Starterkit for a Golang Web-Server with Connection to MariaDB (MySQL Engine) and a REST-API
Docker-Compose based Setup including installation and startup script It uses the following technologies:
- Docker-Compose for the Deployment of all components
- MariaDB (with MySQL Database engine) running in its own container
- Golang application that connects to the database
- GORM (Object-Relational-Mapper) for storing and retrieving data from database
- Gorilla Mux as a HTTP-Framework for serving the REST API
- Govendor as a vendoring tool
To simply start the application, use: sudo sh
This script includes the Docker and Docker-compose instalaltion for Ubuntu.
For a simple run use docker-compose up
The valid HTTP Requests can be found under: api_requests.postman_collection.json
It can be imported into POSTMAN.