- Display
- Organic Search
- Paid Search <<<<<< Correct
Q2. If you want to evaluate if direct traffic delivered more traffic than organic search in August 2019, which report do you look at?
- Audience > Behavior > Engagement
- Realtime > Traffic Sources
- Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels <<<<<< Correct
- Acquisition > All Traffic > Referrals
- Nothing, an event is another name for event goal.
- An event is captured per user; an event goal is captured per session.
- An event goal must be created in order to track events.
- An event is a user interaction; an event goal is triggered by a selected event. <<<<<< Correct, Not sure
Q4. A user downloads a white paper with event tracking once in a single session. Another user downloads the same white paper three times in a single session. How many unique events are counted?
- one <<<<<< Correct
- three
- two
- four
- to change the way the data table is displayed <<<<<< Correct
- to adjust the date range
- to assign secondary dimensions
- to compare data to previous periods
- Campaigns > Cost Analysis
- Social > Conversions <<<<<< Correct
- Goals > Reverse Goal Path
- Goals > Smart Goals
- City
- Source/Medium
- Browser
- Pageviews <<<<<< Correct
Q8. You want to verify that Google Analytics is working immediately after installation. Which report do you review?
- Audience > Active Users
- Acquisition > Overview
- Realtime > Overview <<<<<< Correct
- Behavior > Behavior Flow
Q9. Which Chrome extension, developed by Google, would be valuable for identifying deployment issues with Google Analytics?
- Click & Test
- Google Keep
- Express UTM
- Google Analytics Debugger <<<<<< Correct
Q10. You want to track example.com and otherexample.com using a single property. What must be set up?
- cross-domain tracking <<<<<< Correct
- Google Tag Manager
- Include and Exclude filters
- custom dimensions
Q11. If you posted a link offering 50% off a hat, but the link sent people to a page of sweaters, what impact would you most likely see?
- a high page score
- a low bounce rate
- a high bounce rate <<<<<< Correct
- a low page score
- scheduled emails
- custom alerts <<<<<< Correct
- shared reports
- shared assets
- UTM parameters
- Google Tag Manager
- User-ID feature
- Analytics tracking code <<<<<< Correct
- destination
- funnel <<<<<< Correct
- visualization
- value
Q15. If you wanted to evaluate how your site performs relative to other sites in your industry vertical, what reports do you use?
- Benchmarking <<<<<< Correct
- Cohort Analysis
- Network Referrals
- Publisher Referrers