ipa.csv - List of IPA symbols and basic characteristics
ipaFeatures.csv - Features for IPA symbols (generated from ipa.csv
using PhoneFeatures.makeFeaturesFile
phoneInventory.csv - List of valid phones for each language
dist.asjp-phonPattern.consonants.csv - ASJP database phonetic patterns (see http://email.eva.mpg.de/~wichmann/languages.htm)
dist.asjp-phonPattern.vowels.csv - See above
dist.ipa-mielke-acoustic.csv - Phonetic distance by Mielke et al. (see http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~jmielke/)
twl.ipa.tsv.bz2 - English IPA pronunciations scraped from dictionary.com for the official scrabble TWL06 wordlist (data\wordlists\scrabble\TWL06.txt
- may also include some words from
- scraping code at
- scraped result at data share:
- final cleaning using
twl.glosses.tsv.bz2 - English glosses for twl.ipa.tsv.bz2
scrapped from dictionary.com
mrc2.dct.bz2 - Machine Readable Corpus of psycholinguistic data from [http://www.psych.rl.ac.uk/]
en.aoa.csv.bz2 - Age of acquisition data
enwikitionary-ipa.tsv.bz2 - English IPA pronunciations from Wikitionary (quality is poor)
en.syllables.yml - English syllabification rules (from Ruby syllabifier)
en.freqList.50k.txt.bz2 - Most frequent English words
fr-combined.ipa.tsv.bz2 - Combined French IP pronunciations from freedict and Wikitionary
fr-freedict-ipa.tsv.bz2 - French IPA pronunciations from freedict
frwikitionary-ipa.tsv.bz2 - French IPA pronunciations from Wikitionary (quality is poor)
fr.freqList.50k.txt.bz2 - Most frequent French words
fr.syllables.yml - French syllabification rules (constructed from French prounciation rules)
fr-imageability.tsv - French words imageability downloaded from omninet
de-freedict-ipa.tsv.bz2 - German IPA pronunciations from freedict
de.freqList.50k.txt.bz2 - Most frequent German words
zh-cedict-full.tsv.bz2 - Chinese (Mandarin) IPA pronunciations from CEDICT
zh.freqList.50k.txt.bz2 - Most frequent Chinese words
zh.tones.csv - Mandarin tones to IPA symbols
ja-edict-full.tsv.bz2 - Japanese IPA pronunciations from EDICT
ja.freqList.45k.txt.bz2 - Most frequent Japanese words
katakana2ipa.csv - Translating from Katakana to IPA
evaluation-ellis-keywords.csv - List of 36 German to English words for evaluating the effectiveness of keywords for foreign language learning from Ellis and Beacon
evaluation-slanguage-books.csv - List of suggested keywords/keyphrase from slanguage.com
evaluation-pressley-keywords.csv List of 20 Spanish to English words from Pressley
wordsim353.csv Similarity of 353 English words from http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gabr/resources/data/wordsim353/