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Group Work v2 deployment

The current implementation of Group Work v2 depends on some Open edX APIs and features that are only available in the edx-solutions fork of the platform. Some of the administrative tasks are currently implemented in the proprietary Apros interface LMS interface.

In order to have a working Group Project, you'll need to complete three steps:

  1. Set up environment configuration variables
  2. Author the XBlock in Studio
  3. Configure Group Project in Apros (3rd party LMS frontend)

Apros configuration

See corresponding document in Apros (TBD)

High-level architecture overview

High level deployment overview


In order to use Group Project XBlock v2 in a course, the XBlock must be installed into LMS environment and enabled in the course's advanced settings. Also, Group Project XBlocks use a number of instance-specific configuration variables, so setting them is considered a part of setup process.

Installing the XBlocks

If you're using edx-solutions/edx-platform fork, Group Project v2 XBlock is already installed. Otherwise, installing Group Project XBlock v2 is done the same way other XBlocks are installed:

  1. Open terminal (or shell) as the edxapp user.
  2. Switch to the edxapp virtualenv
  3. pip install -e git+ version_hash #egg=xblock-group-project-v2

version_hash is the hash of a git commit, or the name of a git tag. At the time of writing, the latest stable version was 0.4.9, so the above command looked like this:

pip install -e git+

Setting configuration variables

There are two sources of configuration variables: Django settings and XBlock-specific settings available through SettingsService. Both types of settings can be set via LMS environment file lms.env.json or (not recommended) directly in the instance's Django settings files.

The following Django settings are used:

  • EDX_API_KEY: string - must contain an edX server API Key. As this XBlock uses the edX API extensively, failure to provide the key will prevent Group Project XBlock v2 from operating normally.
  • BASE_DIR: string - base Django instance directory. Used by Submission XBlocks as part of file storage location if local file storage is used.
  • API_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS: URL - (optional) should contain the base URL of the LMS API. Default:
  • The file upload features piggyback on Django file storage mechanism; in order to store files, a file storage backend should be configured. Note: existing production instances use S3 as file storage; using local file storage is theoretically possible, but it does not work out of the box and is not recommended.

The Group Project XBlock v2 also reads the instance's configured XBlock settings, using the key group_project_v2. The following XBlock settings are used:

  • dashboard_details_url: string - the URL pattern used to generate the details URL in the dashboard. It uses following parameters in str.format style:

    • program_id: ID of program this group project belongs to; might belong to multiple programs, injected by runtime
    • course_id: ID of course this group project belongs to - course usage locator
    • project_id: ID of group project to show - Apros ID, injected by runtime.
    • activity_id: ID of activity to show - ActivityXBlock usage locator.
  • ta_review_url: string - URL pattern used to render the review URL for the TA:

    • course_id: ID of course this group project belongs to - course usage locator
    • group_id: ID of workgroup to review.
    • activity_id: ID of activity to show - ActivityXBlock usage locator.
  • ta_roles: list of strings - List of course-specific roles that grant Teaching Assistant access to a course.

  • access_dashboard_for_all_orgs_groups: list of strings - List of instance-wide roles that grant access to any organization.

  • access_dashboard_groups: list of strings - List of instance-wide roles that grant access to admin dashboard. Members of these roles will only see users from their own organisation.

  • access_dashboard_ta_groups: lis of strings - List of instance-wide roles that grant access to admin dashboard. Members of these roles will be able to visit the dashboard only if they are TA for particular course (see ta_roles).

If both access_dashboard_for_all_orgs_groups and access_dashboard_role_groups are empty or missing, the admin dashboard is effectively disabled.

Example configuration:

  "group_project_v2": {
    "dashboard_details_url": "/admin/workgroup/dashboard/programs/{program_id}/courses/{course_id}/projects/{project_id}/details?activate_block_id={activity_id}",
    "ta_review_url": "/courses/{course_id}/group_work/{group_id}?activate_block_id={activate_block_id}",
    "access_dashboard_for_all_orgs_groups": ["mcka_role_mcka_admin"],
    "access_dashboard_groups": ["mcka_role_client_admin", "mcka_role_internal_admin"],
    "access_dashboard_ta_groups": ["mcka_role_mcka_ta"],
    "ta_roles": ["assistant"]

Enabling Group Project XBlock v2 in a course

To enable the use of Group Project XBlock v2 in the course:

  1. Open the course in Studio.
  2. In the top menu choose Settings -> Advances Settings
  3. Add gp-v2-project to "Advanced Module List"
  4. Optionally, add ooyala-player to "Advanced Module List" - this player can be used for video resources

As a result, Advanced Module List option should look like this (assuming there are no other advanced modules enabled for the course): Advanced Module List Image

(Optional) Notifications integration

Group Project XBlock v2 sends a number of notifications via the edx-notifications app. In order to make those notifications appear correctly, make sure NOTIFICATION_CLICK_LINK_URL_MAPS Django setting contains the following record:

'*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?activate_block_id={location}'

If you're using the edx-solutions/edx-platform fork, the appropriate value is already set. Otherwise, note that NOTIFICATION_CLICK_LINK_URL_MAPS is read from lms.env.json, so the setting should be modified there.


    '*': '/courses/{course_id}/announcements',
    'open-edx.lms.leaderboard.*': '/courses/{course_id}/cohort',
    'open-edx.lms.discussions.*': '/courses/{course_id}/discussion/{commentable_id}/threads/{thread_id}',
    '*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?seqid={activity_location}',
    '*': '/courses/{course_id}/group_work?activate_block_id={location}',

External/API dependencies of GWv2

Below is a list of a non-standard dependencies of student-facing functionalities of GWv2.

XBlock services

  • Group Work v2 extensively uses settings defined in XBLOCK_SETTINGS in the Open edX LMS configuration. It reads its settings from the group_project_v2 namespace. Note this service is present in the regular Open edX release.

  • edx-notifications: Used to send notifications to students events like:

    • Project stage submissions opened.
    • Project stage submissions due.
    • File has been uploaded
    • Grades have been posted.
      Please see StageNotificationsMixin that contains all our usages of notifications API.
  • courseware_parent_info: Still listed as a required plugin for GroupActivityXBlock.

    Note: This can probably be safely removed, it was introduced in the first version of Group Work XBlock and all references to this service have been removed

Dependencies in XBlock runtime

  • get_real_user --- used to get the id of the user, which is then used to query API, for workgroups, peer_reviews, team_evaluations, and so forth. This is present in the regular Open edX release.

API dependencies

GWv2 extensively uses edx-solutions Open edX server/management API.

User views

  • /api/server/users/:user_id Used to de-anonymize users (present their name to peers)
  • /api/server/users/preferences A user's TA status is stored in user preferences.
  • /api/server/users/groups
    • Groups to be reviewed are stored as reviewassignment group; these groups contain a reference to the course and xblock_id.
  • /api/server/users/:user_id/workgroups --- All workgroups student belongs to. This is additionally filtered by course_id.
  • /api/server/users/:user_id/organisations --- List of organisations user belongs to.
  • /api/server/users/:user_id/groups --- All groups user belongs to. Used to query user permissions (edx-solutions uses groups to signify permissions).

Group urls

Group is a good old django.contrib.auth.models.Group, with some additional magic to store groups: name, type and data (data is a dict of arbitrary data).

  • /api/server/groups/:group_id/users Loads users in a group. Used to find the reviewers (see /api/server/workgroups/:group_id/groups).
  • /api/server/groups/:group_id/workgroups --- used to reverse query workgroups from groups.


Each project entity represents a single group project, and has the following properties:

  • It is relative to a particular course (contains course_id)
  • It is relative to a particular project XBlock (contains xblock content_id)
  • It contains reference to organisation --- which makes this project "private" to members of this organisation.
  • It has a one-to-many relationship with workgroup.
  • /api/server/projects/ --- used to query workgroups for a given project, project is located using cross section of course_id and content_id
  • /api/server/projects/:project_id --- get project by project_id

Workgroup endpoints

A workgroup is a group of users working together on a project. Workgroup has a one-to-many relationship with Group; each of these groups contains users that need to review submissions of this workgroup. These groups are sometimes refereed as assignments.

Endpoints include:

  • /api/server/workgroups --- create/read workgroups
  • /api/server/workgroups/:group_id/peer_reviews --- Retrieves all peer reviews related to team evaluations for a given activity
  • /api/server/peer_reviews --- Stores, updates, deletes all peer reviews for a given activity
  • /api/server/workgroups/:group_id/workgroup_reviews --- Retrieves workgroup reviews. Workgroup reviews are related to Peer Grading.
  • /api/server/workgroup_reviews creates updates deletes all workgroup reviews
  • /api/server/workgroups/:group_id/grades --- sets grade for group, which in turn adds grade for every user
  • /api/server/workgroups/:group_id/groups --- A number of groups can be attached to workgroup, each contains students that will review this group (as part of peer assessment). These groups have type of reviewassignment and store reference to activity id.
  • /api/server/workgroup/:group_id/submissions --- Lists all submissions done by the users of this group. Submissions are time-stamped so need to be filtered by hand.

Various other APIs

  • /api/server/courses/:course_id/roles used to check whether student is a TA.

Proprietary Apros Interface dependencies

  • Project is created in inside Apros Interface
  • Workgroups are generated inside Apros Interface
  • Review assignments are generated from Apros Interface
  • Emails to team-members and TA are done by calling Apros Views.

Django dependencies

  • GroupProjectSubmissionXBlock depends on django default_storage being configured. This dependency is via UploadFile class.

External XBlocks

  • DiscussionXBlock
  • OoyalaVideoXBlock