says, "at runtime, this member will exist somehow so statically just pretend it already does".

Since the declaration is in pure Dart code and has a full type signature, the analyzer and all of our static analysis tools can treat it as it if were fully present.

3. External libraries

Now we provide the first mechanism to define what "elsewhere" means. The external library directive declares a second Dart external library that is used to provide the implementations of the external methods in the current library.

It specifies the actual URL of the external library so that starting from the canonical library, we can find its external library. Here, it would look something like:

external library for 'person.dart';

import 'dart:convert';

class Person {
  factory Person.fromJson(Map json) => new Person(json["name"], json["age"]);
  Map toJson() => {"name": name, "age": age};

At static analysis time, the external library for ... directive lets the analyzer know what canonical library this library is patching. This is important for understanding the namespace of the methods inside Person here. Notice how they refer to name and age even though Person in this library doesn't define them? That works because analysis knows this Person is really patching the "real" Person class defined in the canonical library.

At runtime, the method bodies for fromJson() and toJson() are slotted into the "real" Person class as if they were defined right there.

Example 2: Configuration-specific libraries

Dart runs on multiple "platforms": the native VM running on the console, Dartium, compiled to JavaScript, etc. These implementations vary in their capabilities, which is why some core libraries like "dart:io" and "dart:html" are only supported on certain platforms.

Often, different platforms do have the same capability, just exposed through differently. For example, the http package would like to make HTTP requests using "dart:io"'s HttpClient class when run on the command-line and using an HttpRequest on the browser.

Alas, you can't write a single library that works across platforms because it is a compile error to import a "dart:" library on an unsupported platform. We'll fix that with a layer of indirection:

// http.dart
external library
    if ( 'io_client.dart'
    if (dart.html) 'browser_client.dart';

abstract class Client {
  external Client();

  external Future<Response> get(url, {Map<String, String> headers});

  external Future<Response> post(url, {Map<String, String> headers, body,
      Encoding encoding});

Like the above example, we have a canonical library that declares the platform-independent API. The implementation is pushed into an external library. The difference here is the if clauses:

external library
    if ( 'io_client.dart'
    if (dart.html) 'browser_client.dart';

4. Configured libraries

An external library directive may have one or more if clauses instead of a straight URI. Each contains a constant expression and a URI. At runtime, that expression is evaluated in a namespace based on environment constants. If it evaluates to true then that clause's URI is the external library that gets patched in at runtime.

5. Configuration-specific libraries

Now we get to the external library for a specific configuration. In our example, for the standalone VM, it would look something like this:

external library for 'http.dart';

import 'dart:io';

/// A `dart:io`-based HTTP client.
/// This is the default client when running on the command line.
class Client extends BaseClient {
  // Fields...

  Client() {
    // Use dart:io...

  Future<Response> get(url, {Map<String, String> headers}) {
    // Use dart:io...

  Future<Response> post(url, {Map<String, String> headers, body,
      Encoding encoding}) {
    // Use dart:io...

The important part is that we've removed the import of "dart:io" out of the canonical library and into the external library. On the standalone VM, we pick the above configuration. The standalone VM does support "dart:io" so everything works as expected.

On a browser, this external library is never selected. Instead, the browser-specific one that does not import "dart:io" gets picked.

This lets a user ensure an implementation never sees a import of a "dart:" library that it doesn't support. Since an external library can contain imports, it lets the user control which imports are seen.

Example 3: Native methods in a custom embedder

Finally, we get to what may be the most interesting example. The Sky team is working on a new platform for mobile applications. They are using Dart as the platform's scripting language. Since they operate near the OS level, they have new low-level capabilities that they need to expose directly to Dart—capabilities unique to the Sky platform.

The Dart VM has always been designed to be embeddable in host applications like other scripting languages. Part of this means being able to call into native C++ code from Dart. Currently, the VM supports this using a native keyword, like:

class List {
  int get length native "List_getLength";

There is one limitation: native can only be used inside "dart:" libraries. The Sky folks could create their own new "dart:sky" library and let users do:

import "dart:sky";

At runtime, all of the new capabilities would be available. Great!

But, when a user opens that program in their IDE of choice, the user experience is not great. Because "dart:sky" is bundled up inside Sky's custom embedder, the analyzer has no idea what it declares or how to find it. Any references to names imported from "dart:sky" become static errors.

We can solve this by adding two more small features to this proposal:

6. External strings

One reason the VM uses native instead of external is that it allows a string literal to follow the keyword. The VM uses this to look up the proper C++ method to bind. It could use a metadata annotation instead:

class List {
  external int get length;

But I believe the VM wants to avoid parsing metadata annotations during startup. If this is still a concern, we can extend the specification of external to allow an optional string literal after the declaration:

class _List<E> extends FixedLengthListBase<E> {
  external int get length "List_getLength";

This gets us to a syntax closer to what is already specified in the language and equally as expressive as native.

7. Implementation-defined behavior

The last "feature" isn't really a feature at all since it's what the language already specifies. So far, all of the external methods we've seen have been patched using implementations in Dart. That's fine when an external library for that configuration is available.

If it's not, a Dart implementation can handle that how it chooses. In the case of the VM, that means handing it off to the custom embedder. The Sky team can define a canonical library like so:

class InternetAddress {
  external static Uint8List parse(String address) "InternetAddress_Parse";

  // Other stuff...

They put this library in the Sky package that gets published to pub or however else they want to get it into users hands. A user uses it like so:

import 'package:sky/sky.dart';

main() {

In their IDE, everything works fine. This is now a regular "package:" import that the analyzer can traverse. Since the canonical library in the package has the declarations for InternetAddress and parse(), all of the static analysis users know and love works.

When the user runs the program in the custom Sky embedder, the VM tells the embedder, "The library with URL 'package:sky/sky.dart' has an external method 'InternetAddress_Parse'. What do I bind it to?" The embedder provides a C++ method and it gets wired up appropriately like it is today.


Those examples covered all of the moving parts. Before we get into the details, here's a quick summary:

  • A function or member in a canonical library can be marked external. That declares it statically for tooling but delegates the implementation to elsewhere.

  • The "elsewhere" can be an external library that is referenced by the canonical library. This Dart library provides concrete implementations of the external methods that get patched into the canonical library.

  • A canonical library may use if clauses to link to multiple external libraries and the right one is chosen based on the configuration.

  • An external library may have its own imports that are specific to a configuration.

  • An external method may have an optional string literal that can be used by an implementation as it sees fit.

  • If an external method isn't implemented by an external library, the host implementation can handle it how it wants.

Now we can get into the details of how these could work. This is still fairly open-ended. My goal is to be able to subsume the existing uses of native and patch files but I don't know all of the gory details of how those work yet. If you do, please do help me refine this such that we can cover all of the existing uses.

Declaring external functions

We extend the grammar to allow a string literal at the end of an external function declaration. Replace the existing spec for declaration with:

  memberDeclaration |
  external memberDeclaration plainString?

  constantConstructorSignature (redirection | initializers)? |
  constructorSignature (redirection | initializers)? |
  static? getterSignature |
  static? setterSignature |
  operatorSignature |
  static? functionSignature |

  static (final | const) type? staticFinalDeclarationList |
  final type? initializedIdentifierList |
  static? (var | type) initializedIdentifierList

I'm guessing we don't want to allow interpolation inside the string literal, but we also don't want to require r before the string, which leads to:

  ' ((' | NEWLINE))* ' |
  " (
(" | NEWLINE))* "

And we can reuse that in singleLineString:

  " stringContentDQ* " |
  ' stringContentSQ* ' |
  r plainString

The native keyword is also used before classes to indicate that the class itself has some custom implementation-specific backing storage or implementation. To support that, we may also want to allow the external keyword before a class:

  metadata (abstract|external)? class identifier typeParameters? (superclass mixins?)? interfaces?
  { (metadata classMemberDefinition)* } |
  metadata abstract? class mixinApplicationClass

Linking to external libraries

A canonical library can wire itself up with zero or more external libraries using an external library directive:

  scriptTag? libraryName? (externalLibrary|externalForLibrary)? importOrExport* partDirective* topLevelDefinition*

  external library (uri | externalConditions);

If a uri is given, than that library is always chosen. Otherwise, one or more conditional external libraries may be configured:

  (if ( expression ) uri)+ (else uri)?

Note: I'm not strongly attached to this syntax. Break out your paint for the bikeshed.

Each expression must be a constant expression. They are evaluated essentially the same as in Lasse's configured imports proposal.

TODO: Specify this more precisely.

The if clauses are evaluated in order. The first one that evaluates to true has its URI chosen as the external library. If no if clause matches, the else URI is used, if given. Otherwise, no external library is chosen and it falls onto the implementation to decide how to handle the unpatched external methods.

(It is not required for a library to have an external library directive in order to declare external functions. This is useful for backwards compatibility and in cases where an external function is handled by the implementation and not an external library.)

This is the only way to reference an external library. It cannot be imported, exported, or parted.

Defining an external library

An external library is a library that contains an external library for directive:

  external library for uri;

If library A has an external library directive with a URI referencing library B, library B must have an external library for directive with a URI referencing library A.

It is a compile error to import, export, or part a library that contains an external library for directive.

Having URIs pointing in both directions is technically redundant. However, it ensures that when starting static analysis from an external library, the tool can correctly find the canonical library it is associated with.

Merging an external library

This is the most complex corner of this proposal, and likely the part that will need the most iteration. We need to decide how the external and canonical libraries interact. We also want to statically analyze both libraries and give the user early feedback if this process is unlikely to succeed.

Note that configuration-specific libraries do not add any complexity. At static analysis time, we consider each external library independently. All that matters is its relationship to its canonical library. At runtime, only a single configuration will be chosen, so there is only a single canonical/external library pair to merge.

The basic concepts are:

  • Both the canonical and external libraries retain their original lexical scopes. Code in each of those libraries is always resolved in the lexical scope in which they appear. (By "lexical scope", I any use of a name that does not resolve to a method call on an implicit this.)

  • For each patched class, a single class is produced that contains the members of both the canonical and external library and that class is bound to its name in both libraries' namespaces. Explicit and implicit references to this in members of that class always refer to this merged class.

  • Private names are considered part of the library's lexical scope. A merged class may contain private members from both the canonical and external library but members in each library each can only see their own private names.

Here's a more precise imperative specification of the process. Given a canonical library C ("canonical") and an external library E ("external"), here is what we do:

  1. For every top-level external function in C:
    1. If a top-level function (including getters and setters) in E with the same name exists:
      1. If the name does not refer to a function, or the function's type is not exactly the same as the type of the function in C, fail with a compile error.
      2. Otherwise, replace the function in C with one that forwards to the function in E.
    2. Else:
      1. Do nothing. (This falls back to the existing behavior to let the platform inject an implementation.)
  2. For every class T ("type") in C where there is a class P ("patch") in E with the same name:
    1. If P declares any superclass, mixins, or superinterfaces, fail with a compile error.
    2. For every external member in T:
      1. If a member with that name exists in P: 2. If the type of P's member is not exactly the same as T's, fail with a compile error. 3. Replace the member in T with the member in P. The body of the member retains its original lexical scope in E, but resolves this to be an instance of T. Likewise, super usage resolves to the superclass of T.
      2. Else:
        1. Do nothing. (This falls back to the existing behavior to let the platform inject an implementation.)
    3. For every non-abstract member in P that we have not already handled:
      1. If the member is public, fail with a compile error.
      2. Otherwise, add the member to T. The body of the member retains its original lexical scope in E, but resolves this to be an instance of T.
    4. Replace P and all references to P in E with T.

By "same type", we mean that given two types A and B:

  1. If A and B are both type names, they are the same type if and only if:
    1. The named types resolve to the same declaration or one resolves to a canonical class and the other resolves to its matching external class.
    2. Their type argument lists have the same arity.
    3. Each pair of type arguments in A and B are the same type.
  2. If A and B are both function types, they are the same type if and only if:
    1. Their return type is the same type.
    2. They have the same number of required and optional positional parameters
    3. They have the same set of named parameters.
    4. The types of all of their pairs of parameters are the same type.

These rules are deliberately much tighter (but also simpler) than the rules for subtyping. They ensure that an external member is exactly type-identical with the canonical declaration it is filling in.

Static analysis of libraries containing external

A library declaring external functions is analyzed like a normal library with any external functions acting like normal declarations.

This is critical because it means the analyzer can work with libraries containing external functions even if those functions are implemented in some mechanism outside of the Dart platform. Since the external functions in the canonical library do have static type signatures, that's enough to analyze a program that calls them.

You might think we could also include added class members from an external library when statically analyzing an canonical library. For example, given:

// canonical.dart
external library 'external.dart';

class C {}

// external.dart
external library for 'canonical.dart';

class C {
  added() { ... }

// main.dart
main() {
  new C().added(); // <-- Safe?

You might not expect any static warnings. However, this doesn't work in the presence of multiple configuration-specific external libraries. One configuration may add some member that another configuration does not. To avoid that, only the members explicitly declared in the canonical library are statically visible from the canonical library.

Static analysis of an external library

The story for external libraries is a little different. Since any external library only points to a single canonical library, we do know which members the merged class will have in the context of the external library. That means this should not have a static warning:

// canonical.dart
external library 'external.dart';

class C {
  fromCanonical() { ... }

// external.dart
external library for 'canonical.dart';

class C {}

test() {
  new C().fromCanonical(); // <-- OK.

When analyzing an external library, we replace any classes it defines with their merged versions.


The existing ad-hoc solutions for native functions and patch files are the main prior art here. They are less than an "alternative" than they are a starting point for this proposal. Basically, we take those and polish them up for end users.

The nice thing about having these is that they form an existence proof of the workability of the proposal. If these features are powerful enough for our own core, IO, and HTML libraries, they are likely powerful enough for end users too.

In addition, there have been a number of attempts at solutions to the "configuration-specific code" problem over the years. One other active proposal is Lasse's configured imports DEP.

One fundamental difference between the proposals is how configuration affects the static structure of the program. With this proposal, the external libraries do not affect global analysis. This encapsulates configuration-specific differences within a single library. Lasse's proposal allows different configured imports to expose a different public API.

This means analysis either has to try to do a multiway "union" of them to provide a holistic view of all configurations simultaneously, or require the user to select which configuration they are currently looking at.

Implications and limitations




Language specification changes


A working implementation




Open questions

  • Does an external library have to annotate which classes and methods are patching things in the canonical library, or is name matching enough to indicate that?

  • How strict should we be about member collisions in a patched class? An error? Warning? If a warning, what are the runtime semantics?

  • Will an external library need access to the canonical library's private scope?

  • Do we need to allow string literals on external methods or can we just use metadata annotations in the VM like dart2js does?

Patents rights

TC52, the Ecma technical committee working on evolving the open Dart standard, operates under a royalty-free patent policy, RFPP (PDF). This means if the proposal graduates to being sent to TC52, you will have to sign the Ecma TC52 external contributer form and submit it to Ecma.