Ini adalah contoh implementasi Payment Gateway Midtrans di Laravel. Contoh kasus yang diambil adalah web donasi online, semua sistem/manajemen donasi yang ada disini dibuat sesederhana mungkin agar kita bisa lebih fokus untuk mepelajari cara kerja Payment Gateway Midtransnya.
- User performs the checkout operation
- Merchant server makes an api request to the snap backend to get the
- Snap backend responds to the api call with the
- Merchant server constructs the html page and sends it back to the browser
- User verifies the details and clicks the pay button. Merchant’s javascript code calls, options)
. User then fills up the payment details and clicks the confirm button. - Snap JS sends the payment details to the snap backend
- Snap backend processes the details and responds with the charge status. Snap JS then calls the corresponding callback provided by the merchant’s javascript code.
- Snap backend notifies the merchant server about the charge status