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oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces Examples

oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Interfaces offers examples with the following routines:

  • blas: level3/gemm_usm
  • rng: uniform_usm
  • lapack: getrs_usm
  • dft: complex_fwd_buffer, real_fwd_usm

Each routine has one run-time dispatching example and one compile-time dispatching example (which uses both mklcpu and cuda backends), located in example/<$domain>/run_time_dispatching and example/<$domain>/compile_time_dispatching subfolders, respectively.

To build examples, use cmake build option -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true.
Compile_time_dispatching will be built if -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true and cuda backend is enabled, because the compile-time dispatching example runs on both mklcpu and cuda backends. Run_time_dispatching will be built if -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true and -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=true. All DFT examples require the mklgpu backend to be enabled.

The example executable naming convention follows example_<$domain>_<$routine>_<$backend> for compile-time dispatching examples or example_<$domain>_<$routine> for run-time dispatching examples. E.g. example_blas_gemm_usm_mklcpu_cublas example_blas_gemm_usm

Example outputs (blas, rng, lapack, dft)


Run-time dispatching examples with mklcpu backend

$ ./bin/example_blas_gemm_usm

# General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication using Unified Shared Memory Example:
# C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
# where A, B and C are general dense matrices and alpha, beta are
# floating point type precision scalars.
# Using apis:
#   gemm
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Device will be selected during runtime.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running BLAS GEMM USM example on CPU device.
Device name is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6770HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Running with single precision real data type:

                GEMM parameters:
                        transA = trans, transB = nontrans
                        m = 45, n = 98, k = 67
                        lda = 103, ldB = 105, ldC = 106
                        alpha = 2, beta = 3

                Outputting 2x2 block of A,B,C matrices:

                        A = [ 0.340188, 0.260249, ...
                            [ -0.105617, 0.0125354, ...
                            [ ...

                        B = [ -0.326421, -0.192968, ...
                            [ 0.363891, 0.251295, ...
                            [ ...

                        C = [ 0.00698781, 0.525862, ...
                            [ 0.585167, 1.59017, ...
                            [ ...

BLAS GEMM USM example ran OK.

Run-time dispatching examples with mklgpu backend

$ ./bin/example_blas_gemm_usm

# General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication using Unified Shared Memory Example:
# C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
# where A, B and C are general dense matrices and alpha, beta are
# floating point type precision scalars.
# Using apis:
#   gemm
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Device will be selected during runtime.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running BLAS GEMM USM example on GPU device.
Device name is: Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 [0x193b]
Running with single precision real data type:

                GEMM parameters:
                        transA = trans, transB = nontrans
                        m = 45, n = 98, k = 67
                        lda = 103, ldB = 105, ldC = 106
                        alpha = 2, beta = 3

                Outputting 2x2 block of A,B,C matrices:

                        A = [ 0.340188, 0.260249, ...
                            [ -0.105617, 0.0125354, ...
                            [ ...

                        B = [ -0.326421, -0.192968, ...
                            [ 0.363891, 0.251295, ...
                            [ ...

                        C = [ 0.00698781, 0.525862, ...
                            [ 0.585167, 1.59017, ...
                            [ ...

BLAS GEMM USM example ran OK.

Compile-time dispatching example with both mklcpu and cublas backend

(Note that the mklcpu and cublas result matrices have a small difference. This is expected due to precision limitation of float)


# General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication using Unified Shared Memory Example:
# C = alpha * A * B + beta * C
# where A, B and C are general dense matrices and alpha, beta are
# floating point type precision scalars.
# Using apis:
#   gemm
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Running on both Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU devices

Running BLAS GEMM USM example
Running with single precision real data type on:
        CPU device: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz
        GPU device: TITAN RTX

                GEMM parameters:
                        transA = trans, transB = nontrans
                        m = 45, n = 98, k = 67
                        lda = 103, ldB = 105, ldC = 106
                        alpha = 2, beta = 3

                Outputting 2x2 block of A,B,C matrices:

                        A = [ 0.340188, 0.260249, ...
                            [ -0.105617, 0.0125354, ...
                            [ ...

                        B = [ -0.326421, -0.192968, ...
                            [ 0.363891, 0.251295, ...
                            [ ...

                        (CPU) C = [ 0.00698781, 0.525862, ...
                            [ 0.585167, 1.59017, ...
                            [ ...

                        (GPU) C = [ 0.00698793, 0.525862, ...
                            [ 0.585168, 1.59017, ...
                            [ ...



Run-time dispatching example with mklgpu backend:

$ ./bin/example_lapack_getrs_usm

# LU Factorization and Solve Example:
# Computes LU Factorization A = P * L * U
# and uses it to solve for X in a system of linear equations:
#   AX = B
# where A is a general dense matrix and B is a matrix whose columns
# are the right-hand sides for the systems of equations.
# Using apis:
#   getrf and getrs
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Device will be selected during runtime.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running LAPACK getrs example on GPU device.
Device name is: Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 [0x193b]
Running with single precision real data type:

                GETRF and GETRS parameters:
                        trans = nontrans
                        m = 23, n = 23, nrhs = 23
                        lda = 32, ldb = 32

                Outputting 2x2 block of A and X matrices:

                        A = [ 0.340188, 0.304177, ...
                            [ -0.105617, -0.343321, ...
                            [ ...

                        X = [ -1.1748, 1.84793, ...
                            [ 1.47856, 0.189481, ...
                            [ ...


Compile-time dispatching example with both mklcpu and cusolver backend

$ ./bin/example_lapack_getrs_usm_mklcpu_cusolver

# LU Factorization and Solve Example:
# Computes LU Factorization A = P * L * U
# and uses it to solve for X in a system of linear equations:
#   AX = B
# where A is a general dense matrix and B is a matrix whose columns
# are the right-hand sides for the systems of equations.
# Using apis:
#   getrf and getrs
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Running on both Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU devices

Running LAPACK GETRS USM example
Running with single precision real data type on:
        CPU device :Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz
        GPU device :TITAN RTX

                GETRF and GETRS parameters:
                        trans = nontrans
                        m = 23, n = 23, nrhs = 23
                        lda = 32, ldb = 32

                Outputting 2x2 block of A,B,X matrices:

                        A = [ 0.340188, 0.304177, ...
                            [ -0.105617, -0.343321, ...
                            [ ...

                        (CPU) X = [ -1.1748, 1.84793, ...
                            [ 1.47856, 0.189481, ...
                            [ ...

                        (GPU) X = [ -1.1748, 1.84793, ...
                            [ 1.47856, 0.189481, ...
                            [ ...



Run-time dispatching example with mklgpu backend:

$ ./bin/example_rng_uniform_usm

# Generate uniformly distributed random numbers with philox4x32x10
# generator example:
# Using APIs:
#   default_engine uniform
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Device will be selected during runtime.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running RNG uniform usm example on GPU device
Device name is: Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 [0x193b]
Running with single precision real data type:
                generation parameters:
                        seed = 777, a = 0, b = 10
                Output of generator:
                        first 10 numbers of 1000:
8.52971 1.76033 6.04753 3.68079 9.04039 2.61014 3.75788 3.94859 7.93444 8.60436
Random number generator with uniform distribution ran OK

Compile-time dispatching example with both mklcpu and curand backend

$ ./bin/example_rng_uniform_usm_mklcpu_curand

# Generate uniformly distributed random numbers with philox4x32x10
# generator example:
# Using APIs:
#   default_engine uniform
# Using single precision (float) data type
# Running on both Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU devices

Running RNG uniform usm example
Running with single precision real data type:
        CPU device: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7920X CPU @ 2.90GHz
        GPU device: TITAN RTX
                generation parameters:
                        seed = 777, a = 0, b = 10
                Output of generator on CPU device:
                        first 10 numbers of 1000:
8.52971 1.76033 6.04753 3.68079 9.04039 2.61014 3.75788 3.94859 7.93444 8.60436
                Output of generator on GPU device:
                        first 10 numbers of 1000:
3.52971 6.76033 1.04753 8.68079 4.48229 0.501966 6.78265 8.99091 6.39516 9.67955
Random number generator example with uniform distribution ran OK on MKLCPU and CURAND


Compile-time dispatching example with mklgpu backend

$ SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER=gpu ./bin/example_dft_complex_fwd_buffer_mklgpu

# Complex out-of-place forward transform for Buffer API's example:
# Using APIs:
#   Compile-time dispatch API
#   Buffer forward complex out-of-place
# Using single precision (float) data type
# For Intel GPU with Intel MKLGPU backend.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running DFT Complex forward out-of-place buffer example
Using compile-time dispatch API with MKLGPU.
Running with single precision real data type on:
	GPU device :Intel(R) UHD Graphics 750 [0x4c8a]
DFT Complex USM example ran OK on MKLGPU

Runtime dispatching example with both mklgpu backend

SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER=gpu ./bin/example_dft_complex_fwd_buffer_mklgpu

# Complex out-of-place forward transform for Buffer API's example:
# Using APIs:
#   Compile-time dispatch API
#   Buffer forward complex out-of-place
# Using single precision (float) data type
# For Intel GPU with Intel MKLGPU backend.
# The environment variable SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER can be used to specify
# SYCL device

Running DFT Complex forward out-of-place buffer example
Using compile-time dispatch API with MKLGPU.
Running with single precision real data type on:
	GPU device :Intel(R) UHD Graphics 750 [0x4c8a]
DFT Complex USM example ran OK on MKLGPU