Babel plugin that polyfills browser features.
Bringing @mrhenry/polyfill-library to your babel flow.
Maintaining a correct but minimal polyfill bundle from @mrhenry/polyfill-library is a manual process and prone to errors. Babel however knows which features you actually used and the environment you are targeting. Bringing the two together works for us, we hope it does for you too.
npm install --save-dev @mrhenry/babel-plugin-core-web
yarn add --dev @mrhenry/babel-plugin-core-web
module.exports = function(api) {
Optionally cache the babel config
return {
plugins: [
// Use browserslist default :
module.exports = function(api) {
Optionally cache the babel config
return {
plugins: [
// A custom browserslist config :
["@mrhenry/core-web", {
browserslist: [
"last 2 versions",
module.exports = function(api) {
Optionally cache the babel config
return {
plugins: [
["@mrhenry/core-web", {
browsers: {
chrome: "31",
firefox: "26",
edge: "12",
opera: "26",
safari: "8",
ie: "11",
const babelPresetEnv = require( '@babel/preset-env' );
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
comments: false,
plugins: [
browserslist: [
"last 2 versions",
presets: [
corejs: '^3.6.3',
targets: {
browsers: ...,
useBuiltIns: 'usage',
exclude: [
// core-web-ignore @mrhenry/core-web/modules/console.warn
/* core-web-ignore @mrhenry/core-web/modules/console.error */
/*! core-web-ignore @mrhenry/core-web/modules/console.table */
console.warn('A warning!'); /* no polyfill because it is marked as ignored above */
console.error('An error'); /* no polyfill because it is marked as ignored above */
console.table(['A table']); /* no polyfill because it is marked as ignored above */
import "@mrhenry/core-web/modules/Element.prototype.after";
If have any trouble using @mrhenry/babel-plugin-core-web
please open an issue here. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
If a polyfill is missing from this plugin please open an issue here.
We do take the specification status into consideration before adding new polyfills.