Wonderful reusable codes, libraries and scripts to process Wikipedia dumps (page content, page views, etc.) by using Apache Spark (SQL, ML, and GraphX).
This repo represents:
- Download hourly pageviews for entire Wikipedia projects (daily)
- Cleaning up and creating DataFrame
- Save DataFrame as increamentally and dynamically partitioned parquets
Number of rows: 4,529,669,792 (4.5 billion)
Sum of requests: 15,278,050,138 (15.3 billion)
|project |sum(requests)|
|en.m |3784911811 |
|en |3632828923 |
|ja.m |578906226 |
|ru |532707570 |
|es.m |507966307 |
|de.m |464186949 |
|de |463264619 |
|ja |379715338 |
|ru.m |369216509 |
|fr.m |361069999 |
|it.m |328056166 |
|fr |318697185 |
|es |314862963 |
|zh |206919597 |
|pt.m |172852499 |
|it |161235234 |
|zh.m |149878515 |
|ar.m |127827169 |
|pl |125353954 |
|pl.m |113954004 |
|pt |108576418 |
|commons.m|105668930 |
|id.m |89284575 |
|fa.m |88369910 |
|nl.m |77441421 |
|nl |67609149 |
|sv.m |57038991 |
|en.zero |52135201 |
|www.wd |48210254 |
|ar |42496761 |
only showing top 30 rows
- Spark 2.2 Local / IntelliJ
- Spark 2.2 / Cloudera CDH 5.13 / YARN (cluster - client)
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