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Saleor Checkout

Checkout Storefront is a component used for connecting Saleor-based storefronts with checkout logic.

URL structure

Query param (raw) Casted name Type / value Required What does it do
checkout checkoutId String (checkout id) yes Tells the API which checkout you'd like to handle
saleorApiUrl saleorApiUrl String yes Tells the checkout which Saleor environment to use
locale locale Locale (defined in apps/storefront/lib/regions.ts) no Tells the checkout which locale to use on the site. That'll mean the automatically selected address for the guest checkout address form and auto-selected language of the checkout
order orderId String (order id) no Tells the checkout to show order confirmation for the order instead
email passwordResetEmail String no Email that Saleor API adds to the URL when requested account password change
token passwordResetToken String no Token that Saleor API adds to the URL when requested account password change
transaction transaction String (transaction id) no Added by the checkout in payment flow to be able to finish up the transaction after redirects
processingPayment processingPayment Boolean no Added by the checkout in payment flow for the Payment processing screen to be able to display

⚠ Please note that there are more query params than mentioned here, that come from specific payment gateways. All can be found in src/lib/utils/url.ts

API requests and types

Checkout uses urql for all GraphQL queries and mutations. Queries and mutations are split between checkout.graphql, and order.graphql. To add a query or mutation, go to the respective file and add your code there. Then generate typescript types by running:

$ pnpm generate

Use fragments for repetitive data or fragment types generation e.g. AddressFragment.

Rest requests are defined in src/fetch/requests.ts and all use the useFetch hook defined in hooks directory.

Theming and styles

You can configure your styling (colours, font sizes, etc.) in your checkout configuration app (called saleor-app-checkout in this repository). The branding config is being fetched from the checkout app in AppConfigProvider as an AppConfig object. Then the styles are parsed and injected into the CSS. Check implementation of AppConfigProvider.

Checkout uses tailwindcss for styling. You can find the Tailwind config in tailwind.config.js. In the config, the CSS variables are mapped to Tailwind styles like so:

border: {
  primary: "rgba(var(--border-color-primary-rgb), 0.4)",
  secondary: "rgba(var(--border-color-primary-rgb), 0.15)",

Project structure

graph TD
    A(Checkout Root) --> B(Checkout Form)
    A(Checkout Root) --> C(Order Confirmation)
    A(Checkout Root) --> D(Dummy Payment)
    subgraph global providers
        B(Checkout Form)
        C(Order Confirmation)
        D(Dummy Payment)

Checkout form consists of smaller forms:

graph LR
    Z(Checkout) --> A(Checkout Form)
    A --> B(Email / Registration Form)
    A --> C(Shipping Address Form)
    A --> D(Delivery Methods List)
    A --> E(Payments Section)
    Z --> H(Checkout Summary)
    H --> K(Basket Items List)
    H --> L(Discount Form)
    H --> M(Pricing Info)
    E --> F(Payment Gateways)
    F --> I(Adyen Dropin)
    E --> G(Billing Address Form)


Checkout update state

Because many checkout elements depend on one another, we use CheckoutUpdateStateStore. It keeps the information about the progress of mutations and their outcome. Each mutation in the updateState part of the store can have a value of success error or loading. We later use these props e.g. for showing skeletons instead of certain sections of checkout that depend on given mutations. What's more important, we use them to let checkout finalization flow know if it should wait for some mutations to finish before the finalization can take place. The store also contains a changingBillingCountry boolean prop, that is used to tell the payment section to show a skeleton in case the billing address country is being updated.

    Component->>onSubmit: mutation + scope
    onSubmit->> UpdateStateStore: sets the state for scope: loading
    Note over onSubmit: performs submission
    alt successful submit
        onSubmit ->> UpdateStateStore: sets the state for scope: success
    else unsuccessful submit
        onSubmit ->> UpdateStateStore: sets the state for scope: error
    UpdateStateStore  ->>  Other Component: updates store values
    Note over Other Component: Takes action based on updated state values

Checkout validation state

We use a separate store for keeping information about the current validation status of some of the forms. Since we don't want to proceed with payment in case e.g. the user forgot to put in his email or shipping address, we need to be able to trigger the validation on submission initialization and wait for all of these to finish, without some hardcore prop drilling. Hence comes the CheckoutValidationStateStore and useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger hook.

    Component ->> Form: form props
    Form ->>useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger: useForm result + scope

    Note over PaymentFlow: initializes submission
    loop Payment flow awaiting all validation results
    PaymentFlow ->> ValidationStateStore: validateAllForms()

    ValidationStateStore ->> useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger: triggers validation

    Note over Form, useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger: performs validation

    alt validation success
        useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger ->> ValidationStateStore: sets the state for scope: valid
    else unsuccessful submit
        useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger ->> ValidationStateStore: sets the state for scope: invalid
        useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger ->> Form: sets errors
        Form ->> Component: displays errors
    alt all forms valid
        PaymentFlow ->> Api: proceed with the submission
    else some forms invalid
        Note over PaymentFlow: stop submission



Each component containing a form logic has a corresponding form-wrapping hook. So for instance GuestShippingAddressForm has a corresponding hook called useGuestShippingAddressForm. This approach makes it predictable and keeps the UX related logic of components and forms separated.

For handling forms, we use Formik. Since the library is not maintained anymore, we have our wrapper to handle some of the bugs as well as a little bit of our custom logic and improved typings. Each form should be created using our useForm and if needed passed down to FormProvider which is a wrapper for Formik's FormikProvider. We have also overwritten the useField hook and types for the forms, so Formik's original types should only be used in hooks/useForm/types for extending and exporting from that file.

graph LR
    subgraph Formik code
    FT(Formik types)
    subgraph Our wrappers
     UT(useForm / types)
    F --> U(useForm)
    FT --> UT(useForm / types)
    FP --> UP(FormProvider)
    UT --> U
    UT --> UP
    U --> C(Component)
    UT --> C
    UP --> C

    linkStyle 0 stroke:gray;
    linkStyle 1 stroke:gray;
    linkStyle 2 stroke:gray;

Shipping and billing forms

In previous versions, we kept the logic for guest and signed-in user address forms intertwined, however, it made the code spaghetti-like, so despite a little more boilerplate, we now keep them separated, with as many reusable parts extracted to hooks as possible. The chart below presents the shipping address form flow - the billing one works the same way.

graph TB
  Z(Checkout Form) -- signed in user --> U(UserShippingAddressSection)
  Z -- no user --> G(GuestShippingAddressSection)
  A(Address Form)
    U --> L(Address List)
    U --> C(Address Create Form)
    U --> E(Address Edit Form)
    C --> A
    E --> A
    G --> A

Because both guest billing and shipping address forms are autosaving data under the hook, there is a useAutoSaveAddressForm that handles the necessary logic. Both useGuestBillingAddressForm and useGuestShippingAddressForm hooks use it.

Because the billing address may depend on the shipping address if use billing same as shipping checkbox is selected, we use useBillingSameAsShippingForm to handle the necessary updates in that regard.


To reuse the common submitting logic as well as reduce boilerplate for those, we use useSubmit hook, as well as the corresponding useFormSubmit when passing on to useForm. UseFormSubmit is a wrapper around useSubmit, with only one difference. While most callbacks supplied to useSubmit pass on the CallbackProps object that has one property inside - formData, useFormSubmit also adds formHelpers.

useSubmit<TData, TMutationFn, TErrorCodes>(props: UseSubmitProps<TData, TMutationFn, TErrorCodes>) => SimpleSubmitFn<TData, TErrorCodes>

The simplified flow is as follows:

flowchart LR
    onStart --> shouldAbort
    shouldAbort -- no --> parse
    onAbort --> return
    shouldAbort -- yes --> onAbort
    parse --> onSubmit
    onSubmit -- success --> onSucces --> onFinished --> return
    onSubmit -- error --> onError --> onFinished --> return
Prop name Type Required What is it
onSubmit (vars: MutationVars) => Promise<MutationData> yes Mutation function. Usually the result of urql mutation generated hook. e.g const [, userRegister] = useUserRegisterMutation()
scope CheckoutUpdateStateScope no Scope for the useSubmit to set in the update state reducer. If not provided, no update state will be set.
onStart (props: CallbackProps) => void no Callback on submission start (happens before any other action takes place, even aborting). If supplied, will be run every time the submission is triggered.
shouldAbort (props: CallbackProps) => Promise | (props: CallbackProps) => boolean) no Function to determine if the submission should be aborted. Happens after onStart callback.
onAbort (props: CallbackProps) => void no Callback on submission abort.
onSuccess (props: CallbackProps & { data: MutationSuccessData }) => void no Callback on submission success. Will return the extracted result.[mutationName].data.
onError (props: CallbackProps & { errors: ApiErrors; customErrors: any[]; graphqlErrors: CombinedError[]; }) => void no Callback on submission error. Will extract mutation.errors as graphqlErrors, mutation.[mutationName].errors as apiErrors and customErrors if extractCustomErrors prop is provided.
extractCustomErrors (data: MutationData) => any[] no Used for extracting payment gateway errors.
onFinished () => void no Similar to onStart, except happens after all the action is finished.
hideAlerts boolean no By default, useSubmit will show alerts from extracted API errors if the mutation fails. Set to false to disable. You can still show errors manually in onError callback.
parse ParserFunction<TData, TMutationFn> no Takes in form data and returns parsed variables, ready for submission. If not supplied, the contents of form data will be passed as variables.

Other useful hooks:


useFormattedMessages() => (message: MessageDescriptor, values?: Record<string, number | string>) => string

Used for translations. Uses react-intl under the hood.


useErrorMessages<TKey extends string = ErrorCode>(customMessages?: Record<TKey, MessageDescriptor>) => { errorMessages, getMessageByErrorCode,}

Used for providing an easier way to translate error messages. Without provided customMessages prop it'll return generic error messages for required, missing etc. form fields. For e.g AdyenDropin component, we provide custom messages so we can later show translated error messages specifically for adyen without wrapping each message into formatMessage


useUrlChange = (onLocationChange: ({ queryParams }: UrlChangeHandlerArgs) => void

Used to handle URL changes in components.


useLocale() => () => UseLocale

interface UseLocale {
  locale: Locale;
  countryCode: CountryCode;
  channel: string;
  messages: typeof localeToMessages[keyof typeof localeToMessages];

The returned messages are all translated messages supplied in Root.tsx to the IntlProvider.


useOrder() => { order: OrderFragment, loading: boolean }

Used on OrderConfirmation page.


useCheckout() => { checkout: CheckoutFragment, loading: boolean }


useUser() => { user: UserFragment, loading: boolean, authenticated: boolean }

Returns currently signed-in user.


useCheckoutFormValidationTrigger = <TData extends FormDataBase>({ scope, form, skip = false, }: { scope: CheckoutFormScope; form: UseFormReturn<TData>; skip?: boolean;}) => void

Attached to a form, it'll run validation once validateAllForms method is run on checkoutValidationStateStore. It'll change the state of validation forms to validating. Then it'll run the validation and set either valid or invalid on each one.