A simple and user friendly Hospital Management System mini project, created using java swing with mysql database, in the Database Management Course.
There are some Requirements to run this project in your system:
1. Netbeans IDE must be installed in the system.
2. Download and install MySQL.
To run this project on your system, you need to follow some steps:
1. Clone or download the repository
2. Open Netbeans IDE and click open project from file menu.
3. Copy the sql file in the repository and run it as query or import database
4. Now go to netbeans IDE and open connector class from Main package.
5. Replace the database host, username and password with your database credentials.
6. Now you need to download some libraries:
Visit: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/j/Downloadjcalendar14jar.htm
to download java calendar library.
visit: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/
to download java sql connector.
7. After downloading these files, extract them you'll get jar files from both folders
now go to netbeans IDE and right click on library folder in project and click add jar,
then select both jar files you extracted and click add.
8. Now, click on the run button.
Login to the Admin portal using "admin" as the username and password.
Admin module has the following options:
1. Add Doctors
2. Update Doctor's info
3. Search and delete
1. Add Receptionist
2. Update Receptionists
3. Search and delete
4. View all Receptionists
Doctor can login to the app by using credential provided by the admin.
Doctor can view all the scheduled appointments with all the details. Once doctor marks an appointment as complete,
a bill will be automatically generated.
The receptionist has the following options:
1. Register New Patient
2. Update Patient's Information
3. Search and Delete Patients
4. View All Patients
1. Set Appointments
2. Cancel Appointments
1. View Bills
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