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Extraneous Fetching

Applications fetch data for query purposes, or to perform some application-specific processing. Retrieving data, whether from a remote web service, a database, or a file, incurs I/O. Retrieving more data than is necessary to satisfy a business operation can result in unnecessary I/O overhead and can reduce responsiveness. In a cloud environment supporting multiple concurrent instances of an application, this overhead can accumulate to have a significant impact on the performance and scalability of the system.

This anti-pattern typically occurs because:

  • The application attempts to minimize the number of I/O requests by retrieving all of the data that it might need. This is often a result of overcompensating for the Chatty I/O anti-pattern. For example, the sample code provided with this anti-pattern contains part of a web application enables a customer to browse products that an organization sells. This information is held in the Products table in the AdventureWorks2012 database shown in the image below. A simple form of the application fetches the complete details for every product. This is wasteful on at least three counts:

    1. The customer might not be interested in every detail; they would typically need to see the product name, description, price, dimensions, and possibly a thumbnail image. Other related information such as product ratings, reviews, and detailed images might be useful but could be expensive and wasteful to retrieve unless the customer specifically requests it.

    2. Not all of the product details might be relevant to the customer; there could be some properties that are only meaningful to the organization or that should remain hidden from customers.

    3. The customer is unlikely to want to view every product that the organization sells.

Entity Framework data model based on the Product table in the AdventureWorks2012 database

  • The application was developed by following poor programming or design practice. For example, the following code (taken from the sample application) retrieves product information by using the Entity Framework to fetch the complete details for every product. The code then filters this information to return only the information that the user has requested. The remaining data is discarded. This is clearly wasteful, but commonplace:

C# web API

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetAllFieldsAsync()
    using (var context = new AdventureWorksContext())
        // execute the query
        var products = await context.Products.ToListAsync();

        // project fields from the query results
        var result = products.Select(p => new ProductInfo { Id = p.ProductId, Name = p.Name });

        return Ok(result);
  • Similarly, the application might retrieve data to perform aggregations or other forms of operations. The following sample code (also taken from the sample application) calculated the total sales for the company. The application retrieves every record for all orders sold, and then calculates the total sales value from these records:

Entity Framework data model showing the SalesOrderHeader table

C# web API

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AggregateOnClientAsync()
    using (var context = new AdventureWorksContext())
        // fetch all order totals from the database
        var orderAmounts = await context.SalesOrderHeaders.Select(soh => soh.TotalDue).ToListAsync();

        // sum the order totals here in the controller
        var total = orderAmounts.Sum();

        return Ok(total);
  • The application retrieves data from a data source by using the IEnumerable interface. This interface supports filtering and enumeration of data, but the filtering is performed on the client-side after it has been retrieved from the data source. Technologies such as LINQ to Entities (used by the Entity Framework) default to retrieving data through the IQueryable interface, which passes the responsibility for filtering to the data source. However, in some situations an application might reference an operation which is only available to the client and not available in the data source, requiring that the data be returned through the IEnumerable interface (by applying the AsEnumerable method to an entity collection). The following example shows a LINQ to Entities query that retrieves all products where the SellStartDate column lies somewhere in the previous week. LINQ to Entities cannot map the AddDays function to an operation in the database, so the query returns every row from the product table to the application where it is filtered. If there are only a small number of rows that match this criterion, this is a waste of bandwidth.

C# Entity Framework

var context = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();
var query = from p in context.Products.AsEnumerable()
            where p.SellStartDate < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7) // AddDays cannot be mapped by LINQ to Entities
            select ...;

List<Product> products = query.ToList();

How to detect the problem

Symptoms of extraneous fetching in an application include high latency and low throughput. If the data is retrieved from a data store, then increased contention is also probable. End-users are likely to report extended response times and possible failures caused by services timing out due to increased network traffic and resource conflicts in the data store. These failures could manifest themselves as HTTP 500 (Internal Server) errors or HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) errors. In these cases, you should examine the event logs for the web server which are likely to contain more detailed information about the causes and circumstances of the errors.

Note: The symptoms of this anti-pattern and some of the telemetry obtained might be very similar to those of the Monolithic Persistence anti-pattern. The causes however are somewhat different, as are the possible solutions.

You can perform the following steps to help identify the causes of any problems:

  1. Identify slow workloads or transactions by performing load-testing, process monitoring, or other methods of capturing instrumentation data.

  2. Observe any behavioral patterns exhibited by the system. For example, does the performance get worse at 5pm each day, and what happens when the workload exceeds a specific limit in terms of transactions per second or volume of users?

  3. Correlate the instances of slow workloads with behavioral patterns.

  4. Identify the source of the data and the data stores being used.

  5. For each data source, run lower level telemetry to observe the behavior of operations end-to-end by using process monitoring, instrumentation, or application profiling.

  6. Identify any slow-running queries that reference these data sources.

  7. Perform a resource-specific analysis of the slow-running queries and ascertain how the data is used and consumed.

The following sections apply these steps to the sample application described earlier.

Note: If you already have an insight into where problems might lie, you may be able to skip some of these steps. However, you should avoid making unfounded or biased assumptions. Performing a thorough analysis can sometimes lead to the identification of unexpected causes of performance problems. The following sections are formulated to help you to examine applications and services systematically.

Identifying slow workloads

An initial analysis will likely be based on user reports concerning functionality that is running slowly or raising exceptions. Load testing this functionality in a controlled test environment could indicate high latency and low throughput. As an example, the following performance results were obtained by using a load test that simulated up to 400 concurrent users running the GetAllFieldsAsync operation in the sample code.

Load-test results for the GetAllFieldsAsync method

Throughput diminished slowly as the load increased, but the average response time mirrored the work-load (in the graph, the average response time has been magnified by 100 to make the correlation clear).

Performing a load-test for the AggregateOnClientAsync operation shows a similar pattern. The volume of requests per seconds is reasonably stable (although higher), and the average response time increases more slowly with the work-load:

Load-test results for the AggregateOnClientAsync method

Profiling an application in a test environment can help to identify the following symptoms that characterize operations that retrieve large amounts of data. The exact symptoms will depend on the nature of the resources being accessed but may include:

  • Frequent, large I/O requests made to the same resource or data store.

  • Contention in a shared resource or data store hosting the requested information.

  • Client applications frequently receiving large volumes of incoming data across the network.

  • Applications and services spending significant time waiting for I/O to complete.

Observing behavioral patterns

Determining whether behavior is influenced by time is a matter of monitoring the performance of the production system over an appropriate period and examining the usage statistics. Any correlation between regular periods of high usage and slowing performance can indicate areas of concern. The performance profile of functionality that is suspected to be slow-running should be closely examined to ascertain whether it matches that of the load-testing performed earlier.

Load-testing to destruction (in a test environment) over the same functionality using step-based user loads can help to highlight the point at which the performance drops significantly or fails completely. If load at which the system fails or performance drops to unacceptable levels is within the bounds of that expected at periods of peak activity, then the way in which the functionality is implemented should be examined further.

Correlating instances of slow workloads with behavioral patterns

A slow operation is not necessarily a problem if it is not being performed when the system is under stress, it is not time critical, and it does not unduly impact the performance of other important operations. For example, generating the monthly operational statistics might be a long-running operation, but it can probably be performed as a batch process and run as a low priority job. On the other hand, customers querying the product catalog or placing orders are critical business operations that can have a direct bearing on the profitability of an organization. You should focus on the telemetry generated by these critical operations to see how the performance varies during periods of high usage.

Identifying data sources in slow workloads

If you suspect that a service is performing poorly because of the way in which data is being retrieved, you should investigate how the application is interacting with the repositories it utilizes. Monitoring the live system, together with a review of the source code (if possible) should help to reveal the data sources being accessed during periods of poor performance.

In the case of the sample application, all the information is held in a single instance of Azure SQL Database.

Observing the end-to-end behavior of operations that access each data source

In a typical Azure cloud scenario, a client (a browser, desktop application, or mobile device) sends a request to a web application or cloud service. The web application or cloud service in turn submits a request to a data store. The data is then returned, possibly after performing some processing, to the client for processing.

For each data source, you should instrument the system to capture the frequency with which each data store is accessed, the volume of data entering and exiting the data store, the timings of these operations (in particular, the latency of requests), and the nature and rate of any errors observed while accessing each data store under loads that are typical of the system. You can compare this information against the volumes of data being returned by the web application or cloud service to the client. The following diagram shows a typical end-to-end scenario. In this scenario, you should track the ratio of the volume of data returned by the data store (x bytes) against the size of the data returned to the client (y bytes). Any large disparity between the values of x and y should be investigated to determine whether the web application or cloud service is fetching extraneous data and performing processing that might be better handled by the data store.

Observing end-to-end behavior of operations

Capturing this data might involve observing the live system and tracing the lifecycle of each user request, or you can model a series of synthetic workloads and run them against a test system if you need to observe behavior in a more controlled environment.

The following graphs show the results of telemetry captured by using New Relic during the load-test of the GetAllFieldsAsync method. It is important to note the differences between the volumes of data received from the database and the corresponding HTTP responses.

Telemetry for the GetAllFieldsAsync method

In the load-tests, the size of the data returned from the database by each request was 80503 bytes. The size data returned to the client can vary depending on the format requested by the client. During the load-tests the data was returned to the clients in JSON format and each response contains 19855 bytes (25% of the size of the database response). Separate testing (results not shown), for clients requesting data in XML format shows that the response size is 35655 bytes (44% of the size of the database response.)

Note: It is interesting to observe the correlation between the throughput of the web application (requests per minute) against the number of bytes received from the database. This tailing off was also apparent in the load-test. The actual cause of this diminuendo is not apparent from the graphs; further investigation of the system would be required to determine whether the reduction in the volume of requests sent to the web application has caused a corresponding reduction in the number of requests passed to the database (and hence the volume of data returned) or whether a gentle throttling of the database is causing a reduction in the number of concurrent requests that the web application can support. This investigation would involve capturing the telemetry for the database server and for the web server hosting the web application to determine which one is most likely to be acting as the brake on the system.

Examining the telemetry captured during the load-test for the AggregateOnClientAsync method shows more extreme results. In this case, each test performed a query that retrieved over 280Kb of data from the database, but the JSON response contained a mere 14 bytes. This wide disparity is due to the nature of the processing being performed by the web application; it is calculating an aggregated result (the total value of all orders) from a large volume of data.

Telemetry for the AggregateOnClientAsync method

Identifying slow queries

Tracing execution and analyzing the application source code and data access logic might reveal that a number of different queries are performed as the application runs. You should concentrate on those that consume the most resources and take the most time to execute. You can add instrumentation to determine the start and completion times for many database operations enabling you to work out the duration. However, many data stores also provide in-depth information on the way in which queries are performed and optimized. For example, the Query Performance pane in the Azure SQL Database management portal enables you to select a query and drill into the detailed runtime performance information for that query. The figure below shows the query generated by the GetAllFieldsAsync operation:

The Query Details pane in the Windows Azure SQL Database management portal

The statistics summarize the resources used by this query.

Note: The statistics shown in this image were not generated by running the load-tests, but were obtained by monitoring the system in production. However, the statistics are still valid as they give an indication of how the query uses resources and this is not dependent on whether the system is under test at the time.

Performing a resource-specific analysis of the slow-running queries

Examining the queries frequently performed against a data source, and the way in which an application uses this information, can provide an insight into how key operations might be speeded up. In some cases, it may be advisable to partition resources horizontally if different attributes of the data (columns in a relational table, or fields in a NoSQL store) are accessed separately by different functions; this can help to reduce contention; often 90% of operations are run against 10% of the data held in the various data sources, so spreading this load may improve performance.

Depending on the nature of the data store, you may be able to exploit the features that it implements to efficiently store and retrieve information. For example, if an application requires an aggregation over a number of items (such as a count, sum, min or max operation), SQL databases typically provide aggregate functions that can perform these operations without requiring that an application fetches all of the data and implement the calculation itself. In other types of data store, it may be possible to maintain this information separately within the store as records are added, updated, or removed, again eliminating the requirement of an application to fetch a potentially large amount of data and perform the calculation itself.

If you observe requests that retrieve a large number of fields, examine the underlying source code to determine whether all of these fields are actually necessary. Sometimes these requests are the results of injudicious SELECT * operations, or misplaced .Include operations in LINQ queries. Similarly, requests that retrieve a large number of entities (rows in a SQL Server database) may be indicative of an application that is not filtering data correctly. Verify that all of these entities are actually necessary, and implement database-side filtering if possible (for example, using a WHERE clause in an SQL statement.) For operations that have to support unbounded queries, the system should implement pagination and only fetch a limited number (a page) of entities at a time.

Note: If analysis shows that none of these situations apply, then extraneous fetching is unlikely to be the cause of poor performance and you should look elsewhere.

How to correct the problem

Only fetch the data that is required; avoid transmitting large volumes of data that may quickly become outdated or might be discarded, and only fetch the data appropriate to the operation being performed. The following examples describe possible solutions to many of the scenarios listed earlier:

  • In the example that retrieves product information, perform the projection at the database rather than fetching and filtering data in the application code:

C# web API

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetRequiredFieldsAsync()
    using (var context = new AdventureWorksContext())
        // project fields as part of the query itself
        var result = await context.Products
            .Select(p => new ProductInfo {Id = p.ProductId, Name = p.Name})

        return Ok(result);

Note: This code is available in the sample solution provided with this anti-pattern.

  • In the example that aggregates information held in a database, perform the aggregation in the database rather than in the client application code:

C# web API

public async Task<IHttpActionResult> AggregateOnDatabaseAsync()
    using (var context = new AdventureWorksContext())
        // fetch the sum of all order totals, as computed on the database server
        var total = await context.SalesOrderHeaders.SumAsync(soh => soh.TotalDue);

        return Ok(total);
  • Wherever possible, ensure that LINQ queries are resolved by using the IQueryable interface rather than IEnumerable. This may be a matter of rephrasing a query to use only the features and functions that can be mapped by LINQ to features available in the underlying data source, or adding user-defined functions to the data source that can perform the required operations on the data before returning it. In the example shown earlier, the code can be refactored to remove the problematic AddDays function from the query, allowing filtering to be performed by the database:

C# Entity Framework

var context = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

DateTime dateSince = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
var query = from p in context.Products
            where p.SellStartDate < dateSince // AddDays has been factored out. This criterion can be passed to the database by LINQ to Entities
            select ...;

List<Product> products = query.ToList();

Consequences of the solution

The system should spend less time waiting for I/O, network traffic should be diminished, and contention for shared data resources should be decreased. This should manifest itself as an improvement in response time and throughput in an application. Performing load-testing against the GetRequiredFieldsAsync method in the sample solution shows the following results:

Load-test results for the GetRequiredFieldsAsync method

This load-test was performed on the same deployment and using the same simulated workload of 400 concurrent users as before. The graph shows much lower latency; the response time rises with load to approximately 1.3 seconds compared to 4 seconds in the previous case. The throughput is also higher at 350 requests per second compared to 100 earlier. These changes are apparent from the telemetry gathered while the test was running:

Telemetry for the GetRequiredFieldsAsync method

The volume of data retrieved from the database now closely matches the size of the HTTP response messages sent back to the client applications.

Load-testing using the AggregateOnDatabaseAsync method generates the following results:

Load-test results for the AggregateOnDatabaseAsync method

The average response time is now minimal. This is an order of magnitude improvement in performance, caused primarily by the vast reduction in I/O from the database.

The image below shows the corresponding telemetry for the AggregateOnDatabaseAsync method:

Telemetry for the AggregateOnDatabaseAsync method

The amount of data retrieved from the database was vastly reduced, from over 280Kb per transaction to 53 bytes. Consequently, the maximum sustained number of requests per minute was raised from around 2,000 to over 25,000.

Note: The solution to this anti-pattern does not imply that you should always offload processing to the database. You should only perform this strategy where the database is designed or optimized to do so. Databases are intended to manipulate the data that they contain very efficiently, but in many cases they are not designed to act as fully-fledged application engines. Using the processing power of a database server inappropriately can cause contention and slow down database operations. For more information, see the Busy Database anti-pattern

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