lein test
- Nothing but the Truth
- Simple Math
- Intro to Strings
- Intro to Lists
- Lists: conj
- Intro to Vectors
- Vectors: conj
- Intro to Sets
- Sets: conj
- Intro to Maps
- Maps: conj
- Intro to Sequences
- Sequences: rest
- Intro to Functions
- Double Down
- Hello World
- Sequences: map
- Sequences: filter
- Last Element
- Penultimate Element
- Nth Element
- Count a Sequence
- Reverse a Sequence
- Sum It All Up
- Find the odd numbers
- Fibonacci Sequence
- Palindrome Detector
- Flatten a Sequence
- Get the Caps
- Compress a Sequence
- Pack a Sequence
- Duplicate a Sequence
- Replicate a Sequence
- Implement range
- Local bindings
- Let it Be
- Regular Expressions
- Maximum value
- Interleave Two Seqs
- Interpose a Seq
- Drop Every Nth Item
- Factorial Fun
- Reverse Interleave
- Rotate Sequence
- Intro to Iterate
- Flipping out
- Contain Yourself
- Intro to Some
- Split a Sequence
- Split by Type
- Advanced Destructuring
- Intro to Destructuring
- [_] Longest Increasing Sub-Seq
- [_] Partition a Sequence
- [_] Count Occurrences
- [_] Find Distinct Items
- Simple Recursion
- [_] Function Composition
- [_] Juxtaposition
- [_] Sequence Reductions
- Map Construction
- [_] Re-implement Iterate
- [_] Group a Sequence
- Intro to Reduce
- [_] Black Box Testing
- Greatest Common Divisor
- [_] Prime Numbers
- Recurring Theme
- [_] Merge with a Function
- [_] Word Sorting
- Rearranging Code: ->
- Rearranging Code: ->>
- [_] Analyze a Tic-Tac-Toe Board
- [_] Filter Perfect Squares
- [_] Euler's Totient Function
- [_] Intro to Trampoline
- [_] Anagram Finder
- [_] Reimplement Trampoline
- [_] Triangle Minimal Path
- [_] Perfect Numbers
- Set Intersection
- [_] Word Chains
- A Half-Truth
- [_] Transitive Closure
- [_] Power Set
- [_] Happy numbers
- [_]
- [_] Symmetric Difference
- [_] Graph Tour
- [_] Cartesian Product
- [_] Graph Connectivity
- [_] Read Roman numerals
- [_] Partially Flatten a Sequence
- [_] Game of Life
- [_] To Tree, or not to Tree
- [_] Beauty is Symmetry
- [_] Pascal's Triangle
- [_] Equivalence Classes
- [_] Product Digits
- [_] Least Common Multiple
- [_] Levenshtein Distance
- [_] intoCamelCase
- [_] Generating k-combinations
- [_] Write Roman Numerals
- [_] Identify keys and values
- [_] Number Maze
- [_] Simple closures
- [_] Lazy Searching
- [_]
- [_] Sequence of pronunciations
- [_] Crossword puzzle
- [_] Sequs Horribilis
- [_] Making Data Dance
- [_] Global take-while
- [_] The Balance of N
- [_] Prime Sandwich
- [_] For Science!
- [_] Re-implement Map
- [_] Win at Tic-Tac-Toe
- [_] Sum of square of digits
- [_] Universal Computation Engine
- [_] Read a binary number
- [_]
- [_] Analyze Reversi
- [_] Gus' Quinundrum
- [_] Through the Looking Class
- [_] Love Triangle
- [_] Recognize Playing Cards
- [_]
- [_] Tree reparenting
- [_] Sum Some Set Subsets
- [_] Insert between two items
- [_]
- A nil key
- [_] Infix Calculator
- [_]
- [_] Digits and bases
- [_] Squares Squared
- [_]
- [_] Veitch, Please!
- [_] Tricky card games
- [_]
- [_] dot product
- [_] Oscilrate
- [_] For the win
- [_] Trees into tables
- [_] Pascal's Trapezoid
- [_] The Big Divide
- [_]
- [_] Palindromic Numbers
- [_]
- [_] Latin Square Slicing
- [_] Pairwise Disjoint Sets
- [_]
- [_]
- Map Defaults
- [_] Indexing Sequences
- [_] Decurry
- [_]
- [_]
- Subset and Superset
- Logical falsity and truth
- [_] Language of a DFA
- [_]
- [_]
- Comparisons
- [_]
- [_] Infinite Matrix