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🐳 DokuWiki Docker image on Alpine and Nginx with Træfik, Let's Encrypt and backup/restore to/from Git repo


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Changes on 2020/01/15

  • Used before this change the common docker-compose.yml file is separated now to one for 'docuwiki' application container (docker-compose.yml) and dedicated one for 'traefik' container (traefik/docker-compose.yml)
  • Due to this change you can now run 'traefik' container independently from 'dokuwiki' application container, which can be useful in case you already have 'traefik' container running as an edge proxy for other application containers
    • The only common configuration item which needs to be shared between 'traefik' container and its served application containers is the name of their common network defined by COMMON_NETWORK variable, see below
  • The given 'traefik' docker-compose.yml file (traefik/docker-compose.yml) can be used as an example, in case you'd like to run 'dokuwiki' application container on fresh docker system, as described below


  • Alpine Linux 3.9, Nginx, PHP 7.2, ACME Let's Encrypt via Traefik
  • Tarball authenticity checked during building process
  • OPCache enabled to store precompiled script bytecode in shared memory
  • Data, configuration, plugins, and templates are backed up to a configured Git repo

Environment variables

  • Variables defined in .env file
      • traefik frontend rule
      • set default to in docker-compose.yml
      • used in docker-compose.yml, if not defined traffic will not be routed to dokuwiki container
      • example
      • host persistent volume to store DockuWiki site data, ACME Let's Encrypt certificates, and a pravite key of your Git backup server account
      • set default to /opt/docker/persistent in
      • set default to /opt/docker/persistent in docker-compose.yml
      • used by to create host persistent volumes directory structure
      • used in docker-compose.yml and traefik/docker-compose.yml to define persistent volumes
      • example
        • PERSISTENT_DIR=/opt/docker/persistent
      • email address used for ACME (Let's Encrypt) registration
      • set default to in traefik/docker-compose.yml
      • used in traefik/docker-compose.yml to define acme email address, if not defined Let's Encrypt will not work correctly
      • example
      • default base domain name used for the frontend rules
      • set default to docker.localhost in traefik/docker-compose.yml
      • used in traefik/docker-compose.yml to define base domain name for frontend rules for hosts which are not full domain name
      • example
        • DOCKER_DOMAIN=docker.localhost
      • name of the network common for traefik and its served containers
      • set default to traefik-public-network in docker-compose.yml
      • set default to traefik-public-network in traefik/docker-compose.yml
      • used in docker-compose.yml and traefik/docker-compose.yml to define the name of the docker bridged network for connectivity
      • example
        • COMMON_NETWORK=traefik-public-network
      • backup user email address
      • used to mark generated public key to be added to the account used to access Git backup repo
      • used to configure Git global option and derive (as the part of the email address before '@' sign) for Git commands used to commit backup data to Git backup repo
      • used in container ENTRYPOINT
      • passed from docker-compose to container ENTRYPOINT
      • set default to in docker-compose.yml
      • set default to in container ENTRYPOINT if passed empty
      • example
      • Git remote URL of your repo on Git server to backup wiki content
        • Git associates a remote URL with a name, which is called origin by default, and for which you can get the URL with the following command (run within your repo directory)
          • git remote get-url origin
      • mandatory and validated in script and in container ENTRYPOINT
      • passed by docker-compose to container ENTRYPOINT
      • example
    • TZ
      • container timezone
      • used in container ENTRYPOINT
      • set default to Europe/Luxembourg in docker-compose.yml
      • passed from docker-compose to container ENTRYPOINT
      • set default to UTC in container ENTRYPOINT if passed empty
      • example
        • TZ=Europe/Oslo
  • The following variable have defaults and used in container ENTRYPOINT. You can redefine them in .env and they will be passed as is to container ENTRYPOINT by docker-compose
      • PHP memory limit
      • default to 256M
      • example
        • MEMORY_LIMIT=256M
      • Upload max size
      • default to 16M
      • example
        • UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=16M
      • PHP OpCache memory consumption
      • default to 128
      • example
        • OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE=128


  • DokuWiki
    • /data - bind to host ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/data folder
      • folder that contains configuration, plugins, templates and data
    • /root/.ssh - bind to host ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh folder
      • folder that contains public/private keys, config and known_hosts files
      • you can place here the pravite key corresponding to a public key of your Git backup server account, name the file as id_rsa
  • Traefik
    • /acme.json - bind to host ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/acme.json file
      • file that contains ACME Let's Encrypt certificates


  • Traefik
    • 80 - HTTP port - redirects traffic to itself (Traefik) to HTTPS port (443)
    • 443 - HTTPS port - proxies traffic to DokuWiki to HTTP port (80)
  • DokuWiki
    • 80 - HTTP port - serves DokuWiki wiki


  • On the fresh docker system (if you didn't run this installation procedure before), follow these steps:
    • Create project directory, cd to it, and run the following commands from within this project directory
    • Create .env file with the following environment variables, see the description and examples above
  • Download the pre-deployment script (, make it executable, and run it
curl -sSL >
chmod +x
  • Provide access to your Git backup repo via SSH. You can do it the following way
    • Generate a public/pravite key pair
    • Place the private key to the host persistent volume as ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh/id_rsa
      • Make its permissions to be read/write only by root:
        • sudo chmod 600 ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh/id_rsa
    • Add the public key to the Git user account which has access to Git backup repo
      • GIT_BACKUP_REPO_URL variable defined above specifies Git remote SSH URL address used to access your Git backup repo
      • Git remote SSH URL addresses have the form git@<gitserver>:<user>/<repo>.git, which means that user account <user> has access to repository <repo> on Git server <gitserver>
      • To provide SSH access to your Git backup repo you have to add the generated public key to your <user> account on the <gitserver> server
    • Create the SSH configuration file (config) in the host persistent volume as ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh/config
      • Put necessary SSH configuration to the above file, for example like the following
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
  • Run the following commands to deploy containers and see their logs (use Ctrl-C to exit)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml logs -f # to see the container logs in console; Ctrl-C to exit
  • If you didn't place the private key to the host persistent volume (as ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh/id_rsa), the container initialization script will generate a public/pravite key pair, store the generated keys in ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/root/.ssh/, and show the public key in the container log, waiting for the access to Git backup repo be provided - see the next point
  • If the container initialization script is not able to access Git backup repo, it will wait for 10 minutes (or till the moment the access is provided) checking once per minute for the access and asking you to add a public key. Look for the Please add the public key ... messages in the container log in console
  • On the first container run (after this installation procedure), fresh DokuWiki data will be commited to the configured Git backup repo. On the next container run, DokuWiki data from the Git backup repo will be cloned/pulled to the container /data volume
  • As script proceeds, point your browser to your wiki site URL to finish with DokuWiki installation wizard, fill in the form provided by the wizard, and click Save
  • The following message will appear in your browser
    • The configuration was finished successfully. You may delete the install.php file now. ...
  • Use Ctrl-C in console to exit from docker-compose logs, delete the install.php file with the following command:
    • docker exec dokuwiki /bin/sh -c "rm -fr /var/www/install.php"

Next run

  • If you did installation procedure before and just need to run existing 'dokuwiki' container, run the following command from the project directory (created during installation procedure):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml up -d


  • Use the the following commands to upgrade containers, it is recommended
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f traefik/docker-compose.yml up -d
  • You can also upgrade DokuWiki automatically through its UI

Backup and Restore

  • All data in /data folder are periodically backed up to the provided Git backup repo
  • Any time you run a container from this image on any host with configured access to Git backup repo, DokuWiki data from the repo will be synced with the container's /data volume and host's ${PERSISTENT_DIR}/dokuwiki/data folder. Use script and the above Installation section to prepare host


  • MIT. See LICENSE for more details


🐳 DokuWiki Docker image on Alpine and Nginx with Træfik, Let's Encrypt and backup/restore to/from Git repo








No packages published


  • Shell 86.1%
  • Dockerfile 13.3%
  • PHP 0.6%