Vincent - was created for personal purposes to organize my photos.
Features which I need from this tool:
I have realized for myself that not need to sort my photos manually, because only ordered by time frames is the best way to see the photos It's like stream of your life. That's why first required feature is "organize photos automatically by creation date using standart file system with human readable structure" like "Flower Beds in Holland"
root/ new/ 1985/ September/ 24__11h_08m_13s__I6e18581041695e0fced713f40db4e6c3I_.jpg 22__03h_58m_10s__I6e18sdgsgasdgsxxxed713f40db4e6c3I_.mp4 October/ 01__03h_58m_10s__I6e18sdgsgasdgsxxxed713f40db4e6c3I_.jpg 2009/ July/ 2012/
I'm often copy some of my photos from camera to PC again again and again and as result have a lot of duplicates and the use a lot of memory. that's why second required feature is "no duplicates - just delete them from my hard drive." like "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear"
Since my photos are located on external drive, it is required to have a tool which is located on that drive and it should work on all OS. like "Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers"
And this tool must do the job fast. you know "A pair of Leather Clogs" and "Undergrowth With A Couple"
And fun "Still Life with Absinthe" in "Bedroom in Arles"
$ java -jar vincent-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Copyright Maxim Shytikov (C) 2012
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.