This repo contains demo for Nairobi Google DevFest
This repo has the following folders and files
├── Vagrantfile
├── ansible
│ ├── deploy.yml
│ ├── inventory
│ │ ├── hosts
│ │ └── vars
│ │ └── variables.yml
│ ├── provision.yml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── default.j2
│ └── variables.yml
├── ansible.cfg
├── bin
│ ├── deploy
│ └── setup
└── ssh.config
The tree above shows the folders and files to be used in this demo
This folder holds all the ansible related files, these include inventory, variables and playbooks
├── ansible
│ ├── deploy.yml
│ ├── inventory
│ │ ├── hosts
│ │ └── vars
│ │ └── variables.yml
│ ├── provision.retry
│ ├── provision.yml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── default.j2
│ └── variables.yml
This folder contains variables and host files used by ansible playbooks
├── inventory
│ ├── hosts
│ └── vars
│ └── variables.yml
This folder contains variables file. This variables will be used by the playbooks
└── vars
└── variables.yml
This folder contains templates used by the playbooks to copy files to the server.
├── templates
│ └── default.j2
This repo contains 3 playbooks namely;
- this playbook will be used to load variablesprovision.yml
- This playbook is used to provision (setup) server for app deploymentdeploy.yml
- This playbook is used to build and deploy the app to the server
This repo has two inventory files
- This inventory files contains all the variables required in the playbookshosts
- This inventory file contains the hosts domains/ip addresses ansible will use to access the server
This repo contains only 1 template file
- This contains the nginx configuration template
These are files used to setup both ansible vagrant
- Contains vagrant VM configurationsansible.cfg
- Contains information ansible will use to run the playbooks e.g inventory, ssh options e.t.cssh.config
- Contains ssh configuration information
There are two bash scripts used to abstract ansible commands
- This scripts runs the provision playbookbin/deploy
- This script runs the deploy playbook
Below are the steps on how to use the scripts
The Demo server used in this exercise is provisioned using vagrant, Ensure you have it installed. Run vagrant up to start the server
$ vagrant up
After the server is up and running- you can confirm this by running vagrant status. Use the scripts in the bin folder to run both provision and deploy playbooks.
# provision your server (setup server for app deployment)
$ chmod u+x bin/setup
$ bin/setup ( you can add -vvv for verbose)
# Deploy the app from github
$ chmod u+x bin/deploy
$ bin/deploy ( you can add -vvv for verbose)