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usage: gatk_sam_to_fastq_4.1.8.0.cwl [-h] [--memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB]
[--memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD]
[--number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS]
--input INPUT [--fastq FASTQ]
[--clipping_action CLIPPING_ACTION]
[--clipping_attribute CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE]
[--clipping_min_length CLIPPING_MIN_LENGTH]
[--compression_level COMPRESSION_LEVEL]
[--create_index] [--include_non_pf_reads]
[--max_records_in_ram MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM]
[--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--create_md5_file] [--output_per_rg]
[--quality QUALITY] [--re_reverse]
[--read1_max_bases_to_write READ1_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE]
[--read1_trim READ1_TRIM]
[--read2_max_bases_to_write READ2_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE]
[--read2_trim READ2_TRIM]
[--reference_sequence REFERENCE_SEQUENCE]
[--rg_tag RG_TAG]
[--second_end_fastq SECOND_END_FASTQ]
[--unpaired_fastq UNPAIRED_FASTQ]
[--validation_stringency VALIDATION_STRINGENCY]
positional arguments:
job_order Job input json file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--memory_per_job MEMORY_PER_JOB
Memory per job in megabytes
--memory_overhead MEMORY_OVERHEAD
Memory overhead per job in megabytes
--number_of_threads NUMBER_OF_THREADS
--input INPUT Input SAM/BAM file to extract reads from Required.
--fastq FASTQ Output FASTQ file (single-end fastq or, if paired,
first end of the pair FASTQ). Required. Cannot be used
in conjunction with argument(s) OUTPUT_PER_RG (OPRG)
--clipping_action CLIPPING_ACTION
The action that should be taken with clipped reads:
'X' means the reads and qualities should be trimmed at
the clipped position;'N' means the bases should be
changed to Ns in the clipped region; and any integer
means that the base qualities should be set to that
value in the clipped region. Default value: null.
--clipping_attribute CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE
The attribute that stores the position at which the
SAM record should be clipped Default value: null.
--clipping_min_length CLIPPING_MIN_LENGTH
When performing clipping with the CLIPPING_ATTRIBUTE
and CLIPPING_ACTION parameters, ensure that the
resulting reads after clipping are at least
CLIPPING_MIN_LENGTH bases long. If the original read
is shorter than CLIPPING_MIN_LENGTH then the original
read length will be maintained. Default value: 0.
Compress output FASTQ files per read group using gzip
and append a .gz extension to the file names. Default
value: false. Possible values: {true, false} Cannot be
used in conjunction with argument(s) FASTQ (F)
--compression_level COMPRESSION_LEVEL
Compression level for all compressed files created
(e.g. BAM and VCF). Default value: 2.
--create_index Whether to create a BAM index when writing a
coordinate-sorted BAM file. Default value: false.
Possible values: {true, false}
Include non-PF reads from the SAM file into the output
FASTQ files. PF means 'passes filtering'. Reads whose
'not passing quality controls' flag is set are non-PF
reads. See GATK Dictionary for more info. Default
value: false. Possible values: {true, false}
If true, include non-primary alignments in the output.
Support of non-primary alignments in SamToFastq is not
comprehensive, so there may be exceptions if this is
set to true and there are paired reads with non-
primary alignments. Default value: false. Possible
values: {true, false}
--interleave Will generate an interleaved fastq if paired, each
line will have /1 or /2 to describe which end it came
from Default value: false. Possible values: {true,
--max_records_in_ram MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM
When writing files that need to be sorted, this will
specify the number of records stored in RAM before
spilling to disk. Increasing this number reduces the
number of file handles needed to sort the file, and
increases the amount of RAM needed. Default value:
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Directory in which to output the FASTQ file(s). Used
only when OUTPUT_PER_RG is true. Default value: null.
Cannot be used in conjunction with argument(s) FASTQ
--create_md5_file Whether to create an MD5 digest for any BAM or FASTQ
files created. Default value: false. Possible values:
{true, false}.
--output_per_rg Output a FASTQ file per read group (two FASTQ files
per read group if the group is paired). Default value:
false. Possible values: {true, false} Cannot be used
in conjunction with argument(s) FASTQ (F)
--quality QUALITY End-trim reads using the phred/bwa quality trimming
algorithm and this quality. Default value: null.
--re_reverse Re-reverse bases and qualities of reads with negative
strand flag set before writing them to FASTQ Default
value: true. Possible values: {true, false}
--read1_max_bases_to_write READ1_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE
The maximum number of bases to write from read 1 after
trimming. If there are fewer than this many bases left
after trimming, all will be written. If this value is
null then all bases left after trimming will be
written. Default value: null.
--read1_trim READ1_TRIM
The number of bases to trim from the beginning of read
1. Default value: 0.
--read2_max_bases_to_write READ2_MAX_BASES_TO_WRITE
The maximum number of bases to write from read 2 after
trimming. If there are fewer than this many bases left
after trimming, all will be written. If this value is
null then all bases left after trimming will be
written. Default value: null.
--read2_trim READ2_TRIM
The number of bases to trim from the beginning of read
2. Default value: 0.
--reference_sequence REFERENCE_SEQUENCE
Reference sequence file. Default value: null.
--rg_tag RG_TAG The read group tag (PU or ID) to be used to output a
FASTQ file per read group. Default value: PU.
--second_end_fastq SECOND_END_FASTQ
Output FASTQ file (if paired, second end of the pair
FASTQ). Default value: null. Cannot be used in
conjunction with argument(s) OUTPUT_PER_RG (OPRG)
--unpaired_fastq UNPAIRED_FASTQ
Output FASTQ file for unpaired reads; may only be
provided in paired-FASTQ mode Default value: null.
Cannot be used in conjunction with argument(s)
--validation_stringency VALIDATION_STRINGENCY
Validation stringency for all SAM files read by this
program. Setting stringency to SILENT can improve
performance when processing a BAM file in which
variable-length data (read, qualities, tags) do not
otherwise need to be decoded. Default value: STRICT.
Possible values: {STRICT, LENIENT, SILENT}