Everything is here in :help
, :h
- on terminal
% vi .
- on vi:
:e .
:h netrw
Browsing With A Horizontally Split Window...........|netrw-o|
Browsing With A New Tab.............................|netrw-t|
Browsing With A Vertically Split Window.............|netrw-v|
# Important: The "* register is for the system clipboard.
# See help; :h registers and :h clipboard
# Paste clipboard to vi
# Copy the current line to clipboard
# Copy multiple line
# Copy all line to clipboard
:h scrolling
CTRL-E Scroll window [count] lines downwards in the buffer.
Mnemonic: Extra lines.
CTRL-Y Scroll window [count] lines upwards in the buffer.
Note: When using the MS-Windows key bindings CTRL-Y is
remapped to redo.
3. Scrolling relative to cursor *scroll-cursor*
The following commands reposition the edit window (the part of the buffer that
you see) while keeping the cursor on the same line:
z<CR> Redraw, line [count] at top of window (default
cursor line). Put cursor at first non-blank in the
zt Like "z<CR>", but leave the cursor in the same
column. {not in Vi}
z{height}<CR> Redraw, make window {height} lines tall. This is
useful to make the number of lines small when screen
updating is very slow. Cannot make the height more
than the physical screen height.
z. Redraw, line [count] at center of window (default
cursor line). Put cursor at first non-blank in the
zz Like "z.", but leave the cursor in the same column.
Careful: If caps-lock is on, this command becomes
"ZZ": write buffer and exit! {not in Vi}
z- Redraw, line [count] at bottom of window (default
cursor line). Put cursor at first non-blank in the
zb Like "z-", but leave the cursor in the same column.
{not in Vi}
:h help
CTRL-] Jump to specific subjects by using tags
CTRL-T or CTRL-O Jump back
# Copy
/ ctrl r + Shift "
Change the height of the window
:resize 100
:res 100
:res +10
Change the width of the current window
:vertical resize 100
For a split window: You can use Ctrl-w + and Ctrl-w - to resize the height of the current window by a single row. For a vsplit window: You can use Ctrl-w > and Ctrl-w < to resize the width of the current window by a single column. Additionally, these key combinations accept a count prefix so that you can change the window size in larger steps. [e.g. Ctrl-w 10 + increases the window size by 10 lines]
To resize all windows to equal dimensions based on their splits, you can use Ctrl-w =.
To increase a window to its maximum height, use Ctrl-w _.
To increase a window to its maximum width, use Ctrl-w |.